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When we were together traducir portugués

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When we were together, you told me a lot of things.
Quando estávamos juntos, contaste-me muitas coisas.
He used to say that when we, when we were together.
Sempre dizia isso quando estávamos juntos.
My very own darling remember last night when we were together.
Meu querído lembre-se da noíte de ontem, que passamos juntos.
For the God's sake, Mortimer. For the sake of the old days when we were together, side by side. Remember?
Pelo amor de Deus, Mortimer, pelos tempos em que trabalhávamos juntos, lembras-te?
Even when we were together I never knew who I was.
Durante todo o tempo que estivemos juntos, nunca soube quem eu era.
You must know that when we were together last night, I had no idea that Nigel was still alive.
Tens de saber que, quando estivemos juntos, a noite passada, eu não sabia que o Nigel estava vivo.
When we were together you couldn't say it.
Quando estavamos juntos não dizias isso.
I want you to know that when we were together...
Quando estavamos juntos...
Well, when we were together, you know, just talking, I felt something. I just wasn't sure.
Quando estávamos juntos, sabes, a conversar eu senti alguma coisa...
- Remember when we were together?
- Belo corpo. - Lembras-te de estarmos juntos?
And after that, when we were together in a private way I knew it wasn't Jack.
Depois, quando estávamos juntos... muito em privado... vi que não era o Jack.
- Better than when we were together.
- Melhor do que quando moravamos juntos.
When we were together before, I never knew when I'd see you again... or if I'd ever see you again.
Quando antes estivemos juntos eu nunca sabia quando te iria ver de novo ou se te iria ver de novo.
Then he said to say that we were together when it happened...
Depois disse-me para dizer que estávamos juntos...
Ole and I ran around together when we were kids.
Eu e o Ole brincávamos juntos quando éramos miúdos.
When we were in the taxi together, I felt as though I were on a great golden cloud.
No táxi, senti-me numa enorme nuvem dourada.
We played together when we were young.
Brincávamos juntos quando éramos crianças.
When we first started to go together you were the best sport I ever saw.
Quando começamos Você foi a melhor.
Remember those first days when we were riding together. Ortero? Yeah.
Lembra-se de quando cavalgávamos juntos, Ortero?
Visiting here at this very moment. We were chatting here together when you two burst in and took us by surprise.
Estávamos conversando quando vocês nos surpreenderam.
Now, look, I know you were a very tough guy when we were in the army together, but that's 15 years ago.
Sei que eras um tipo duro..... quando estivemos juntos no exército, mas isso foi há 15 anos.
When every place we went was better because we were together... and I suddenly realised the emptiness was gone... and the world just might be worth living in again...
Todos os lugares a que fomos eram melhores porque estávamos juntos... dei-me conta que o vazio havia desaparecido... e o mundo era um lugar em que valia a pena viver.
I don't know if the twins... mentioned anything about, you know... when Jimi and them first met... but we were all living together.
Não sei se eles... contaram alguma coisa, mas, quando conheceram o Jimi, vivíamos todos juntos.
Remember when you found us together yesterday and I said we were just talking about Jean?
Lembra-se de nos ter encontrado ontem e de eu ter dito que falávamos da Jean?
Jenny, we played together when we were babies.
Jenny, nós brincamos juntas quando eramos bebés.
Seriously, Sybil, do you remember when we were first... manacled together?
- Lembras-te da primeira vez que fomos agrilhoados?
You know, I knew you weren't the black sheep when we were arrested together.
Que a ovelha negra até podia seres tu.
I was thinking of when we were young together.
Pensava em vós e em mim e dos velhos tempos, quando éramos jovens.
When we were all thrown together on this fleet for the first time, some of us had troubles, didn't we?
Lembram-se, quando nos encontrámos reunidos nesta frota pela primeira vez? e alguns tiveram problemas?
You were dilly-dallying around when we were still together.
Tu é que andavas a vadiar por aí quando ainda estávamos juntos.
When we were first together it was so great.
A primeira vez que estivemos juntos foi uma maravilha.
I bought that land when we were all together, With your mom.
Comprei esse terreno quando estávamos os três juntos.
When we were at the Point together, you told me in order to remain friends... we couldn't talk about our differences.
Quando estivemos juntos no Point, disseste para continuarmos a ser amigos não podíamos falar sobre as nossas diferenças.
You must understand, when you kissed me the other night, I realized that we were meant to be together.
Deves perceber que quando me beijaste na outra noite, percebi que devíamos ficar juntos.
When it was put together, we were all pretty proud of it.
Quando foi montado, estávamos todos muito orgulhosos disso.
You know, the only time the three of us ever had a drink together... Was when we were planning that robbery.
A única vez que bebemos um copo juntos foi quando planeámos o assalto.
Until then, I'll dream about the day when I come back and see your face and we can once again be together like we were these last few days.
Entretanto, sonho com o dia que volto a ver o teu rosto. e estarmos novamente juntos como estivemos nos últimos dias.
We wanted to tell you when you and Daddy were together, but you never are. Its every man for himself.
Queríamos contar quando a mãe e o pai estivessem juntos, mas nunca estão, por isso é cada qual por si.
We got a little flat together, begged and borrowed, couple of cots, and when the two of you were born, we were thrilled to bits, because we had two lovely little babies.
Arranjámos uma casinha, pedinchando aqui e ali, e depois nasceram vocês e nós ficámos encantados, porque tínhamos duas bebés adoráveis!
Bob and I, when we were killing together, there was this perfect relationship, appetite, satisfaction, a golden circle.
O Bob e eu, quando matávamos juntos era uma relação perfeita apetite, satisfação um círculo de ouro.
Although when we came together as young people... we were, well, we were all losers. Including Stan?
Incluindo o Stan.
The same problem he had when we were kids together on the street.
Tínhamos o mesmo problema quando éramos miúdos.
How do you suggest that dear Alfred killed his beloved father,... when we were both together in the dining room at the time?
Como pensa acusar o Alfred de ter matado o seu adorado pai quando ficámos os dois juntos na sala de jantar?
Just us sisters back together again like when we were kids. "
As duas irmãs novamente juntas, como quando éramos miúdas. "
Remember when we were in high school together?
Lembraste quando estávamos juntos na faculdade?
We have not met since the 26th of November, when we were dancing together at Netherfield.
Não nos vemos desde 26 de Novembro, quando dançámos em Netherfield.
I realized that if my motion through time came to a stop the cord would go slack and he'd be lost in subspace forever but if I could cut the cord when the link was at its strongest- - while we were together- -
Percebi que se o meu movimento através do tempo parasse, o elástico ficava folgado e ele ficaria perdido no subespaço para sempre, mas se eu pudesse cortar o cordão quando o elo estivesse no mais forte, quando estávamos juntos,
He followed me, and when he left, we were back together.
Ele seguiu-me e, quando partiu, andávamos outra vez.
When we were kids, we would always come here and watch the sunrise together. And you were always bewildered by it.
Vinhamos sempre aqui ver o amanhecer, quando éramos pequenos.
When we were alone together.
- Quando estamos sozinhos, juntos...
When you first gave me this ring... I just knew we were going to be together forever.
Quando me deste este anel pela primeira vez, sabia que íamos ficar juntos para sempre.

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