She didn't want to traducir ruso
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She didn't want to upset you.
Не хотела тебя расстраивать.
- She didn't want to upset me?
- Не хотела меня расстраивать?
Saying she didn't want her family to split.
Сказала что не хочет чтобы её семья развалилась.
Maybe it was her subconscious that didn't want to have the man she loved taken away?
Возможно, это что-то подсознательное. Она не хотела, чтобы у неё отняли любимого мужчину?
Think he didn't want to lie. So, who is she?
Вези сюда Роберта Платта и Томми Нортона.
Having taken away someone else's husband, she didn't want to take away someone else's fathe, too.
Раз она увела чужого мужа, то не захотела уводить еще и отца.
Evidently this entity, this... Silvered surfer... he / she didn't want to be detected. He / she destroyed the sensor.
Очевидно, что этот объект, этот Серебряный Серфер не хотел, чтобы его обнаружили, и он уничтожил сенсор.
Maybe she understood something. 'Maybe she didn't want to see me anymore.
Наверное, она решила больше не видеться.
We've tried to contact Florence Arcaro, the judge handling the matter, but she didn't want to comment on the case.
Естественно, мы попытались связаться со следователем Флоранц Аркаро, которая ведет это дело.
When you were vague about her past I assumed that was because you didn't want me to know that she was adopted.
Когда ты стал уходить от разговора о прошлом, я подумала, что ты не знал, что она приемная.
He did it with me, she didn't want to.
Он занялся этим со мной, она не захотела.
she recommended so i thought that you talk to her, and you want also only you didn't want to say i didin't understand anything. start from the beginning. you want to go back to treatment
Она в очередной раз капала тебе на мозг? - Она предложила. И я подумал, что ты с ней говорила, и может, ты тоже хочешь, только сказать боишься.
Look, I didn't want to burst your bubble since you're just a kid, but, yeah, she's all smoke and mirrors just like Harry Houdini.
Например, я ненавидел японцев... А потом, я увидел Лу Даймонд Филлипс в Молодых стрелках... и теперь я их больше не ненавижу.
Maybe she didn't want you to think the less of her.
Может, просто не хотела, чтобы ты жалел ее?
There were things she didn't want me to tell him.
Было кое-что, о чём отцу знать не полагалось.
She didn't want my father to know.
Она не хотела, чтобы отец об этом знал.
She refused, because she worked hard to achieve this and didn't want to be a housewife.
Она сразу отказалась, потому что она много работала, чтобы стать тем, кем она была и потому что она не чувствовала себя домохозяйкой.
She had this crazy notion that you were infected by the meteors, and she didn't want me to tell anybody else.
У нее было сумасшедшее предположение что ты заражен метеоритами, и она не хотела чтобы я об этом кому-нибудь говорил.
She didn't want to come.
Но она не захотела поехать с нами.
- She didn't want to.
Она не захотела.
My wife died. Because she signed a consent form that I didn't want her to sign.
Моя жена умерла... потому что подписала форму, хотя я был против.
It's her first time, she didn't want to come.
Она здесь в первый раз, не хотела идти.
We'll talk about it later, you have to understand it's her birthday, she didn't want to go to another dance.
Поговорим об этом потом, ты должна понять... у неё сегодня день рожденья, она не захотела идти в другое место.
Lily's cousin is in beauty school, and Lily didn't want her to do her hair, so she said she could do mine.
Кузина Лили учится в школе красоты, но Лили не хотела, чтобы она делала ей прическу, поэтому она сказала, что она может сделать прическу мне.
She didn't want to be an incubator for a dead baby, but that's what you've done.
Она не хочет быть инкубатором для мёртвого ребенка. Но это то, что ты сделала.
She just started stenciling the kitchen, and i didn't want to tell you this, but there is talk of an herb garden.
И я тебе не говорила – речь шла о посадке пряностей. Её нужно задержать.
She didn't want to come to me herself?
Она не захотела придти ко мне сама?
She just didn't want to come, right?
Она просто не захотела прийти, да?
I don't know what you mean when you say she didn't want to die.
Не понимаю, что вы имели ввиду, когда говорили, что она не хотела умирать.
She didn't really want to die.
Она не хотела умирать.
She didn't want to die.
Она не хотела умирать.
i - i didn't want to have to tell you this, but... she doesn't want to see you.
Я не хотела говорить тебе, но... она не хочет тебя видеть.
She, of course, didn't want to, so she started screaming and said, she wanted the red dress, it's not her fault that I'm so fat.
Она, конечно, не хотела меняться, начала кричать и сказала, что хочет красное платье, и это не ее вина, что я настолько жирная.
- She didn't want to be alone.
- Она не хотела оставаться одна
She didn't want anybody to know, so that was just for me.
Она не хотела, чтобы кто-нибудь знал. Татуировка была только для меня.
She didn't want to go, But boss convinced her.
Она не хотела туда идти, но босс ее убедил.
If she didn't want to be alone with me, why didn't she just break the date?
Если она не хочет остаться со мной наедине, тогда почему просто не отменить свидание?
I was like, "What?" and she's like, "How come we didn't have sex?" I was like, "'cause you didn't want to. "
Я : "Всмысле?" Она : "Как получилось, что не было секса?" Я : "Потому что ты не хотела".
So if you want to call that rape, okay, maybe she looked at it that way, but I didn't kill her!
Так что, если вы хотите назвать это изнасилованием - ладно, может, и она так считала, но я ее не убивал!
If she didn't want to talk to you, I wish she'd have left you a message.
Если она не хотела говорить, могла бы хоть записку оставить.
She didn't want to marry him!
Она не хотела за него замуж!
She decided she didn't want to get pregnant anymore.
Она решила, что не хочет забеременеть, больше никогда.
I said to her, "Let's talk", but she didn't want to.
Я предлагаю ей : "Давай поговорим", но она не хочет.
And she said she didn't want to go,'cause she thinks she doesn't look good in a bathing suit,
И она сказала, что не хочет ехать, потому что ей не нравится, как она выглядит в купальнике,
She only refused because she didn't want to get in the middle.
Она отказалась, потому что не хотела вникать в суть.
She didn't want me to be alone, So she invited me to sleep over.
Она не хотела оставлять меня одну, и пригласила меня к себе переночевать.
She didn't want me to have to go through it again.
Она не хотела, чтобы я снова через это проходил.
And she tells me when she tried called it quits between you two, you didn't want to stop.
И она сказала, что, когда пыталась закончить с тобой, ты ей не позволил.
But she didn't want to come.
Но она не хотела идти с нами.
- She didn't want me to.
- Она не хотела.
She didn't want to do a work thing, and Phyllis is work for us.
Она не любит работать, а Филис для нас - это работа.
she didn't 652
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't have to 49
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
she didn't have to 49
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't care 26
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
want to come 83
want to watch 20
want to come along 22
want to go 45
want to try 40
want to know a secret 16
she didn't care 26
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
want to come 83
want to watch 20
want to come along 22
want to go 45
want to try 40
want to know a secret 16