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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ P ] / Perhaps we could

Perhaps we could traducir portugués

526 traducción paralela
Perhaps we could go and look in Boots, after we've eaten our knickerbocker glories.
Talvez pudessemos ir, e ver na'Boots', depois de termos comido o nosso gelado.
( translator ) Perhaps we could still have had a general strike.
Social-Democrata Talvez pudéssemos ter feito uma greve geral.
Perhaps we could drop you somewhere.
Poderíamos deixá-la em algum lado.
Perhaps we could follow it together?
Talvez pudéssemos segui-lo juntos?
Now, gentlemen, perhaps we could sit down with Mr. Tarzan and talk it over.
Cavalheiros, talvez podemos tentar dialogar com o Sr. Tarzan.
If we could afford cod-liver oil for our dogs... perhaps we could get ourselves a little bit of beef once in a while.
Se pudéssemos conseguir óleo de fígado de bacalhau para nossos cães... talvez conseguíssemos um bifinho de vez em quando.
Perhaps we could go to Paris sometime, couldn't we?
Talvez pudéssemos ir juntos a Paris um dia, que te parece?
I know everybody's in a terrible rush this morning but I thought perhaps we could have a few words together.
Sei que estâo todos com pressa, esta manhâ, mas talvez pudéssemos conversar.
Perhaps we could have helped.
Talvez pudéssemos ajudá-la.
Perhaps we could tip it and bring it back a bit like that.
Talvez inclinando-o um pouco para trás, assim.
Perhaps we could have dinner together, you know and... 9 : 30.
Talvez pudéssemos ir jantar juntos, sabe e... 21 : 30.
Or perhaps we could debate certain aspects of journalism.
Ou talvez pudéssemos debater alguns aspectos do jornalismo.
Perhaps we could have a word privately.
Talvez possamos falar em privado.
My lord, perhaps we could start?
- Meu senhor, será que pode começar?
Talvez possamos falar baixinho.
Well, if it's all the same to you, sir, perhaps we could be making our way home now, huh?
Bom, se tudo isto é igual para si, senhor, talvez pudéssemos voltar agora para casa?
- Perhaps we could lunch by the pool.
- Podíamos almoçar à beira da piscina.
- But perhaps we could...
- Talvez...
Perhaps we could sell him a pound at a time.
Poderíamos vendê-lo quilograma por quilograma.
You might stay with me, and perhaps we could have a spot of tea.
Podia ficar comigo e tomávamos um chá depois.
Perhaps we could get together later?
Talvez possamos ver-nos mais tarde?
Then perhaps we could quiet things down.
Talvez pudéssemos acalmar as coisas.
If you had come to see me earlier, perhaps we could have avoided all this bloodshed.
Se tivesses vindo ter comigo antes, talvez evitássemos todo este derramamento de sangue.
- Well, perhaps we could do a tribute to her on the show.
Talvez pudéssemos homenageá-la, - no programa. - Não...
Well, while we're doing that, uh... Perhaps we could have a look
Enquanto fazemos isso, podemos ver um filme mais antigo, Trafalgar.
If I could come in, perhaps we could get an idea of the colours you prefer.
Se eu puder entrar, podemos ter uma ideia das cores que prefere.
If time permits, perhaps we could talk.
Se o tempo o permitir, talvez possamos conversar.
I thought perhaps we could drive up together.
Pensei que talvez pudéssemos ir dar uma volta juntos.
Perhaps we could just pack up and leave.
Talvez pudéssemos fazer as malas e ir embora.
If we made an early start, perhaps we could have lunch in the village.
Se sairmos cedo talvez podemos almoçar na vila.
I thought perhaps today maybe we could -
Pensei que talvez hoje pudéssemos...
Perhaps if we could speak to your grandfather about it?
Talvez pudéssemos falar com o seu avô...
We thought, perhaps, you could tell us What mary and Carmel were really like.
Nós pensámos que talvez você pudesse contar-nos... como eram realmente Mary e Carmel.
Perhaps if he would just demonstrate his technique, we could improve it.
Ouve, Marcel... Se o cavalheiro quiser mostrar-nos a sua técnica... poderíamos ajudá-lo a melhorá-la.
Well, we could plan it more discreetly, perhaps.
Bem, se pudéssemos planeá-lo mais discretamente talvez?
Perhaps he'll give us a break. We could pay him off month by month.
Se ele nos fizesse um jeito, a gente ia pagando todos os meses.
Perhaps we're at fault, too, thinking that one man could stand up alone against a band of thieves and murderers.
Talvez, tivéssemos culpa também. Pensávamos que um homem sozinho se poderia opor, a uma quadrilha de ladrões e assassinos.
Perhaps if you were not French and I was not German, but we were just simply Europeans, we could learn something from each other, don`t you think?
Talvez se você não fosse francesa e eu alemão, mas simplesmente europeus, poderíamos aprender um com o outro, não acha?
We could have dinner afterwards, perhaps?
E... podíamos ir jantar depois, talvez?
But we could leave this place perhaps.
Mas talvez pudéssemos ir embora daqui.
Perhaps tomorrow we could talk.
Talvez possamos falar amanhã.
We were trying to find a certain house here in town... and we thought perhaps you could help us.
Estamos procurando uma certa casa aqui na cidade... e pensamos que você poderia nos ajudar.
Perhaps... we... cou... could both... make... an extra effort.
Talvez... nós... pudéssemos os dois fazer uma forcinha a mais.
Hey.. Perhaps if you talked to him we could change places
Talvez, se você falasse com ele, podíamos trocar de lugar.
Bem, querem 200.000 dólares para o devolver e achámos que talvez nos pudesse ajudar.
Perhaps if we gave away free tickets to the youth organisation annual sacrifice, all this could be avoided.
Talvez se déssemos bilhetes grátis para o sacrifício anual dos Mendach da organização juvenil, tudo isso podia ter sido evitado.
Perhaps if you'd be kind enough to tell us what your problem is then we could all have a go at discussing it or something.
Se nos disser qual é o problema, podemos tentar todos falar dele.
I'm sorry if we appear a little dense - perhaps you could explain.
Desculpe se estamos confusos. Talvez o senhor pudesse explicar.
If we was to point them in the right direction, perhaps they could blow us back on course.
Se os elefantes pudessem nadar, seria um bom empurrão... e estaríamos de volta numa corrente do sul antes de...
Perhaps we could risk the shuttlecraft.
Talvez possamos arriscar com a nave auxiliar.
Perhaps you could put in a good word for us So we can join a velly smart bingo club in coronworl.
Pither, talvez possa recomendar-nos para que possamos ir para clube de bingo chique em Coronworl.

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