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It never was traducir portugués

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Wow, the Van Houtens owned this for years, and never knew how much it was worth.
Os Van Houtens tiveram esta pintura durante anos, e nunca souberam o quanto ela valia.
It was never her painting.
A pintura nunca foi dela.
Well, we never caught the guy who did that robbery, but there's no evidence that it was Caleb.
Nunca encontramos o homem que fez aquele roubo, mas não há provas que fosse o Caleb.
It was never the time or the place.
Nunca foi a altura nem o sítio certo.
It was, like, the last hero left and I never played it before.
Faltava só um herói para escolher e eu nunca tinha jogado com ele. Faltava só um herói para escolher e eu nunca tinha jogado com ele.
It was never about the money.
- Isto nunca se tratou de dinheiro.
And I was never too pleased with the process that was followed there, because I thought it was too much in the hands of Mr. Slayton.
e nunca me agradou o processo que foi seguido... porque pensei que estava demasiado nas mãos do Sr. Slayton.
We were so tunnel-visioned when we were going to the moon, that we never had time to get off that big white horse we were riding until it was too late.
Tínhamos uma visão tão limitada quando íamos à lua que não tivemos tempo de desmontar daquele grande cavalo branco que montávamos até ser demasiado tarde.
No, I never said I was a lawyer, and what does it matter what I do anyway?
- Eu não disse que era advogada, - o que importa?
Because being a hostess was never enough for my restless mind, and I realized it was my childlike curiosity about how my niggers ticked.
Ser uma boa anfitriã nunca foi suficiente para a minha mente inquieta. E percebi que era a minha curiosidade infantil sobre como os meus negros funcionavam.
The great Leonardo da Vinci, who I'm certain was a warlock, although it's never been proven, in his masterpiece The Last Supper, depicted grilled eels, bread and wine on the table.
O grande Leonardo da Vinci, que decerto era feiticeiro apesar de nunca ter sido provado, na sua obra-prima, a Última Ceia, retratou enguias grelhadas, pão e vinho à mesa.
It was presented in court as evidence, then it was sent to the courthouse evidence room where it was checked out by the bailiff in Will's trial, Andrew Sykes, and it never went back.
Foi apresentada no tribunal como prova, então enviada à sala de provas e conferida pelo Oficial do julgamento, Andrew Sykes, e nunca voltou.
I never thought it was right that you were put in blackgate.
Nunca pensei que fosse correcto colocar-te em Blackgate.
It was never lost on me that the actions I took were sanctioned by the FBI.
Nunca perdi a noção de que algumas coisas que aqui fiz eram... condenáveis pelo FBI.
All this time, it was right in front of me, and I never saw it. No one saw it.
Todo este tempo, estava na minha frente, e eu nunca vi.
So it was that in 1712, the crown offered a prince's fortune to whomever could create a device that would allow its Navy to navigate this great emptiness with a precision never before known.
Foi assim que em 1712, A coroa oferecida a fortuna de um príncipe. A quem quer que poderia criar um dispositivo.
I never take it, but I was in a hurry to get home, you know?
Eu nunca a apanho, mas, estava com pressa para chegar em casa, sabes? Eu....
Dr. Whitmore never took it off, even when he was rooting around in our chest cavities.
O Dr. Whitmore nunca o tirou. Mesmo quando explorava as nossas entranhas.
Oh, it is, but it was never explicitly stated until now.
E é, mas não foi explícito até agora.
It was the life that we never could have had.
Era a vida que nunca teremos.
Don't you think it'd be easier if No Humanity Enzo just left for parts unknown... and was never heard from again?
Não achas que seria mais fácil se o Enzo sem humanidade partisse para um local desconhecido e... nunca mais desse notícias?
It was never really gonna get any better than this.
Nunca poderá ser melhor do que isto.
But because Robert Quinn was married to Callie's mom, and because his name is on her official birth certificate, yet he never signed it.
Mas por o Robert Quinn ter sido casado com a mãe da Callie, e por o seu nome constar na certidão de nascimento dela, mesmo que ele nunca tenha assinado.
She was never in it.
Ela nunca esteve no caixão.
It was your bastard brother I hunted, not you, never you.
Era o teu irmão bastardo que eu caçava, não a ti, nunca a ti.
Even if I'd never set foot inside, it would have been nice if there was something beautiful left standing after all of this.
Mesmo que eu nunca lá colocasse os pés dentro, teria sido simpático se houvesse algo bonito de pé, após tudo isto.
So I was you, I'd hand it over. Now before you get to wishing you ain't never even got out of bed this morning.
Se fosse a ti, entregava-o agora, antes que desejes não ter saído da cama.
- It was never personal.
- Nunca foi pessoal.
And I don't know why I never did anything to help him when it was happening.
E não sei porque nunca fiz nada para ajudá-lo quando estava a acontecer.
If it was up to me, you'd never set foot on this property again.
Se fosse eu que mandasse, nunca mais cá punhas os pés.
I was all ready for my DeLorean... but it never came.
Estava pronta para o meu DeLorean, mas ele nunca veio.
There was this mailing list for people who were working on RSS and XML more generally and there was a person on it named Aaron Swartz who was combatitive but very smart and who had lots of good ideas and he did never come to the face to face meetings and they said :
Havia uma mailing list para as pessoas que trabalhavam no RSS e no XML mais genericamente e havia lá alguém chamado Aaron Swartz, que era combativo, mas muito esperto... AUTOR, ATIVISTA E JORNALISTA AMIGO DO AARON... e que tinha muitas boas ideias. Ele nunca vinha às reuniões presenciais.
Everyone was trying to explain it in their own way but I have never seen people grieve on Twitter before.
Toda a gente tentava explicar, à sua maneira, mas nunca tinha visto pessoas a fazerem o luto no Twitter.
I filled it with schoolwork and ambition, but... deep down, I knew... it could never be filled, because... she was gone.
Preenchi o meu tempo com trabalhos da escola, consultório mas, no fundo, eu sabia... que nunca ia poder preencher, porque... ela tinha ido.
He was naive, inquisitive, very clever, and he had one copy of a very serious newspaper he never read, which, as you can see, is faded and stained, as though it's been left outside someplace.
Era ingênuo, curioso, e muito esperto. E tinha uma cópia de um jornal muito sério, que nunca lia, e que, como podes ver, está desbotado e manchado, como se tivesse sido largado em qualquer sítio ao ar livre.
I would have never thought it was her. Huh.
Nunca pensei que pudesse ser ela.
And he never mentioned what it was? No.
E ele nunca chegou a mencionar o que era?
I never told anyone this, but a few months before she died, she told me she was having an affair - - that it was real love, and she'd never been happier.
Eu nunca contei isto a ninguém, mas uns meses antes de morrer, ela disse-me que... estava a ter um caso, que era amor verdadeiro e que nunca se tinha sentido tão feliz.
She's still saying there was no wedding, that it never happened.
Ela ainda está a dizer que não havia casamento, que nunca aconteceu.
Hear my daddy tell it, you'd have thought Harlan County was hell on Earth. When I woke up here this morning, though, I never saw so much green.
Pelo que o meu pai dizia, seria de pensar que Harlan County era o inferno na Terra, mas quando acordei aqui hoje de manhã, nunca tinha visto tanto verde.
This whole time, you never once wondered if I was part of it?
Não te passou pela cabeça que podia estar envolvida nisso?
Was this why Al Gore, even as vice-president, never addressed the question of animal agriculture and never mentioned it his film "An Inconvenient Truth" or in his organisation the Climate Reality Project?
Terá sido por isso que o Al Gore, mesmo como vice-presidente, nunca abordou a questão da pecuária e não a mencionou no documentário "Uma Verdade Inconveniente", nem na sua organização, a Climate Reality Project?
I never thought I'd say this, not in a million years, but I just want to go back to the way it was before.
Nunca pensei que diria isto, nem por sombras, mas eu queria que as coisas voltassem a ser como eram.
Seriously, if I thought it was gonna cause all this drama, I never would've agreed to run lines with him.
se eu soubesse que iria causar este drama todo eu nunca teria concordado ensaiar as falas com ele.
It was never going to put her off.
Isso nunca a ia afastar.
But for him it's like, it's his last opportunity to tell people that he was never an informant, that our federal government is more corrupt in law enforcement than anyone ever imagined, even to this day in this trial, it's corrupt,
No caso do crime organizado, não devemos ter como alvo um líder. Queremos alguém mais ao nível da actividade criminosa, mas não necessariamente envolvido.
I never knew it existed. Did you recognize the information that was contained in it as anything that you would ever talk to John Connolly about?
O governo federal está tão desesperado em convencer todos que ele é informador.
And that something was not being an informant, it was something else. We've never revealed that information, but Jim will at trial, if Jim takes the stand.
Se for informador do FBI e líder de um gangue, o FBI está a validar o gangue.
I mean, it was never... never good enough for him.
As coisas nunca eram boas o suficiente para ele.
The thing people don't realize about the Gear Wars is that it was never really about the gears at all.
O que não percebem em relação às guerras das rodas é que o problema nunca foi das rodas.
It was never new ; it's a rental.
Nunca era novo ; é um aluguel.

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