At the wedding traduction Espagnol
2,229 traduction parallèle
Well, actually.... It was about something you were wearing round your neck at the wedding. A symbol.
La verdad, se trata de algo que traía colgado del cuello en la boda.
I like her stories, like how she streaked at the wedding.
Me gustan sus historias, como cuando corrió desnuda en la boda.
Should've had this guy at the wedding.
Deberían haber llevado este tipo a la boda.
You should've killed them at the wedding when you had the chance.
Debiste matarlos en la boda cuando tuviste la oportunidad.
Well, seeing you by yourself at the wedding didn't seem right.
Verte solo en la boda no me pareció correcto.
Call the proctor at the wedding.
Llama al supervisor en la boda.
Have fun at the wedding, and tell your sister congratulations.
Que te diviertas y felicita a tu hermana de mi parte.
- I had a great time at the wedding.
La pasé genial en su boda.
At the wedding, you both looked so beautiful.
Se veían tan hermosos en la boda.
I went to his apartment a couple of days ago and told him that Pamela would like him to say a few words at the wedding and that wasn't true.
Fui a su apartamento hace un par de días y le dije que a Pamela le gustaría que él hablara en la boda pero no es verdad.
So, you want me to go tell Mitch that you would like him at the wedding.
¿ Quiere que le diga a Mitch que quiere tenerlo en su boda?
See at the wedding.
Nos vemos en la boda.
It's really... It's bad luck for the ex to be at the wedding.
Es de muy, muy mala suerte que la ex esté en la boda.
And we're all going to be together at the wedding.
Y estaremos todos unidos en la boda.
- The groom was getting his table dance- - - At the wedding?
- El novio hacía su baile sexy- - - ¿ En una boda?
There was a bouquet toss at the wedding, and I got my arm gouged by a nasty stiletto.
Lanzaron el ramo de la boda, y yo tengo el brazo roto por un desagradable tacón.
A resealing... all of us... at the wedding, a recommitment, a reminder that despite our differences, we can come together to reaffirm our unbreakable Bonds.
Que todos nosotros nos volamos a ratificar... en la boda, volvernos a comprometer, un recordatorio de que a pesar de nuestras diferencias, podemos unirnos para reafirmar nuestros vínculos inquebrantables.
So we won't do it at the wedding.
Así que no lo haremos en la boda.
And I want you to be at the wedding, mama.
Y quiero que estés en la boda, mamá.
And if you're so sure of yourself, why are you here instead of at the wedding chapel?
Y si estás tan seguro de ti mismo, ¿ por qué estás aqui en vez de en una capilla?
And why we need to have an elephant at the wedding.
¿ Y porqué necesitamos un elefante en la boda?
Were you not at the wedding?
- ¿ No estabas en la boda?
- I did, but I said that's the kind of stuff you talk about before the wedding, not at the wedding.
- Lo hice, pero dije que es el tipo de cosas de las que hablas antes de la boda, no en la boda.
I bet he won't turn up at the wedding.
Apuesto a que ni sabe lo que es una boda.
See you at the wedding, Lorraine.
Te veo en la boda, Lorraine.
If there is lack of anything at the wedding.. .. then we will get defamed. - Okay.
Si falta algo en la boda entonces seremos humillados.
Look, whatever it is that's going on, I just want to know if it's going to ruin my hair at the wedding tomorrow.
Mira, sea lo que sea eso que perseguís, sólo espero que no vaya a arruinar mi peinado en la boda mañana.
He wants her at the wedding, right? He wants Alice at the wedding.
Pero él quiere que Alice también esté en boda, ¿ verdad?
Maybe she'll get drunk at the wedding And accuse the valet of stealing her sunglasses again.
Quizá se pille una cogorza en la boda y acuse al criado de robarle sus gafas de sol otra vez.
- But you were so relaxed and happy at the wedding.
Pero estabas tan relajado y feliz en el casamiento.
And where was this boyfriend at the wedding?
¿ Dónde estaba tu novio en la boda?
You were at the wedding with your sister.
Estabas en la boda con tu hermana.
I heard that at the wedding.
Oí eso en la boda.
Maybe she can give me away at the wedding.
Quizás pueda traicionarme en la boda.
Oh, no, it's my responsibility, you know, to capture the big moments at the wedding, like the bouquet toss.
Oh, no, es mi responsabilidad, sabes, captar los grandes momentos de la boda, como el lanzamiento del ramo.
We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding.
Lo íbamos a sacar en la boda.
The route is clear, is seen at a wedding.
Ya es hora de irme, te veo en la boda.
Who the fuck has a cash bar at a wedding?
¿ Quién coño pone un bar al contado en una boda?
So the royal wedding was barreling down, and while they were polishing silver at Buckingham Palace, I was doing a few little preparations of my own.
Por tanto la boda real se estaba preparando, y mientras estaban puliendo la plata en Buckingham Palace, yo hacía mis propias preparaciones.
I'm picturing the picture of myself at this wedding.
Estoy imaginando mi fotografía en la boda.
If you really wanna cancel the wedding you're gonna have to leave me standing at the altar.
Y si quieres cancelar la boda tendrás que plantarme en el altar.
I officiate... we do the wedding at Nicki's house.
Oficiaré... Hacemos la boda en la casa de Nicki.
They do it at the end of every black wedding, and we just...
Lo hacen en todas las bodas negras y nosotros...
Well, the Electric Slide at a black wedding is just like jumping the broom.
Es tan importante en una boda negra como saltar la escoba.
You'd be the best man at my wedding. Whassup?
Tú serías mi padrino de bodas. ¿ Qué pasó?
While Hank stays here and holds down the fort, I will be representing Hankmed at your wedding.
Mientras Hank esta aquí y permanece en el fuerte, yo estaré representando a Hankmed en tu boda.
Ballani, convinced he's at the real wedding, takes his photo and leaves.
Ballani, convencido de que está en la boda verdadera, toma su foto y se va.
Whose idea was it to spend the wedding night at the Marriot?
¿ De quién fue la idea de pasar la noche de bodas en el Marriot?
The proposal went awry, and his grandmother's wedding ring, appraised at $ 11,500, was lost.
La proposición salió mal, y el anillo de bodas de su abuela, valorado en 11,500 dólares, se perdió.
To be the maid of honor at his wedding, Sunday.
El domingo.
Your mom learned that lesson the hard way at Peyton and Lucas'wedding.
Tu madre aprendió la lección por el camino duro en la boda de Lucas y Peyton.
at the movies 19
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120
at the age of 82
at the end of the day 343
at the end 233
at the very least 397
at the same time 408
at the airport 47
at the moment 453
at the party 41
at the hospital 120