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Aşaği traducir inglés

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Aşaği iniyorum. Tekrar çıkınca seni trene götüreceğim.
I'll go down and I'll be up again in time to fetch you for the train.
- Aşaği, Daphne.
- Down, Daphne.
Zardoz her mevsim hasadimizi almak için aşaği inerdi.
Each season Zardoz came down to take our harvest.
Seni aşağIık ihtiyar...
We did it! Who the hell are you! ?
Asagï iniyor... yarïs pistinde.
Comes down the... on the racetrack.
Tekrar asagï.
Down again.
Bas asagï!
Head down!
- Asagï.
- Down. Up.
Asagï in.
Come on down.
Çitle birlikte sirtüstü asagi yuvarlanmis ve asagidaki kayaya çarparak durmus.
Went backwards down the hill, takin the fence with him, got caught on the rock.
Sen asagi in.
You go downstairs.
Homer, yat asagi!
Homer, get down!
Asagi in evlat.
Well, come on down here, boy.
In haydi asagi, evlat.
Now, come on down, boy.
Hücre 2, asagi kat.
Cell 2, downstairs.
Asagi yukari alti ay sonra isi birakti ve Yokohama iskelesinden bir gemiye kacak olarak bindi.
He quit the job roughly six months later and stowed away in a ship in Yokohama port.
Burjuvazinin zaferi, son derece tarihi bir zamanin zaferidir çünkü bu, toplumu sürekli olarak bastan asagi degistiren ekonomik üretime iliskin zamandir.
The victory of the bourgeoisie... is the victory of profoundly historical time, because it is the time... of the economic production that transforms the society, permanently and from top to bottom.
Bunu sandalyesiyle yoldan asagï itsene.
Push her wheelchair down the driveway.
Tavan asagï iniyor!
The ceiling is coming down!
Hemen asagi ¡ neceg ¡ m.
I'll be right down.
Ona asagi ¡ nmes ¡ n ¡ söyley ¡ n.
Tell her to come down.
Triple Rock üzerinden asagi kayip... aziz Cleophus'u dinlemeniz gerek.
Slide on down to the Triple Rock... and catch Reverend Cleophus.
Koridordan asagi inin.
Down the hall.
- Asansörle asagi iniyor.
- He's coming down the elevator.
Bir an önce asagi in.
Land as soon as you can.
Tek tek bütün parmaklarinla asagi çek.
- Let every finger roll down individually. - Like this?
Jimmy Stewart'in ( Scotty ), Kim Novak'i ( Madeline ) takip ettigi San Francisco tepelerinde bir asagi bir yukari araba sürmüs.
He had driven up and down the hills of San Francisco where Jimmy Stewart, Scotty, follows Kim Novak, Madeline.
- Asagi iniyoruz.
We're going down.
- Asagi indiginde birini görmedin mi?
- He was down here. - Yes.
Dizlerinin üzerine dayanarak, basini asagi egip neredeyse çömelmis gibi duracaksin.
You'll be almost crouching, with your head down leaning on your knee.
southland a yonel asagi Texas yolu aydinlanmaya hazir ol'elektrikli testere bicaklariyla iste davetiyeniz deriyuz e katilmak icin... bu onun tutkunlugu seni yuzyuze tutmak karanliktaki cigliklar seni asagi indirdiginde cekic sallanir kimse bir ses duymaz iste davetiyeniz deriyuz e katilmak icin
Headin'for the southland Down Texas way Ready for the lightnin
- Almanya asla asagi dusemez.
- Germany can never go under.
Senin yürüyüs ritmin yavas bir asagi gider gibi aksam.
Your walk is like the evening that goes down in a slow rhythm.
su içmek için asagi gitmisti ve daha sonra küçük bir kamburu çikmis önce.
I had gone down to drink water and stooped before you a little later.
Ama sonra, o ates de asagi evi yakmak için kullanilan olabilir!
But then, that fire can be used to burn the house down too!
Ben, Rajayi asagi çevirmek istemiyorum.ama...
I don't want to turn you down, Raja. But...
Asagi indir!
Take it down!
Merdivenlerden asagi havuza dogru in.
Brother, go down the steps towards the pool.
Tamam, bunlari da otekilerle asagi indirelim.
OK, let's get these below with the rest of them.
In asagi, Gerry, Tanri askina,
Get down, Gerry, for fuck's sake.
Ben de asagi iniyorum.
I'm going down there.
Bunlari asagi koy.
Put this on.
Sen! Ben Asagi Shougo.
I'm Shougo Asagi.
Asagi yukari iki hafta. Yeni birine ilgi duyacaktir.
In about two weeks she'll be interested in someone new.
În asagi!
Get out!
În asagi!
Get out of the truck!
Yat asagi.
Come on down.
Haydi asagi dönelim.
Well, come on back downstairs, folks.
Misafirimizi asagi götürün ve tören için hazirlayin.
Take our honored guest below and prepare her for the ceremony.

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