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Beat him up traducir portugués

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- I'm sorry I didn't really beat him up.
- Que pena nao lhe ter dado uma sova.
They're going to beat him up.
Vão espancá-lo.
They beat him up.
Eles espancaram-no.
Pulled his sword when he lost, so the three of us beat him up.
Sacou da espada quando perdeu, e então nós os três demos-lhe uma sova.
Beat him up?
They beat him up so bad, he died in his mother's arms.
Bateram-lhe tanto que ele morreu nos braços da mãe.
You say if these folks hand Jube over, you won't beat him up?
Dizes que se eles te entregarem o Jube não lhe bates?
Beat him up?
Ever since he was five, his father beat him up regularly.
Desde os 5 anos que o pai lhe batia regularmente.
I could beat him up with one arm.
Arrumava-o só com uma mão.
For sure, or we'll beat him up.
Certo, claro. Senão damos-lhe uma tareia.
I'm gonna beat him up again.
Vou espancá-Io outra vez.
- I'll beat him up if you want.
Posso partir-lhes a cara se quiseres?
Beat him up! You all, beat him!
Espancai o monge!
They would select a victim and then threaten to beat him up... if he paid them the so-called "protection" money.
Escolhiam uma vítima e ameaçavam espancá-la se ela lhes pagasse o dito dinheiro da protecção.
They selected another victim and threatened not to beat him up if he didn't pay them.
Neste esquema, escolhiam outra vítima e ameaçavam não a espancar se ela não lhes pagasse.
In this the victim was threatened if he didn't pay them, they would beat him up.
Nesta, a vítima era ameaçada de que, se não pagasse, seria espancada.
Beat him up!
You gonna hang the boy, too? Or just beat him up some more?
Também vão enforcar o garoto ou vão só bater-lhe mais?
He claims you've been following him. And beat him up.
Diz que você o anda a seguir e lhe bateu.
I beat him up!
Eu bati-lhe!
Beat him up heavily!
Want me to go and beat him up?
Quer que eu vá e vencê - lo?
Well, I beat him up too.
Bem, Eu batia-lhe também.
I remember I tried to beat him up one time just to get him to tell me what was in the note.
Lembro-me de tentar bater-lhe uma vez só para fazê-lo dizer o que tinha aquele recado.
'Spider Mike's in jail and they beat him up bad.
- O Wallace prendeu o Mike Aranha.
Beat him up!
Deiam cabo dele!
That bastard son of yours beat him up!
O safado do teu filho bateu-lhe.
Oh, my. He really beat him up.
Foi uma surra e tanto.
Let's at least beat him up.
- Vamos espancá-lo, ao menos.
Cause to me, I don't think nobody else can beat that young nigger, myself, cause he just, ali didn't really beat him up.
Porque eu acho que ninguém consegue bater aquele jovem preto.
But you blame your apprentice ; even beat him up... in order to save your face.
Gozaram com ele, torturaram-no sem razão nenhuma.
- When you beat him up.
- Quando lhe deste uma tareia.
- Then why'd you beat him up?
- E porque é que lhe bateste?
If a guy puts up a struggle, they beat him up. He winds up in the funny farm, and...
Um tipo defende-se, eles dão-lhe porrada, ele acaba a bater mal no manicómio.
Beat him up!
Just half beat him up. If you want to fight someone.
Não o mate, se queres brigar.
You beat him up then shot him- -
Bateu-lhe e alvejou-o...
I picked up a bullwhip, and I beat him!
Peguei um chicote e o açoitei.
- Let him pick it up and beat it.
- Deixe-o Ieva-Io e ir-se embora.
He just naturally would like to beat up on anything that was smaller than him.
Ele gostava de bater em qualquer coisa menor do que ele.
I rushed right into the ballroom, spotted him on the floor ran up to him and started to beat him in the face and the chest with my fists till Cousin Sebastian took me away.
Entrei na sala de baile, vi-o na pista corri em direcçäo a ele e comecei a bater-lhe na cara e no tronco com os punhos até que o primo Sebastian me levou.
- Did you beat him up?
I gotta beat him up!
Eu tenho que o espancar!
She beat him up.
Ela deu-lhe uma tareia.
- Caesar has had him shut up in the... dungeon of the palace, please don't beat me anymore.
César tem-lo trancado nas masmorras do palácio. Por favor não me batam mais.
After they beat him up.
Vês o que aqueles sacanas me fizeram?
But I'd be happy to beat up on him some more.
Mas gostaria de o espancar outra vez.
Now, Scarlett didn't go to all that trouble to beat a murder rap... just so he can release your daughter who can send him up for kidnapping.
O Scarlett não se deu a este trabalho para enfrentar uma pena por homicídio. Não vai libertar a sua filha para o condenarmos por sequestro.
Get up and beat him.
Levanta-te e bate-lhe.
[ Neon lights [ l'm gonna beat him, if he don't shut up.
- Se ele não se cala, bato-lhe.

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