Clean clothes traduction Espagnol
513 traduction parallèle
- Mrs. Willis, clean clothes.
Sra. Willis, ropa limpia.
When I was a coal miner, the idea was to buy clean clothes.
Cuando era minero, quería comprar ropa limpia.
But just imagine. A real bed to sleep in. People, lights, hot water and clean clothes.
Piensa : una cama, gente, luz, agua caliente y ropa limpia.
You were carrying out your orders, and your further orders are to proceed immediately to the hotel, where the Red Cross has warm baths and clean clothes for you.
Estamos cumpliendo sus órdenes Y las nuevas órdenes, son llevarlas al Hotel, La Cruz Roja tiene baños tibios para ustedes y ropa limpia.
Go on, there, I fix the bed and get you some clean clothes.
Vamos, recuéstate y te traeré ropa limpia.
Give them some clean clothes.
Dales algo de ropa limpia.
Year in and year out, she's washed and ironed... and carried her clean clothes to people's back doors... through rain and cold and the heat of summer.
Año tras año, ha lavado y planchado... y llevado la ropa lavada a la puerta trasera de la gente... con lluvia y con frío, y con el calor del verano.
If I only had some clean clothes like you.
Ojalá tuviera ropa limpia, como usted.
Now you don't have any clean clothes.
Ahora no tienes ropa limpia.
Meantime, better wash up, get in some clean clothes.
Mientras tanto ve a lavarte y a cambiarte.
Later I'll bring clean clothes so you can change.
Más tarde traeré ropa limpia para que te cambies.
Your breakfast is ready and your clean clothes are on the chair.
Tu desayuno está listo y la ropa limpia en la silla.
I want a full belly and clean clothes.
¡ Quiero comer bien y vestir ropas limpias!
Can I visit him and take him some clean clothes?
¿ Podría ir a verle? ¿ Llevarle algún paquete, algo de ropa?
Well, you know what a lift it is to put on clean clothes after a shower.
Ya sabes lo que anima el ponerse ropa limpia después de una ducha.
You will be more attractive with clean clothes, clean shoes hands, face, teeth, et cetera.
Resultarán más atractivos con ropa, zapatos manos, cara y dientes limpios.
I don't have any clean clothes.
No tengo ropa limpia.
Old people see a priest, confess, save money for the funeral, for clean clothes.
Llamemos a un cura... para que te confieses, pero necesitaremos dinero para el funeral. Para el ataúd.
- Clean clothes, toothbrush?
¿ Cepillo de dientes?
What are you doing out here with clean clothes and no beard?
¿ Qué haces con ropa limpia y sin barba?
- My clothes are clean. - Your sleep wear. - I never undress.
Pero tú comprendes, después de esto pues se impone otro ratito.
I'll get him some clothes and clean him up.
Le buscaré ropa y le limpiaré.
Are clothes clean?
¿ Está limpia la ropa?
The white clothes were stained by my brothers from Paris and Rouen with such dirt that no soap or herbs will ever clean them.
Mi vestimenta blanca ensuciada por mis hermanos de Paris y de Rouen de una tal suciedad... que ni la sosa, ni la hierba saponaria podrán nunca limpiarla
Clean and press clothes for you.
Limpio y plancho ropa para Vd. También hago listas.
I think it would be an act of human kindness if you were to give Mr. Jorgy a clean suit of clothes.
Creo que sería una acción humanitaria... darle un traje nuevo al Sr. Jorgy.
By washing my clothes and getting clean again.
¡ Lavar mi ropa y asearme!
She is gone. bag her baggage clean every stitch of clothes and left first thing in the morning.
Cogió toda su ropa y se marchó temprano. ¿ Dejó alguna dirección?
And there'll be no dawdling. And keep your clothes clean for a change.
Nada de holgazanear, y no te ensucies.
You do not clean stains on the clothes one is wearing.
Las manchas no se limpian con las ropas puestas.
But all this is only clothes that are clean.
Esto son solo ropas limpias.
Go inside, dry off, clean up, change your clothes and report back here!
¡ Vayan a secarse y cambiarse y luego repórtense aquí nuevamente!
[Rings] When this bell rings, you take out dryer, put in clean hamper, get more dirty clothes, put in washer.
Cuando suena esta campana, la saca de la secadora... la pone en el cesto, toma más ropa sucia y la mete a la lavadora.
- Well, he looks horrible. - Clean his clothes.
Limpiadle la ropa.
- Doc Miller sent over these crutches and some clean clothes.
- El doctor le manda unas muletas y ropa limpia.
Él solo usa ropa limpia y bonita.
When we reach Baia, we will rent a room and you'll teach Greek and I'll prepare meals for you,... clean your clothes, get your bed ready.
¡ Imagínate! Cuando lleguemos a Baia, alquilaremos una habitación. Tú darás clases de griego y yo te prepararé la comida,... limpiaré tu ropa y te prepararé la cama.
Show you a new way to get your clothes clean.
Te mostraré cómo lavar la ropa.
Clothes as clean as if they came from the laundry.
Tan limpia como si saliera de la lavandería.
So, you see, if he'd been pushed into the pool, and his wet clothes replaced by clean ones,
Así que, ya sabe, pudieron tirarlo a la piscina, y esconder su ropa sustituyéndola por otra.
This woman, who always fights, fights day and night with or without clothes but her heart bleeding and her soul clean and pure.
Esa mujer, que luchando luchando siempre de día y noche con ropa o sin ropa. Pero con el corazón sangrando, y el alma limpia y pura.
We will clean the house, wash the clothes and we will bring the drinking water for you.
Limpiar la casa, lavar la ropa... y les traeremos el agua potable.
The clothes are hung up, no garbage on the floor, the place is clean.
La ropa está colgada, no hay porquería tirada y todo está limpio.
No, his clothes were clean.
No, sus ropas estaban limpias.
It was very silly of you not to clean the blood properly off the banisters - and burn his clothes.
Fue una torpeza no limpiar bien la sangre y no quemar la ropa.
The clothes were puídas, but the weapons were clean.
La ropa raída, pero las armas estaban limpias.
Dirty clothes mean misery. When they're clean, a man feels free!
Unos solo tienen ropa enfangada, y los felices limpios han de andar.
I can--I'll help you clean... and we can go out together... and maybe you could buy me some regular clothes.
Puedo... Puedo ayudarte a limpiar y podemos salir adelante juntos y quizas podrías comprarme alguna ropa...
We wear clean, neat clothes.
Vamos limpios y aseados.
I cook for you, I clean for you, I pick up your dirty clothes!
¡ Cocino para ti, limpio para ti, recojo tu ropa sucia!
Well, at least you could have taken time to wash and clean your clothes up
Al menos, podrías haber dedicado tiempo a limpiar y coserte la ropa
clothes 278
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clean 572
cleaning 155
cleaner 43
cleaned 51
cleaners 18
clean it up 100
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