And beautiful traduction Espagnol
15,972 traduction parallèle
You've destroyed everything good and beautiful!
¡ Has destruido todo lo que era bueno y hermoso!
The great and beautiful One.
El grandioso y bello Elegido.
"Heh, management is stingy, and they're greedy, and they're not letting people hear the beautiful music."
"La administración es mezquina, codiciosa y no está dejando a la gente escuchar hermosa música".
Oh, boy! And I will be reviewing your paper to make sure nobody is ever attacked the way I was again. I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
y estare revisando tu edicion para asegurarme que nadies sea atacado como me atacaron creo que sera el inicio de una hermosa amistad
And there it is... Just a beautiful gun in motion. Everybody loves it.
termino... solo una hermosa arma en movimiento todos lo aman. parece que la jueza quiere mirar a la escopeta-rifle y la siguiente sera... nadies se mueva!
And your beautiful wife gets in the car, and you think, "really, you couldn't give me one son?"
Y tu hermosa esposa entra al auto... y piensas, "¿ realmente no podías darme un hijo varón?"
I, your beautiful and talented king, have a new plan.
Yo, su hermoso y talentoso rey, tengo un nuevo plan.
It's that beautiful moment where you and I are gonna make a baby right in front of your coworkers.
Es ese hermoso momento Donde usted y yo vamos a hacer un bebé Justo en frente de sus compañeros de trabajo.
you have a really nasty, you have a really nasty, two-headed dragon that's Two-headed dragon that's wreaking havoc in our beautiful Wreaking havoc in our beautiful little tribe, and we're going to
Tenemos a un verdaderamente desagradable dragon de dos cabezas que está causando estragos en nuestra pequeña y linda tribu, así que debemos tomar una de esas cabezas y simplemente cortarla.
It is a beautiful autumn day, and I have the best job in the world, and last night, I found this in Randy's truck.
Es un bello día de otoño... y tengo el mejor trabajo del mundo... y anoche, encontré esto en la camioneta de Randy.
Like my third wife, it's beautiful and expensive.
Al igual que mi tercera esposa, es hermoso y caro.
So, it's a beautiful day out, and I found myself thinking, I could make this day last five times longer by smoking a bunch of coke, or I could call my good friend Rob Norris and have him bore that idea out of me.
Bueno, es un día precioso y estaba pensando, podría hacer este día cinco veces más largo fumando... un montón de coca o podría llamar a mi buen amigo Rob Norris... y que me quitara esa idea de la cabeza.
"If your marriage was in slightly worse shape, " you would totally want an affair with her "and that she was too beautiful to work in the same building as you."
"Si tu matrimonio estuviera un poco peor, por supuesto querrías tener un lío con ella... y que es demasiado guapa para trabajar en el mismo edificio que tú".
So we put the important, beautiful people there and the schlubby tourists we put behind the pillar and we make'em feel like they're at the best table.
Por eso, pusimos las, gente guapa importantes allí Y los turistas schlubby ponemos detrás del pilar Y hacemos'em siento como ellos están en la mejor mesa.
You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I am not worthy of you.
Eres la mujer más hermosa de todo el mundo, y no te merezco.
Well, I'm very glad that you and your beautiful wife could make it.
Bueno, estoy contento que usted y su bella esposa puedan hacerlo.
A very beautiful and brilliant young woman who came all the way from Cuba just to be with us.
Una bella y brillante joven mujer, que vino desde Cuba para estar con nosotros.
Now, Vince says that this beautiful dog here was knocked up by Mo and that these six puppies are Mo's.
Bien, Vince dice que esta preciosa perrita fue preñada por Mo y que estos seis cachorros son suyos.
"Hey Danny, you're awesome no matter what anybody says, you're so beautiful and bold and strong... and no matter what you can do anything."
Alguien dice, eres tan bella y audaz y fuerte... y no importa lo que usted puede hacer cualquier cosa ".
You're so beautiful and bold and strong.
Eres tan hermosa y valiente y fuerte.
"La Boheme," beautiful, and your name should take its rightful place along the great patrons in history,
"La Bohème", hermosa, y su nombre debería ocupar el lugar que le corresponde... junto a los grandes mecenas de la historia.
So young and talented, beautiful. Aww.
Tan joven y talentosa, hermosa.
- And your beautiful kids.
Y tus hijos hermosos.
They took a beautiful thing and made it ugly.
¡ Tomaron algo hermoso y lo hicieron horrible!
There he cried and said that the world is no longer beautiful.
No paraba de llorar y de decir que el mundo era una porquería.
All that we've prepared is a beautiful home and automobile.
Lo único que preparamos fue una casa hermosa y un auto.
There's such a beautiful symmetry with all these masks being very similar and the colour of the men the same, is just a really nice, beautiful composition.
Estas máscaras tan similares crean una hermosa simetría. Lo mismo ocurre con el color de los hombres. Es una composición agradable y hermosa.
They almost look like fancy peacocks, you know the male of the peacock is the most elaborate and the most beautiful and in the Huli wig men, it's no less true.
Parecen elegantes pavos reales. El pavo real macho es muy elaborado y muy hermoso y los hombres con peluca Huli también lo son.
[uplifting music ] [ uplifting music ] [ Krystle] The image that I'm looking for - it's combining a beautiful landscape and the action.
La imagen que busco sería la combinación de un hermoso paisaje y la acción.
And when you're here, you can see it's these beautiful featured walls.
Y, cuando estás aquí, te das cuenta de que las bellas paredes son centrales.
You look out over the flats here and it is desolate but at the same time it's actually incredibly beautiful.
Cuando miras estas planicies, parece un lugar desolado pero al mismo tiempo es increíblemente hermoso.
So with the shot tomorrow, directly down looking at these beautiful salt craters and having Shane performing some wing overs or spirals and combining this into what I would think is a beautiful photo.
Así que, en la sesión de mañana veremos desde arriba estos hermosos cráteres de sal y tendremos a Shane dando vueltas y haciendo espirales y combinaremos todo en lo que pienso que será una hermosa fotografía.
And on this occasion I really want to go up and photograph the great brown bear, the largest of the grizzlies, where they catch beautiful coho salmon in a startling backdrop of mountains and glaciers.
Esta vez, quise ir a fotografiar al gran oso pardo el más grande de los osos pardos, mientras atrapa salmones coho delante de un impresionante fondo de montañas y glaciares.
This is a nice scene right now, these junipers up at this high elevation almost look like olive trees so they're beautiful trees and when they're surrounded by all of these gelada baboons [shutter clicks] it makes a beautiful habitat.
Estos enebros, a esta altura, casi parecen olivos. Son árboles hermosos y están rodeados por estos babuinos gelada. Es un hábitat hermoso.
All that we've prepared is a beautiful home and automobile.
Solo preparamos una casa hermosa y un auto.
and his beautiful new bride.
Y por su hermosa novia.
See, although the flowers are beautiful and the salad dressing is great, we're not married, Gretchen and I.
Aunque las flores son hermosas, y el aderezo es rico... no estamos casados, Gretchen y yo.
You know, and she was beautiful.
Y era una mujer hermosa.
Anyway, the good news is, now there are... 3,000 beautiful babies in the world and no one can take that away
En fin, la buena noticia es que ahora hay 3000 bebés hermosos en el mundo, - y nadie me quitará eso.
You are beautiful, you have always been beautiful, and you are carrying this so well.
Eres hermosa, siempre fuiste hermosa. Y lo estás llevando tan bien...
I saw you and you were so beautiful, and you are so beautiful.
Te vi y me pareciste tan hermosa... Eres tan hermosa...
Good morning one and all. It's a beautiful morning here on the Starship Avalon.
Buenos días a todos, es una hermosa mañana en la nave estelar Avalon.
And there's no colony more beautiful than Homestead II,
- ¿ Dónde están los demás? Y no hay otra colonia más bella que Homestead II.
Just a moment, dear, and we see your beautiful baby.
Y veremos a un hermoso bebé.
It's beautiful, mom, but what will it look like when you and Mr. Greene build all those houses there?
Es hermoso, Mamá, pero, ¿ cómo se verá... cuando tú y el Sr. Greene construyan todas esa casas allí?
Just, after having been up in the arctic myself and seeing how beautiful it is, Nothing, nothing.
Nada, nada.
Olympia's voice : It's beautiful, mom, but what will it look like when you and Mr. Greene build all those houses there?
Es hermoso, mamá, pero, ¿ cómo se verá cuando tú y el Sr. Greene... construyan todas esas casas ahí?
Do you ever get that feeling when you see beautiful teenager girl with perfect skin and you want to kill her and take her skin and put it on your skin?
¿ Alguna vez han tenido esa sensación? ... cuando ven chica adolescente con cutis perfecto... y quisieran matarla y arrancarle el cutis... para ponérselo sobre el suyo?
And I buy her this beautiful powder blue negligee. And I says, "Honey, I want you to wear this tonight, because tonight, " you're gonna be sleeping with the heavyweight champion of the world. "
Le compré un camisón azul celeste y le dije : "Amor, quiero que te lo pongas esa noche porque dormirás con el campeón mundial de los pesos pesados".
And his head was so beautiful, and his mouth was beautiful, and his eyes were open.
Y su cabeza era tan hermosa y su boca era tan hermosa. Tenía los ojos abiertos.
General Grey and his beautiful wife, Audrey.
El general Grey y su hermosa esposa, Audrey.
beautiful 3039
beautiful boy 45
beautiful day 103
beautiful morning 18
beautiful eyes 27
beautiful mind 19
beautiful baby 17
beautiful wife 24
beautiful house 19
beautiful things 16
beautiful boy 45
beautiful day 103
beautiful morning 18
beautiful eyes 27
beautiful mind 19
beautiful baby 17
beautiful wife 24
beautiful house 19
beautiful things 16
beautiful girl 48
beautiful night 26
beautiful woman 51
beautiful lady 17
beautiful people 17
beautiful place 18
beautiful thing 24
beautifully 23
beautiful women 29
beautiful work 17
beautiful night 26
beautiful woman 51
beautiful lady 17
beautiful people 17
beautiful place 18
beautiful thing 24
beautifully 23
beautiful women 29
beautiful work 17
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and beyond that 27
and by god 23
and bang 29
and before you know it 100
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and beyond that 27
and by god 23
and bang 29
and before you know it 100