Back in business traduction Espagnol
857 traduction parallèle
So if it takes an apology to get you back in business with me, then Elaine -
Por tanto, si se necesita una disculpa para llevarle de vuelta en el negocio conmigo, entonces Elaine -
I'll be back in business starting at dawn, freighting for the Army.
Volveré al negocio al amanecer, suministrando al ejército. Es una maravilla de sensación.
I'll be back in business starting at dawn, freighting for the Army. Oh, it's a wonderful feeling.
Volveré al negocio al amanecer, suministrando al ejército.
So they're back in business again?
Vuelven a las andadas.
Maybe this will put you back in business.
Quizá con esto puedan volver a abrir.
Cuando volvamos al negocio, seremos bandidos de nuevo.
Once he's out of jail... he'll fish again and we'll be back in business, understand?
Una vez que haya salido... él volverá a pescar y nosotros volveremos a hacer negocio, ¿ comprendido?
You boys forgive and forget, and back in business again.
Vosotros, muchachos, perdonáis y olvidáis, y podéis empezar de cero otra vez.
We're back in business, boys.
Otra vez trabajando, ¿ eh?
We're back in business.
We're back in business.
Volvemos al ruedo.
- I'm back in business. Public relations.
- Trabajo en relaciones públicas.
"The vegetable and fruit market will be back in business once again."
"El mercado hortofrutícola de la ciudad volverá a ser abastecido con regularidad".
We'll be back in business'fore you know it, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as ever.
Regresaremos al negocio antes de que te des cuenta, diligentes como siempre.
We're back in business!
- ¡ Reanudamos el trabajo!
- We're back in business again?
- ¡ Todos a bordo! - ¡ McCord!
The motor kicks in, and they're back in business.
El motor se pone en marcha y vuelven al trabajo.
He's back in business!
Ha abierto el negocio.
One day we heard she was back in business again and we felt the urge to look her up
Un día nos enteramos por casualidad que Imola volvía a estar en activo y nos dieron unas ganas tremendas de volver a verla.
It's back in business again.
De vuelta al trabajo.
I shall soon be back in Buffalo looking after my own business.
Volveré a Buffalo para arreglar mis asuntos.
If you wouldn't mind slipping out during the performance... I'll be at the business wagon in the back lot at 9 : 00.
Si no le molesta, estaré en el carro oficina a las 9 : 00.
In other words, I'm giving you back to the automobile business.
En otras palabras, le devuelvo al negocio del automóvil.
The next time you meddle in my business, I'm gonna send you back to where you be -
La próxima que te metas en mis cosas te enviaré de regreso adonde...
You wait. They'll be back in half an hour... begging you to give them an interest in the business.
Espera, volverán en media hora a rogarte que les des un porcentaje del negocio.
- That's her business. When we're finished, we'll throw her back in the gutter.
Después la devolvemos donde estaba.
Blue Back, you've had a lot of experience in this business.
Blue Back, tú tienes experiencia.
We are back in show business.
Volvemos al espectáculo.
Making business in the back.
Haciendo negocios a escondidas.
You got business back in the States. Gangway.
Y tú tienes asuntos en EE.UU.
Now he's back to business in his father's place
Ahora está trabajando con su padre.
Sorry I'm late, but we were discussing a business deal in the back of the house.
Perdonen el retraso, es que estaba hablando de unos asuntos.
You come back in the house. It's none of your business!
Entren en casa. ¡ No es asunto suyo!
When Ted came out West and got started in this business, I sold the home back East and joined him.
Cuando Ted vino al Oeste y comenzó este negocio... vendí la casa en el Este y me uní a él.
We trust you. Only these days to stay in business you've got to be a hawk. Otherwise, they rob the shirt right off your back.
Pero si uno quiere sacar adelante un negocio, debe estar con mil ojos, o te quitan hasta la camisa.
With my left hand scratch the back of any swine that roots up gold for me while my right, too proud to know his partner's business, takes in the fee.
¿ Rascar con mi mano izquierda la espalda de algun bruto en pro de alguna moneda mientras mi mano derecha ignora la humillación y acepta la limosna?
You have set the son-in-law business back 50 years.
Has hecho retroceder 50 años lo que hizo tu suegro.
- He won't be back from school for two weeks... and I plan to stay in New York on business.
No volverá del colegio hasta dentro de dos semanas... ... y yo había planeado quedarme en Nueva York por negocios.
- Yeah, and if we can get our speedometers turned back, we're in business.
Batu nos espera.
Look, forget it. They'll only wrap him up in a cold sheet, keep him around for three days, then give him back to the Indians. Besides, we've got some more business.
Oye, olvídalo, sólo le pondrán una sábana fría, lo observarán 3 días y lo enviarán a su casa.
Telephoning directors that I put in this business and they're not phoning back.
Llamando directores que yo metí en este negocio y ellos no me llaman.
Besides I figure business ought to be picking up back in Tombstone along about now.
Además, creo que ya habrá más negocio en Tombstone.
I tell you, son, if I ran my business back home the way they run this army, I'd be bankrupt in a month. - One month!
Le digo, si yo manejara mi negocio en casa... de la manera que manejan este ejército, estaría en bancarrota dentro de un mes.
Come back in the business.
Vuelva al oficio Crearemos un número
I could say I was going on business, that I'd be back in a few weeks but I don't have to pretend with you.
Podría decir que me voy por negocios, que volveré en unas semanas pero no tengo que fingir contigo.
... music for your all-night listening pleasure. - Yes, you know these business meetings... always coming up in the middle of the night. - Back?
- ¿ Te vas?
You better be getting back to your place and let them know that the Sinclairs are still in the business.
Mejor vuelves a tu casa y les dices que los Sinclair siguen en el negocio.
- Uh, well, be back in a minute honey, this is business.
- Ahora vuelvo.
You'll get back to work on your business, so will Stephane, but I'll stay alone in this loony's house.
Tú volverás al trabajo, Stéphane también, pero yo me quedaré sola en esta casa de locos.
Looks like we're back in the radio business.
Volvemos a tener radio.
You're back in the picture business, son. Ha ha ha!
¡ Has vuelto al mundo del cine!
back in town 16
back in 260
back in the day 245
back in my day 20
back in the car 36
back inside 56
back in line 31
back in high school 24
back in college 24
back in the old days 18
back in 260
back in the day 245
back in my day 20
back in the car 36
back inside 56
back in line 31
back in high school 24
back in college 24
back in the old days 18
back in the 107
back in a minute 41
back in a sec 24
in business 44
business 577
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business or pleasure 40
back in a minute 41
back in a sec 24
in business 44
business 577
businessman 37
businessmen 24
business as usual 75
business is booming 22
business or pleasure 40
business trip 19
business partners 16
business is business 82
business is good 48
business partner 23
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
business partners 16
business is business 82
business is good 48
business partner 23
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back me up 80
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back me up 80
back to school 26
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back door 80
back me up on this 16