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He got him traducir portugués

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- He got him.
- Ele conseguiu.
But unfortunately, the Detective who got to Andre first went at him way too hard. Now he's completely despondent and shut down.
Mas, infelizmente, os detectives que falaram com o André primeiro, forçaram as coisas e, agora, ele está completamente fechado.
- So you're saying that Micah Conley, this blue-chip prospect, comes to Chicago for surgery, finds out he's got a long-lost twin, and then he kills him?
- Estás a dizer que o Micah Conley, este atleta com potencial, vem a Chicago para uma cirurgia, descobre que tem um irmão gémeo, e, depois, mata-o?
He's got something strapped to him.
Ele tem qualquer coisa agarrado a ele.
No, he's got a northern-y you do him well. He's got a northern sound.
Se queres imitá-lo, faz o sotaque certo.
That bastard's blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit, but, you know, he got off on a technicality, so... him and his wife and his two little kids, well, they live in that house,
O nível de álcool dele era três vezes acima do limite legal, mas ele safou-se devido a um erro técnico, portanto... Ele, a mulher dele e os dois filhos pequenos vivem naquela casa, felizes para sempre.
They found Allan, you know my boss, Allan? He'd been missing from work for a couple of days, everybody got very worried, so one of his friends went over and broke into his house. And they found him and his girlfriend dead.
Encontraram o Alan, sabes, o meu chefe Alan, já há alguns dias que não ia trabalhar, e estavam todos preocupados, por isso, um dos amigos entrou em casa dele e encontrou-o a ele e à namorada mortos.
You've got a kid chained up in your basement and you're talking about experimenting on him like he's some kind of rat, when you're not talking about torturing him.
Tem um miúdo preso na sua cave e está a falar em fazer experiências com ele como se fosse algum rato, isto quando não está a falar em torturá-lo.
And maybe he figured out the truth about Cobra after he sent me that letter and somebody got to him before we could.
Talvez tenha descoberto a verdade sobre o "Cobra" depois de me enviar a carta e, alguém o apanhou antes de nós.
I always got the feeling that he was scared of him.
Sempre achei que o meu pai tinha medo dele.
We got to carry him,'cause he can't fly on his own.
Temos que o levar ao colo, porque não se safa sozinho.
He's got a long road ahead of him and he knows it.
Não podia estar mais orgulhosa.
He's got no money, and like a thousand people looking for him.
Ele não tem dinheiro e andam à procura dele.
Because he had heard of him. Listen, we got a report from a mounted cop that can place in Central Park the night of the rape.
ele já tinha ouvido falar dele. na noite da violação.
He said his time in juvie got him away from Jenna, and he was actually grateful to me.
Disse que o tempo que passou no reformatório o afastou da Jenna e ficou-me grato.
He's got more monitors connected to him than Arkham has lunatics.
Tem mais câmaras em cima dele, do que lunáticos em Arkham.
He is got professional body guards around him at all times.
Está sempre rodeado por seguranças profissionais.
But he said the more I deprived him, the hungrier he got.
Mas ele disse que quanto mais eu o privava, mais fome ele ganharia.
In late 1998, Jackson alleged that David Protess contacted him and told him that if he helped free Anthony Porter he would work to get him out of jail. And that there would be money waiting for him when he got out.
No final de 1998, Jackson alegou que Protess o contactou e lhe disse que se ajudasse a libertar Anthony Porter, ele tentaria tirá-lo da prisão e que haveria dinheiro à sua espera quando saísse.
Ciolino got the confession and then handed him over to his office mate and his own personal attorney to represent him and tell him that he had to plead guilty.
Ciolino conseguiu a confissão e passou Simon para o colega e o seu próprio advogado para o representar e dizer-lhe que devia admitir a culpa.
He's good, your son's got a magic touch, so I got to liking him.
O Daniele é bom. O seu filho tem mãos de ouro. Acabei por me afeiçoar a ele.
When he does get back, we've got something very special planned for him.
Quando ele voltar vamos ter algo muito especial preparado para ele.
Wherever they got him, he ain't in the quarter.
Onde quer que eles o tenham, não é no "Quarter".
If he starts to get a fever, you've got to get him to the hospital. Understand?
Se começares a ter febre, precisas de o levar ao hospital.
Mr. Kenneth was getting stronger. He wanted to take back control of his business, so you made him fall to get rid of him, just like you got rid of Mrs. Didi and miss Lucinda.
Sr. Kenneth estava a melhorar, queria voltar a gerir os negócios, então, fê-lo cair para se livrar dele, assim como se livrou da Sra. Didi e da Miss Lucinda.
All the nights he'd be up and stuff, the dog would be up too with him and that would keep her awake most of the nights and this is kind of where the tension got pretty high.
Ele passava as noites em claro, o cão ficava ao lado dele, e isso não a deixava dormir a maioria das noites e foi então que a tensão aumentou bastante.
He looks awake, but inside, it's lights out, so we got to get him to my car, fast.
Ele parece acordado, mas, por dentro está apagado, temos que colocá-lo no meu carro, rápido.
He's got a cellphone on him.
Ele tem um telemóvel.
He's got that little whore with him.
E aquela cabra está com ele.
He has been courted by Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Munich, and we got him.
Foi aliciado por Boston Los Angeles, San Francisco, Munique e nós é que o conseguimos.
Maybe he found him ; that's what got him killed.
Talvez o tenha encontrado, e morreu por causa disso.
Well, either he got out of here in a hurry, or someone else came through looking for him.
E que também saiu com pressa, ou mais alguém veio à sua procura.
He's got the same build, the same tennies. - Who picked him up?
Mesma fisionomia, mesmos tênis.
Let me tell you something, okay? I got no designs on him, and he's got none on me, So if we're done with this little face-to-face...
Deixe-me dizer, não temos interesse um no outro, então, se acabámos com este cara a cara...
He was standing outside her building. Then he walked to his car, where she got a jump on him.
Estás à porta do prédio dela, e caminhas em direcção ao carro dele... onde o surpreendeu.
And when he uses his firm's clients'money to make his trades, we got him on wire fraud, conspiracy, money laundering...
E quando usar o dinheiro dos clientes da empresa para fazer as transacções, acusamo-lo por fraude electrónica, conspiração, lavagem de dinheiro...
Got him when he was a kid, filled his head full of crap for years, all so they could get him to do some bad stuff when he got older?
Apanharam-no quando era criança, encheram a sua cabeça de porcaria para que pudesse fazer coisas más quando crescesse?
I went looking for Carlos, I found him, he got away, I chased him, taxi, splat.
Eu procurei o Carlos, encontrei-o, ele fugiu, eu persegui-o, táxi, e caí.
He knows you got a court order and you're tracking him.
Ele sabe que tens uma ordem judicial e o andas a seguir.
And he's got a fine crowd outside rooting him on to health.
E tem lá fora uma multidão jeitosa a torcerem pela recuperação.
But then I guess he went out and got a little drunk pretty loaded, actually, and I didn't know what to do, so I told Dani, and she went out and found him.
Mas, depois, acho que ele saiu e voltou um pouco bêbado... Muito bêbado, na verdade. E eu não sabia o que fazer, portanto eu...
Unless, of course, he's got a servant who wipes his ass for him.
A não ser que tenha um criado que lhe limpe o traseiro.
First I met him on IRC, on Internet Relay Chat, he didn't just write code he also got people excited about solving problems, he was a connector the free culture movement, which had lot of his energy
Conheci-o no IRC, o Internet Relay Chat. INVENTOR DA WORLD WIDE WEB Ele não escrevia só código, ele também punha as pessoas...
He got hospitalized and he would take this cocktail pills everyday and one of these pills was a steroid which dauted his growth and made him feel different from any of the other students
Ele foi hospitalizado e tomava um cocktail de comprimidos todos os dias. Um desses comprimidos era um esteroide que atrofiou o crescimento dele e fê-lo sentir-se diferente de todos os outros alunos.
Got him. He's goin'west on 75th.
na 75ª.
He got a promotion in D.C., and he asked me to go with him so we can be together. Ah. My sister's Amy Welker.
Foi promovido para um cargo em Washington e perguntou-me se queria ir com ele, para que possamos ficar juntos.
No, sir. He was there. Only thing is, somebody else got him first.
O que acontece, é que alguém o apanhou primeiro.
He got a promotion in D.C., and he asked me to go with him.
Foi promovido para um cargo em Washington e perguntou-me se queria ir com ele.
That's when you two with the still-damp sneakers got on top of him and held him down until he drowned.
Foi nessa altura que vocês os dois... que ainda têm os ténis húmidos, se atiraram para cima dele e o seguraram de cabeça para baixo até se afogar.
Agent Keen, she fired, tried to stop him. But it happened too fast. He got away.
A Agente Keen atirou, ao tentar pará-lo, mas foi tudo muito rápido e ele fugiu.
And he's got this guard attached to a handcuff next to him.
E tinha um guarda algemado a ele.

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