According to witnesses traducir portugués
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Well, according to witnesses'testimony... this massacre was the work of ninjas.
Segundo as testemunlhas e as provas. Este massacre foi feito por ninjas.
According to witnesses, the man started shouting at Hobbes who was off duty at the time.
Segundo testemunhas, o homem começou a gritar para Hobbes, que estava fora de serviço.
According to witnesses...
De acordo com testemunhas...
According to witnesses, she just stumbled into the street.
De acordo com testemunhas, ela cambaleou para a estrada.
According to witnesses her husband, Oh Daesu drank often causing trouble with his wife and neighbors said they fought frequently
De acordo com testemunhas, o marido, Oh Deasu, bêbado, causa frequentemente problemas com a sua mulher e os vizinhos dizem que discutiam frequentemente.
According to witnesses at the bar, Bull spent the whole night...
Segundo testemunhas no bar, o Bull passou a noite...
According to witnesses there were a dust out in the parking lot.
De acordo com as testemunhas levantou-se pó no parque de estacionamento.
Apparently, according to witnesses, she just got out of her car - and ran into traffic.
Ao que parece, segundo as testemunhas, ela saiu do carro e correu para o meio da rua.
According to witnesses.
- Segundo as testemunhas.
According to witnesses, Mrs. Gannon's late husband, a Philip Reynolds, was traveling too fast to navigate a turn not too far from his office.
De acordo com testemunhas, o primeiro marido da Mrs Gannon deslocava-se a alta velocidade e não conseguiu dar a curva.
According to witnesses, this man entered from the ambulance bay, came in here and started firing.
Então... De acordo com testemunhas, este homem entrou do compartimento da ambulância, entrou aqui e começou a disparar.
According to witnesses, he came in and fired into ceiling.
Segundo as testemunhas, ele entrou e disparou para o tecto.
According to witnesses, she was inebriated flirting with the suspects and went in willingly.
Segundo testemunhas, ela estava alcoolizada, tendo namoriscado os suspeitos e ido de livre vontade.
She invited some friends here for the party according to witnesses, that didn't go over too well.
Convidou alguns amigos para virem cá, a uma festa. Que, segundo testemunhas, não correu lá muito bem.
According to witnesses, these foxes walked around Nam Mountain as if it were their home.
Segundo testemunhas, estas raposas andarão pela montanha Nam como se fosse o seu lar,
According to witnesses, one minute he lit up, the next minute he blew up.
Segundo as testemunhas, num minuto acendeu o cigarro, No segundo minuto explodiu
According to witnesses, it wasn't Masters.
De acordo com testemunhas, não foi o Masters.
According to witnesses,
De acordo com a testemunha...
According to witnesses, the whole thing happened in less than 2 minutes.
De acordo com uma testemunha, tudo aconteceu em menos de dois minutos.
Because, according to witnesses, you were arguing with her in the middle of the Titan exhibit.
Porque segundo testemunhas, estava a discutir com ela no meio da exposição de Titãs.
According to witnesses, the stolen police car ended up on this roof courtesy of Black Lightning, most likely as a warning to the criminals of our city.
Segundo as testemunhas, a viatura da polícia roubada acabou neste telhado graças à Super Máquina Russa, provavelmente como aviso para os criminosos da nossa cidade.
According to witnesses, he is shouting for help.
Segundo testemunhas, está a gritar por socorro.
Okay, according to witnesses, brown coveralls is saying,
Certo, segundo as testemunhas, o de macaco laranja está dizendo,
According to witnesses, the assailant, in the 2nd-floor restaurant, threw a grenade to the floor below.
Segundo testemunhas, o agressor subiu ao segundo andar e atirou uma granada para o andar de baixo.
According to witnesses, several gunmen opened fire... -... instantly killing the ambassador. - They got him at the airport.
Segundo testemunhas vários atiradores dispararam e mataram logo o Embaixador.
Not according to witnesses.
Não, de acordo com testemunhas.
Police are pursuing the suspect who, according to witnesses, murdered a man by running him over with a car and then shooting him.
A policia está a perseguir o suspeito que, segundo testemunhas,... assassinou um homem, atropelando-o...
They were 20 feet apart and, according to witnesses, went down within one second of each other.
Estavam a 6 metros um do outro, e foram abatidos no espaço de um segundo.
According to witnesses, Renny was inside his trailer when it caught fire, and then exploded.
Segundo testemunhas, o Renny estava no trailer quando este pegou fogo e explodiu.
" You have declared your consent before myself and the witnesses gathered here to marry according to the rite of the Holy Roman Church.
" Declarou o seu consentimento, perante mim e as testemunhas aqui reunidas em casar segundo os ritos da Igreja Católicato Romana.
According to those witnesses.
- Segundo as testemunhas.
According to procedure, the Holy Office is bound to keep the witnesses'names secret, in order to avoid any vengeance coming from the heretics.
Segundo as normas, o Santo Ofício é obrigado a manter segredo, sobre os nomes das testemunhas, para as defender da vingança dos hereges!
- I didn't understand, madam. -... before the accused, in Cardinal Madruzzi's house,... placed in Navona Square, by notary Flaminio Adriano, and this is confirmed by the witnesses, According to procedure, the sentence has been read...
Segundo estabelecem as normas, a sentença foi lida,
According to eye-witnesses, the victim raced out of the elevator at high speed smashed through a window and fell eighty-six floors to his death.
Queres, Mark? chocou contra uma janela e sofreu uma queda mortal de 86 andares.
According to some witnesses, he has nothing to apologize for.
De acordo com as testemunhas, ele não precisa se desculpar.
According to this, he offered up only two witnesses... in his defense.
Diz aqui que ele só apresentou duas testemunhas,
'Cause according to these witnesses over here, he has a gun he has used that gun and let's pray to God that he doesn't use it again.
Porque de acordo com estas testemunhas aqui, ele tem uma arma... ele usou a arma e vamos rezar que não a use de novo.
According to the surviving witnesses, this girl looked like one of many that night.
De acordo com testemunhas sobreviventes esta rapariga era uma, das muitas nessa noite.
According to the police report, there's been no determination... of cause of death, no witnesses.
Segundo o relatório da Polícia, a causa de morte é indeterminada, não há testemunhas.
According to all witnesses, you have nothing to feel guilty about.
Segundo todas as testemunhas, não tem por que se sentir culpado.
According to the report, we have no witnesses.
Segundo o relatório, não há testemunhas.
According to the florist and two witnesses, the vic was standing here picking out flowers when she went down.
Segundo a florista e duas testemunhas, Ela estava de pé a escolher umas flores quando foi abatida.
According to multiple eye witnesses, lives were, in fact, endangered.
De acordo com várias testemunhas oculares, houve mesmo vidas em risco. ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS - HELLBOY A AJUDAR OU A PREJUDICAR?
According to the witnesses, the shooter took out the security camera first, just like the previous robberies.
- Segundo as testemunhas, o atirador eliminou primeiro a câmara, como nos roubos anteriores.
According to the witnesses, he entered alone.
De acordo com as testemunhas, ele entrou sozinho.
According to the first witnesses, shots were fired in the club at 1 am
Foi reportado um tiroteio à porta do clube à 1 da manhã.
According to witnesses... - Oh, my God. -...
- Segundo testemunhas, o Queen só foi impedido de continuar a agressão quando apareceram cidadãos...
Hey. So, according to the witnesses,
De acordo com as testemunhas,
According to our witnesses.
De acordo com as nossas testemunhas.
Well, according to live witnesses regarding the recent events currently taking place in Montgomery County, where an explosion has happened.
Estamos a informar em directo a respeito dos factos recentes... que ocorreram no distrito de Montgomery... Onde houve uma explosão.
According to Flack, all the witnesses at the club saw Josh throwing a lot of money around.
De acordo com o Flack, as testemunhas no clube viram o Josh a gastar muito.
according to her 66
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to you 115
according to the police 21
according to the records 17
according to the legend 19
according to my calculations 42
according to 41
according to our records 22
according to legend 40
according to my research 22
according to you 115
according to the police 21
according to the records 17