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When we were married traducir portugués

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Well, when we were married, we didn't think about a war and... and I got all the furniture on the hire purchase.
Quando casámos, nem pensámos na guerra. Comprámos a mobília às prestações.
I weigh exactly the same as I did when we were married.
Eu peso exatamente o mesmo que pesava quando nos casamos.
When we were married, that phone would always ring and she'd never bat an eye.
O telefone nunca a despertava quando estávamos casados,.
When we were married, I always used to like this house
Quando nós éramos casados, eu costumava gostar desta casa.
You never said that when we were married.
Tu nunca disseste isso quando eramos casados.
My husband, well, my ex-husband, had an affair when we were married.
O meu marido, o meu ex-marido teve um caso quando éramos casados.
Of course, that was always his excuse when we were married.
É claro que isso era sempre a desculpa dele, quando estávamos casados.
I don't know why you didn't look this good when we were married.
Não sei porque não parecia tão bem quando estávamos casados.
Well, you never liked it flat when we were married.
- Não gostavas dela vazia quando estávamos casados.
I never liked anything when we were married.
- Nunca gostei de nada, enquanto fomos casados.
You didn't talk dirty when we were married.
Nunca falavas dessa forma ordinária quando estávamos casados.
Remember, when we were married, I wasn't having sex nearly as often as you were. Ouch!
Quando estávamos casados, a minha vida sexual era bem menos intensa que a tua.
The kind of fun you and Susan had when we were married.
Aquela diversão que tu e a Susan tinham, quando nós éramos casados.
I never returned your calls, even when we were married.
Não te devolvia chamadas nem quando éramos casados.
Remember how we were too drunk to remember anything when we were married?
Estávamos bêbados quando casámos e não nos lembrámos de nada.
Not even when we were married.
Nem sequer quando éramos casados.
When we were married, do you know what I never got?
Quando éramos casados, sabes o que eu nunca tive?
We were so glad there was no war coming. And when it really came I was engaged to be married, my husband and father went with the soldiers.
Estávamos felizes por não ter havido guerra e, agora que ela se aproximava, eu estava noiva.
When we were first married, it was orchids.
No início, eram orquídeas.
I put them aside when we were married.
Recordações desagradáveis, mas pu-las de parte para casar contigo.
- Aline, this is absurd. Just when we were going to be married.
Logo agora que decidimos casar-nos.
So I asked him to tell his friend to tell you when you got down there that the license was no good and that we were not married at all.
Então eu pedi a ele para dizer ao seu amigo para lhe dizer quando você chegasse que a licença não era boa e que não estávamos casados.
Because when I said we ought to get married he said there were enough widows already.
Quando eu lhe disse que devíamos casar, ele disse que já havia demasiadas viúvas.
Actually, we were married when I was 20.
Na verdade, casei-me aos 20.
When I married Myles, we were both a couple of maladjusted misfits.
Quando casei com o Myles, éramos os dois desenquadrados.
I was walking towards home when he suddenly came at me with a wild look in his eye and insisted... - we were married.
Eu estava a ir para casa, quando ele subitamente veio até mim com um olhar selvagem e insistiu... que éramos casados.
There was a time when we were first married, Arthur was very devoted to me.
Durante um tempo, no início de casados, o Arthur era muito delicado comigo.
Well, I guess it's just a crazy kid's song, but when Carla and I were kids, we used to come here and talk all the time about one day getting married and having children.
Bem, acho que era só uma tola canção de criança... mas quando a Carla e eu eramos miúdos, costumávamos vir sempre para cá e conversar... sobre o dia do nosso casamento e em ter filhos.
But when we were on our honeymoon abroad I knew that I'd never felt married until I heard myself addressed as "Senora."
Mas na nossa lua-de-mel no exterior... eu sabia que só me sentiria casada quando me chamassem de "señora".
My father and I were away for the weekend, and when we returned, we found this wire saying that they were on their way to Yuma, Arizona, to be married.
Meu pai e eu estivemos fora, nesse fim de semana, E quando voltámos, encontramos este bilhete a dizer que estavam a caminho de Yuma, no Arizona, para se casarem.
When she left for New York with her parents, we were going to get married.
Quando foi para Nova Iorque com os seus pais íamos nos casar.
I should've killed myself when he put it in me after the first time, before we were married.
Eu devia ter-me matado quando ele me penetrou. Logo na primeira vez, antes de termos casado.
You were not conscious when we got married.
Não! Quem és tu?
We married when we were older and due to my Parisian excesses,
Casámos já com idade avançada. E depois dos meus excessos em Paris, tenho a ejaculação seca.
You know, the thing is, before we were married when we used to, you know, make love, he would say to me :
Antes de casarmos, quando fazíamos amor, ele dizia-me :
When we first got married and I told my friend Fanny Hogan the things we were doing, she told me to leave him and notify the police.
Quando nos casamos e contei a meu amiga Fanny Hogan, as coisas que fazíamos... ela me disse que o deixasse e avisasse à polícia.
Soon after we were married, Robert started to hurt me when we made love.
Após o casamento, o Robert começou a magoar-me quando fazíamos amor.
I knew who you were when we got married.
Sabia quem tu eras quando casei contigo.
You were 50 and I, a young girl, when we married in St. Petersburg.
Tinhas cinquenta anos e eu era apenas uma jovem rapariga quando casámos em São Petersburgo.
Was I this old when we were married?
Eu era assim tão velho quando nos casámos?
- When we first were married... I said it all the time.
- Quando nos casámos, eu estava sempre a dizê-lo.
Which also means thatyour mother and father aren't married. Which furthermore means that that name I called you... when we were playing golflast week... that's technically accurate.
O que significa também que a tua mãe e o teu pai não são casados, o que significa que o nome que te chamei quando jogámos golfe estava tecnicamente correcto.
So, when she got married... we were all dying to see which one had made the cut.
Assim, quando ela se casou, estávamos todas mortinhas para ver qual deles tinha conseguido.
When we got married, you promised me my harvesting days were over.
Quando casámos, prometeste-me que nunca mais teria de andar na apanha.
They would not let us get married when we were that drunk.
Não nos deixariam casar bêbados.
'Cause I saw the way she looked at me when you told her we were gonna get married.
Vi a maneira como me olhou quando lhe disseste que íamos casar.
Okay, when we were first married we went to a party at my editor's house.
Quando éramos recém-casados, fomos a uma festa em casa do meu editor.
Shashi, remember when we were just married?
Shashi, lembras-te de quando éramos recém-casadas?
You know, when Eddie and I were first married- - when things were kind of good? On the anniversary of the day we met, he always gave me a lace teddy.
Quando estava casada com o Eddie e as coisas corriam bem, ele dava-me um body de renda no nosso aniversário.
We were already engaged to be married, Maggie and I, when we learned that she was pregnant.
Já estávamos comprometidos, Maggie e eu, quando soubemos que estava grávida.
One summer when we were first married... your father and I stayed in this village in Thailand... where we spent two weeks eating viciously hot chilies...
Um Verão, ainda recém-casados... o teu pai e ficámos numa aldeia na Tailândia... onde passámos duas semanas, a comer malaguetas...

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