And her mother traduction Espagnol
5,565 traduction parallèle
It belonged to my mother and her mother before her.
Perteneció a mi madre y a su madre antes que a ella.
She told us that you tried to get her and her mother to leave London.
Ella nos dijo que se trató de conseguir a ella ya su madre a salir de Londres.
And her mother is a total whack job.
Y su madre una loca total.
And her mother, Sarah?
¿ Y su madre, Sarah?
Her father's overseas with the Foreign Office, in Kenya. And her mother?
Su padre está en Kenia, con el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.
Her mother and father, her younger sister Aregash, her older sister Meseret, and Meserefs children.
Su madre y su padre, su hermana menor Aregash, su hermana mayor Meseret y Meserefs niños.
If you flunk that test and your mother calls... I'm going to tell her that you're studying or playing?
Si suspendes el examen y tu madre llama qué le voy a decir, que estabas jugando o estudiando?
Her mother hates me and she takes after her mother.
Su madre me odia y se parece a su madre.
I'll get rid of them and protect Mother India and her daughters.
En un encuentro me desharé de ellos. Y protegeré a Madre India ( la nación ) y sus hijas.
When Ayesha was four. her mother and my first wife passed away and since them I am a widower.
Cuando Ayesha tenía 4 años, su madre, mi primera esposa, falleció. Y desde entonces soy viudo.
I just got a call from my mother-in-law and she says Clint Eastwood wants to shoot a movie in her backyard.
Me acaba de llamar mi suegra y dijo que Clint Eastwood quiere rodar una película en su patio.
Hey, I call my mother before I go over,'cause I don't want to walk in there one day and catch her hugging up on some other kid!
Yo llamo a mi madre antes de visitarla, ¡ porque no quiero entrar un día y verla abrazada con otro tipo!
Also in her baggage : her mother's ulterior motive that she find herself a man of noble birth and substantial wealth.
Además de su equipaje, el motivo oculto de su madre es que ella consiga un hombre de la nobleza y de riqueza considerable.
Yes, she will marry Friedrich von Beulwitz to ensure financial security for her mother and Charlotte, but she plans to live an independent life under the yoke of a forced marriage, to organize festivities and receive great poets and artists.
Sí, ella se casará con Friedrich von Beulwitz, para garantizar la seguridad financiera para su madre y Charlotte, pero ella planea vivir una vida independiente bajo el yugo de un matrimonio forzado, organizar fiestas y recibir a grandes poetas y artistas.
It's my mother's recipe, who had it from her mother and so on.
Es una receta de mi madre, que la tomó de su madre y así sucesivamente.
To the prettiest girl in the world and her beautiful mother.
A la niña más linda del mundo y a su hermosa madre.
And I omitted to mention she's here with her mother.
Omití mencionar que está aquí con su madre.
But you're not implying that her mother and brother are halfwits?
No estará insinuando que su madre y hermano son unos tontos.
You got a young black kid who's cleaned up his act, he's got a sweet little mother and her little niece, and all the little cousins, and here comes Mr. Big...
Tienes a un joven negro que dio vuelta la hoja, tiene una madre dulce, su sobrinita, todos sus primitos, y llega el Sr. Gran...
I think if she lived with my mother, and I get some help from my sister and her wife across the street while I continue my rehabilitation, I can slowly grow into a relationship, be the daddy and all that, that I need to be.
Si viviera con mi madre y tuviera un poco de ayuda de mi hermana y su esposa que viven enfrente mientras sigo con mi rehabilitación, poco a poco podríamos crear una relación, ser su padre y todo eso que debo ser.
Madame Girard and her daughter... were my mother's patients for many years.
Madame Girard y su hija... eran pacientes de mi madre durante muchos años.
Anyway, your mother lent me this book a couple of months ago, and I'm just trying to get it back to her, so...
De cualquier modo, tu madre me prestó este libro hace unos meses, y se lo vine a devolver, así que...
Now, you have every right to find your birth mother... and to have a relationship with her.
Tienes derecho a encontrar a tu madre biológica... y a tener una relación con ella.
Your mother is not returning diddly-doo, it is her first day as well, and I'm talking law school, not the dumb-dumb factory you attend, which, by the way, means I'm in charge of parenting from now on?
Tu madre no va a devolverla, también es su primer día, y estamos hablando de la escuela de abogacía, no a esa fábrica de idiotas a la que vas, lo cual, de hecho, ¿ significa que ahora yo estoy al cargo de las labores parentales?
We don't think her mother knows about it yet and we want to try and keep it that way.
No creemos que su madre lo sabe todavía y queremos tratar de que siga siendo así.
Okay. This girl is the only chance we have at finding her mother and preventing another terrorist attack.
Esta chica es la única oportunidad tenemos en encontrar su madre y la prevención de otro ataque terrorista.
The cartel kidnapped her mother and daughter.
El cártel secuestrado su madre y su hija.
Alvarez won't cooperate unless she sees her mother and daughter again.
Alvarez no cooperará a no ser que la ve actuador y su hija de nuevo.
Some poor mother is off her head with grief and you're ducking and diving!
¡ Una pobre madre está fuera de sí de dolor y tú te estás escaqueando!
Growing up without a father and that thing with her mother.
Se crio sin padre y esa cuestión con su madre...
Do you follow the teachings of Mother Rome and her ministers on Earth?
¿ Sigue las doctrinas de la Santa Madre Iglesia de Roma y de sus ministros en la Tierra?
You'd got Frida's mother pregnant and done the decent thing, but you didn't love her.
Dejó embarazada a la madre de Frida e hizo lo decente, pero no la amaba.
If anything, she clung to Miss Symes and I like a suckling calf missing her mother.
En todo caso, se aferraría a la Srta Symes y clamaría como un ternero que extraña a su madre.
But Mother, if the marquise truly loves this man, and her love is stronger than his crime.
Pero mamá, la marquesa realmente ama a ese hombre, y su amor es más fuerte que su crimen. Tonterías.
The girl you loved is now the mother of three kids " " and stays at your place with her kids whenever she wants.
La chica que amaste ahora es madre de tres hijos y se planta en tu casa con ellos cada vez que quiere.
Her mother is a raging alcoholic, and her father was a Marine who made her do push-ups every day.
Su madre es un alcohólica crónica y su padre era un marine que le hacia hacer flexiones cada día.
A mother hears her son is alone and in trouble.
Una madre oye que su hijo está solo y en problemas.
I let the dogma of small-minded men determine your fate when I should have been protecting you... The way any other mother in the world would have protected her young. And now I see you in here, and I know that we put you here...
Permití que el dogma de hombres mezquinos determinara tu destino cuando debí protegerte... como cualquier otra madre en el mundo habría protegido a sus hijos, y ahora te veo ahí adentro y sé... que nosotros te pusimos ahí... tu padre y yo.
Sir, are you willing to take this woman back and give her another chance to be a faithful wife and mother?
Señor ¿ quiere usted recuperar a su mujer y darle la oportunidad de ser una esposa y madre fiel?
Now if we bury our mother on land owned by one of her descendents, she becomes a New Orleans witch, and we as her family share in that ancestral magic.
Ahora si enterramos a nuestra madre en la tierra de uno de sus descendientes, se convierte en una bruja de New Orleans, y nosotros como una familia, compartimos esa magia ancestral.
You raped her mother, abandoned her... and left a child for me to take.
Tú violaste a su madre la abandonaste y dejaste una hija para mí.
The loss of her mother, a great friend of mine... and it was very hard to both father and son.
La pérdida de su madre, una gran amiga mía fue duro para padre e hijo.
Your mother passed you her gift and sacrificed herself for you.
Tu madre te paso su don y se sacrificó a si misma por ti.
The King's mother comes to you in peril and you treat her like a common criminal.
La madre del rey viene hasta vos arriesgándose y vos la tratáis como a una criminal cualquiera.
Caitlyn, I love you, but unfortunately for you, you have inherited all of your mother's worst traits and none of her best.
Caitlyn, te quiero, pero desafortunadamente para ti, has heredado de tu madre todo lo malo y nada de lo bueno.
You gave birth to her, but I'm her mother, and this is my decision. Hey.
Tú diste a luz, pero yo soy su madre, y esta es mi decisión.
I'm really glad because your mother left her panties here and she needs to come pick them up because they're going to ferment.
Me va muy bien porque tu madre se dejó aquí unas bragas y, así, le dices que las pase a buscar ya. porque si no fermentarán.
[police radio chatter] If you were gonna kill a mother and her baby, you'd do it here... you'd leave the bodies here.
Si mataras a una madre y a su bebé, lo harías aquí... dejarías aquí los cadáveres.
Uh, and I'm her sister, Vanessa, and this is our mother, Doris.
Y yo su hermana, Vanessa, y ella es nuestra madre, Doris.
Just give that to your mother, and tell her to hand wash it, by morning.
Dale esto a tu madre, y dile que lo lave para mañana temprano.
We arrested her mother and we were wrong.
Arrestamos a su madre y estábamos equivocados.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her father 16
and her brother 18
and her son 20
her mother 123
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47
and her brother 18
and her son 20
her mother 123
mother 8072
motherfucker 2207
motherfuckers 280
mothers 67
motherfucking 21
mother fucker 47