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Hank you traducir portugués

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You ever gonna fix that kayak of yours, Hank?
Não reparas o teu caiaque, Hank?
Hank, would you come up here, please?
Hank, podes vir até aqui?
Hollywood doesn't want something else from the unrepentant asshole that brought you Crazy Little Thing Called Love One... - Hank. ... and Dos?
Então, Hollywood não quer mais nada do sacana impenitente que lhes deu "Crazy Little Thing Called Love 1 e 2"?
Hank, I told you to play nice, didn't I? I told you not to fuck the director's wife.
Disse para te portares bem e para não comeres a mulher do realizador.
I was kinda looking forward to the new Hank Moody book too, you know?
Também esperava ansioso pelo novo livro do Hank Moody.
Pleasure to have you at the Harry Greenberg Agency, Hank.
- Bem-vindo à Harry Greenberg.
- Why you gotta be like that? Was it good, Hank?
- Por que tens de ser assim?
- Let it go, it's not worth but just now when you said you were sorry, it didn't really sound like you were sincere to me.
Esquece, Hank. Não vale a pena... - Quando pediu desculpa...
Why would you let me do that, Hank?
Por que me deixaste fazer isto?
I'm in love with you, Hank Moody.
Estou apaixonada por si, Hank Moody.
You are my best friend, Hank.
És o meu melhor amigo, Hank.
Hank, didn't you get the memo?
Hank, não te avisaram?
You must be Hank and Karen.
Vocês devem ser o Hank e a Karen.
I'd like to introduce you to Richard Bates, the writer.
Hank Moody, apresento-lhe Richard Bates, o escritor.
Yeah, and then you had to go and knock him off the wagon.
E o Hank teve de o atirar para a bebida.
You know, as your TA, I'm happy to read the students'material and suggest a grade, but, you know, you're supposed to read it also.
Como assistente, leio o material dos alunos e sugiro notas, mas o Hank também devia ler.
- Thank you, Hank. I changed my mind.
- Obrigado, Hank.
You're the mentor, you know?
- É o Hank o mentor, sabia?
Love... Vampires and shit. - We're not attacking you, Hank.
- Da vida, do amor, de vampiros...
Look, Hank. I know you're not exactly what anyone would call an education professional. But my wife went out on a limb for you.
Sei que não é o que se apelida de profissional da educação, mas a minha mulher correu um risco por si.
You too, Hank. Correct?
- O Hank também vem, certo?
You don't wanna park there.
Hank, não estacione aí.
You know what did the trick, Hank? What sent me over the edge after weeks of resisting?
Sabes o que deu cabo de tudo, o que me fez capitular depois de semanas de cerco?
Next thing you know, my phone is ringing for Hank Moody.
Quando deres por ti, o meu telefone estará a chamar por causa do Hank Moody.
What are you doing later, Hank? Party at my place.
O que vais fazer mais logo, Hank?
See you, Hank.
Até logo, Hank.
You were my best friend, Hank.
Tu eras o meu melhor amigo, Hank.
- Hank! - I want you all to listen to me for once!
Quero que me escutem, por uma vez.
- Did you, Hank?
- Tentaste, Hank?
You're not gonna "Mr Hank" your way out of this one, Chelsea.
Não te safas com falinhas mansas, Chelsea.
You limping, Hank?
- A coxear, Hank?
- Do not hang up. Hey! - Honey, you're pixellating.
Hank, não desligues.
Hank, are you trying to piss me off?
- Estás a tentar chatear-me?
I know you're in there, Hank Moody.
Sei que estás aí, Hank Moody.
I'm in love with you, Hank Moody.
Estou apaixonada por ti, Hank Moody.
I want to spend the rest of my days with someone I feel passionate about, someone who gives me butterflies, and for better or for worse, Hank, that someone is you.
"Quero passar o resto da minha vida com alguém por quem sinta paixão, e me deixe nervosa." Para o bem e para o mal, esse alguém é o Hank.
What could you possibly say, Hank, to take away the hurt and the pain of being cuckolded?
O que poderia possivelmente dizer para tirar a dor e a mágoa de ser encornado?
No, I don't want to hit you, Hank.
- Não quero bater-lhe.
Well, you know.
O Hank sabe.
- And you're coming with us.
- E o Hank vem connosco. - É uma péssima ideia.
Are you in love with my wife, Hank?
- Está apaixonado pela minha mulher?
You win, Hank Moody.
Ganhou, Hank Moody.
Hank, I asked you to do one thing.
Hank, só te pedi para fazeres uma coisa.
You got it, Hank.
- Está bem, Hank.
Since the day I met you, Hank, you have never been able to accept the things you can't change.
Desde o dia em que te conheci, Hank, nunca foste capaz de aceitar as coisas que não podes mudar.
You're related to Hank?
És parente do Hank?
You know Hank saved my life?
Sabes que o Hank me salvou a vida?
Please, Hank, you have to save him.
Hank, por favor... tem de o salvar.
Hank, you're up to your eyes in debt with no income to service that debt, and your bills back in Brooklyn, they're stacking up like buckwheat pancakes.
Hank, estás endividado e sem meios para pagar a dívida, e tens as contas a acumular-se em Brooklyn como panquecas.
Nice meeting you, Divya.
- Hank. - Prazer em conhecer-te, Divya.
Gladly, because I think what happened to you is unacceptable, Hank, and we need to change the things that we can't accept.
Com prazer. Porque acho que o que te aconteceu é inaceitável, Hank. E temos de mudar as coisas que não aceitamos.

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