And by the way traduction Espagnol
6,408 traduction parallèle
And-and by the way, I don't want to stalk him anymore, okay?
Y por cierto, ya no quiero acosarle, ¿ vale?
Uh, a-and by the way, I added one myself.
Uh, una-y por cierto, he añadido uno yo mismo.
And by the way, when it does eventually happen, it is not going to be in a basement.
Y por cierto, cuando eso de verdad suceda, no será en un sótano.
And by the way, there's a zombie apocalypse going on.
Y por cierto, está ocuerriendo un apocalipsis zombi.
Oh, and by the way, do you have any idea who called me on the phone this morning?
Bueno, por cierto, ¿ sabes quién me llamó esta mañana?
And by the way, thanks for ratting me out.
Y por cierto, gracias por chivarte.
Oh, and by the way, the window doesn't even open.
Y por cierto, la ventana ni siquiera se abre.
And by the way, you should know me better than that.
Y por cierto, deberías conocerme mejor.
And by the way, cologne is not a substitute for daily bathing.
Y por otro lado, la colonia no es sustituto del baño diario.
Oh, and by the way, tox came back on her.
Y por cierto, ya ha llegado toxicología.
And by the way, the cut on your leg... really hurts.
Y mientras tanto, la herida en tu pierna... de verdad duele.
Oh, and by the way, Dr. Winter, no one from the delegation is joining your group.
Ah, y por cierto, Dr. Winter, nadie de la delegación va a unirse a su grupo.
And by the way, I was never a member of the party.
Y por cierto, nunca fui miembro del partido.
And by the way, he was there in Iraq in 2004.
Y por cierto, él estaba allí, en Irak en 2004.
- Well, eric, your big brother couldn't protect you And I don't see how this is gonna be any different, And by the way, that's yesterday's paper.
Bueno, Eric, tu hermano mayor no pudo protegerte de ser despedido antes, y no veo cómo esta vez será diferente, y por cierto, ese es el periódico de ayer.
And by the way, we're paying you for it.
Y por cierto, te la pagamos.
And by the way, I've asked to use those bath salts, like a million times.
Y por cierto, te he pedido usar esas sales de baño como un millón de veces.
And by the way, don't look for me at the country club, because my next husband won't be a member of the country club,
Y por cierto, no me busques en el Country Club, porque mi próximo esposo no será un miembro,
And that, by the way, is a hilarious joke tie.
Y, por cierto, esa corbata de broma es graciosísima.
Thank you, by the way, for failing and giving us a shot at it.
Gracias, por cierto, por cagarla y darnos una oportunidad.
"Oh, and, by the way, do you think your father could be a murderer?"
"Ah, y, por cierto, cree usted que su padre podría ser un asesino?"
So if it's only a half-hour shot of an interview, and maybe one can keep the portico open by having people directed through a different way...
Si es sólo un tiro de media hora de una entrevista, y tal vez uno puede mantener el pórtico abierto, dirigiendo a la gente de una manera diferente...
Think about the way that a painting, whether it's this painting - this is by an artist called Bellini - or it's Diana and Actaeon or it's Death of Actaeon, which we're going to be seeing,
Pensad en la forma en que una pintura, ya sea esta pintura, que es de un artista llamado Bellini, o Diana y Acteón, o la Muerte de Acteón, que vamos a ver, o Baco y Ariadna,
And, by the way, he did you a favor, as well.
Y, por cierto, también te hizo un favor.
And, by the way, if any of you start coughing up blood, my bad.
Por cierto, si empiezan a toser sangre, es culpa mía.
Ok, and Nora, who I know on a first-name basis, oh, by the way, she's all like, " go ahead.
Vale, y Nora, con la que me tuteo, por cierto, se pone en plan : " Venga.
She was up for a big internship last summer, and it was between her and another girl and I recommended the other girl, who was better qualified, by the way.
Estaba para una gran pasantía el verano pasado, y estaba entre ella y otra chica, y recomendé a la otra chica, quien estaba mejor calificada, por cierto.
By the way, these health forms need to go in today, and if you want, I can fill it out'cause I've got it down to a science.
Por cierto, hay que entregar hoy estos formularios sobre salud... si quieres, yo los puedo llenar... porque lo hice todo el tiempo.
I think I may have overreacted to the whole me-and-her-dating thing oh, by the way, me and Riley are dating again.
Creo que he exagerado con todo el asunto de ella y yo saliendo, por cierto, Riley y yo estamos saliendo.
- Oh, by the way, Ben and I are...
- Por cierto, Ben y yo...
By the way... have you ever watched my avs and touched yourself?
A propósito... ¿ Alguna vez has visto mis videos y te has tocado?
Yogananda was born at the dawn of the atomic age, when modern physics would shatter our most basic beliefs about the nature of reality and pave the way for an ancient and hidden teaching to be received by many.
Yogananda nació en los albores de la era atómica, cuando la física moderna haría añicos nuestras creencias más básicas sobre la naturaleza de la realidad y allanar el camino para una enseñanza antigua y oculta / i para ser recibida por muchos.
Oh, and, by the way, if anything should happen to him, that I wouldn't get the life-insurance money.
Y, por cierto, si algo le pasara a él, que yo no obtendría el dinero del seguro.
And neck, by the way, it is better?
Y las cervicales, por cierto, ¿ Te sientes mejor?
Corexit was horrible. This was very clear, by the way, from the technical manual that Corexit's manufacturer gave to BP and that BP then buried.
Esto era muy claro, por cierto, desde la dirección técnica que el fabricante del Corexit le dio a BP y que BP luego enterró.
Well, the press demanded things to be done the right way, and the police translated it on their own terms. The translation was "Now, it is our time to play". Then, when the police started to play, the public opinion became revolted, and this was also reflected by journalism.
Bueno, la prensa dijo que no se puede hacer cualquier cosa y la policía encontró su propia traducción para esto, aquí nos vamos a divertir, por otro lado, cuando la policía hizo de las suyas, hubo una indignación de la opinión pública
They may not like the politicians, I don't like them either. They may not like president Dilma, governor Alckmin, mayor Haddad, but there hasn't been invented another way to mediate the State and the society, if not by politics and political parties.
Puede que no les gusten los políticos, a mí tampoco me gustan, puede que no les guste la Dilma, el Alckmin, el Haddad, pero infelizmente no se ha inventado todavía una manera de hacer la intermediación entre el Estado y la sociedad que no sea a través
And it's gonna freak you out at first, by the way, because no one tells you that you appear upside down in a spoon, but you do.
Y te va enloquecer al principio, por cierto, porque nadie te dice que apareces al revés en una cuchara, pero lo haces.
And by the time he wakes, he will know the only way to find peace, is my way.
Y cuando se despierte, sabrá que el único modo de encontrar la paz, es mi modo.
I made it all about me and my crush on some silly boy, who by the way, now hates me for not being a real lesbian, so you two have that in common.
He hecho que todo gire en torno a mí y mi cuelgue por un tío estúpido, que, por cierto, ahora me odia por no ser lesbiana de verdad, así que tenéis eso en común.
So, you know, if I can sit there and, by hand, figure out that if I make this move and then this move and then this move, that it changes this cubey in a particular way, the sequences get too long.
Así, si me siento allá y, a mano, imaginen que si hago este movimiento, y luego este movimiento y luego este movimiento, que cambian este cubo de una forma particular, las secuencias se hacen demasiado grandes.
That's a slut, by the way, and I was faithful.
- Eso es ser promiscua, pero fui fiel.
Oh, and, by the way, uh, you were totally right.
Ah, y, por cierto, tenías toda la razón.
OK, Lee, by the way, is going to be acting FLO and bringing Annie Gibson's father in today so can we take this gentleman off the board, please?
Lee, ya que estamos, van a traer hoy al padre de Annie Gibson, así podremos descartar a este caballero.
Did Bert Middleton and Gerard Eyre plan to use force when gamekeepers employed by the Allingham estate did their duty and stood in the way of an unlawful trespass?
¿ Planearon usar la fuerza Bert Middleton y Gerard Eyre... cuando los guardas empleados de los Allingham, cumpliendo con su deber, trataron de impedir el allanamiento?
Oh, uh, by the way, your wife, she barely touched her food, and, uh, what with that and the slight tremor, my guess is Adderall.
Oh, uh, por cierto, su esposa, apenas tocó la comida, y, uh, ¿ qué con eso y el ligero temblor, mi conjetura es Adderall.
And good work with Maxine Conway, by the way.
Y a propósito, buen trabajo con Maxine Conway.
By the way, your dad and I are gonna have dinner tonight.
Por cierto, tu padre y yo vamos a cenar esta noche.
On TV and film, so wherever you're watching, would you please all join us, all the way around the world, in saying farewell to us by singing this little ditty.
En TV y en cine, así que donde sea que estén mirando, por favor, canten con nosotros, en todo el mundo, para despedirnos con esta cancioncita.
And the virus was delivered by way of an oxygen tank?
¿ Y el virus se dejó propagar desde un tanque de oxígeno?
And where I come from, the way you really repay someone is by giving them a second goddamn shot.
Y de donde yo vengo, la verdadera manera de retribuir a alguien es dándole una maldita segunda oportunidad.
and by 340
and by god 23
and by that 52
and by that time 20
and bye 17
and by then 42
by the way 9822
the way i see it 340
the way of the future 27
the way you talk 19
and by god 23
and by that 52
and by that time 20
and bye 17
and by then 42
by the way 9822
the way i see it 340
the way of the future 27
the way you talk 19
the way i look at it 29
the way i figure it 33
the way things are going 26
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the way 34
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
the way i figure it 33
the way things are going 26
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the way 34
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35