Family first traduction Espagnol
1,790 traduction parallèle
Put your family first, William.
Pon a tu familia en primer lugar, William.
Well, he's gotta put the family first.
Hay que poner a la familia primero.
Well, family first.
Primero está la familia.
Benjamin Davenport, beloved father, grandfather and great-grandfather, was a hard-working man who always put his family first.
Benjamin Davenport, querido padre... abuelo y bisabuelo... era un hombre muy trabajador que siempre puso primero a su familia.
He knows family comes first.
Él sabe que la familia está primero.
They understand that family comes first.
- Entienden que la familia va primero.
One of the first things we like to do in... cris response is make certain that the family notification was done properly, so perhaps you can tell us what Chief Pope discussed with you.
Una de las primeras cosas que nos gusta hacer dentro de... Respuesta de Crisis es asegurarnos que la notificación a la familia fué hecha apropiadamente, así que quizás podriais contarnos que discutió el Jefe Pope con vosotros.
At first, a kind family adopted me but I knew they would soon... discover my body's secret
Al principio, me adoptó una familia muy agradable... pero yo sabía que tarde o temprano... descubrirían el secreto de mi cuerpo.
I made all those cupcakes. I'm all about being a team player, but my family comes first.
Sé trabajar en equipo, pero mi familia es primero.
Family comes first.
La familia es lo primero.
Family does come first.
La familia es lo primero.
No, tell her that this is our first family thanksgiving and that we're establishing traditions that will shape our kids and that they'll pass on to their kids and that she's a part of that.
No, dile que es nuestra primer Acción de Gracias en familia y que estamos estableciendo tradiciones que formarán a nuestros hijos y que ellos pasarán a sus hijos, y que ella es parte de esto.
It's my first thanksgiving without my family and I... Didn't know what to do with myself.
Es mi primera Acción de Gracias sin mi familia y yo no sabía qué hacer conmigo mismo.
With a foothold in this New World, the first Americans flourished here, until eventually, some 15,000 years later, they were to come face to face with some distant members of their family tree.
Con un pie en este Nuevo Mundo, los primeros americanos florecieron aquí, hasta que eventualmente, unos 15.000 años más tarde, se encontrarían cara a cara con algunos miembros lejanos de su árbol genealógico.
Having dinner as a family, playing hanafuda... this was the first time in my life I've ever felt so warm.
Cenar en familia, jugar al hanafuda... este fue el primer momento de mi vida en el que he sentido el calor de un hogar.
At first I thought I'd adopt him, but we can barely feed our own family.
Primero pensé que iba a adoptarlo pero apenas puedo alimentar a mi familia
Look, I checked.No family history.Let's rule outall organic causes first.
Revisé, no hay historia familiar. Descartemos primero causas orgánicas.
I mean it's the first big family thing that he's coming to.
Es a la primera reunión familiar grande a la que va a ir.
We had a priest in our family but I have already reported it in my first questionnaire.
Tuvimos un sacerdote en la familia pero yo ya había informado en mi primer cuestionario. Y murió antes de la guerra.
I'm calling your family, i'm flying them out here first class on a jet, putting them up in a hotel, taking them out to dinner and you.
Llamaré a tu familia, haré que vuelen en primera clase en un yet, los hospedo en un hotel, y los llevo a cenar.
Um, well, you know, the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving for the first time in, I don't even know how long, so- -
Mm, ya sabes la familia va a estar junta por Acción de gracias por primera vez en, ni me acuerdo cuánto, así que- -
To a member of my family, you call me first.
Con un miembro de mi familia, me llamasen antes.
The father of the first family killed--dan williams,
El padre de la primera familia asesinada... Dan Williams,
First, family is the most important thing you could ever have.
Primero, la familia es lo más importante que jamás podrás tener.
It's the first time he's brought a girl to a family thing.
Es la primera vez que trae a una chica a una reunion familiar.
Lily and I would like to thank you all for coming to our first Thanksgiving as a family.
Lily y yo queríamos agradecerles a todos que hayan venido a nuestro primer acción de gracias como familia.
I wasn't sure which was making me madder- - that Mike was bailing on the family by faking an injury or that he thought of it first.
No estaba segura qué me enfadaba más- - que Mike se escaqueara de la familia fingiendo una lesión o que a él se le ocurrió primero
It is an important film, but I should have thought your family would come first.
Es una película importante pero deberías haber pensado que tu familia es lo primero.
First, his family structure.
Primero, su estructura familiar.
The first-ever remains of anyone from Cleopatra's family - proof not only of a shocking murder, but also the first forensic evidence that Cleopatra was a ruthless killer.
Los primeros restos de alguien de la familia de Cleopatra, prueba no solo de un crimen terrible, sino también, la primer evidencia forense de que Cleopatra fue una asesina brutal.
Experts are now convinced that this skeleton is the first forensic evidence of Cleopatra's family ever found.
Los expertos ahora están convencidos, de que este esqueleto es la primer evidencia forense encontrada jamás de la familia de Cleopatra.
- It was his first Christmas without his family.
- Fue su primera Navidad sin su familia.
Nathan, the youngest Meyerwitz, had relished every moment of his book tour except for today. That's because he was facing his family for the first time since Peep World came out.
Nathan, el menor de los Meyerwitz había disfrutado cada instante del tour de su libro salvo hoy porque era la primera vez que enfrentaría a su familia desde que se publicó Peep World.
For the first time in my life, I honestly don't give a shit what my family thinks about me.
Por primera vez en mi vida realmente me importa un carajo lo que mi familia piense de mí.
First, he wanted to know family stuff.
Primero, quería saber cosas de Ia familia.
How infuriating will it be if he has his second family before I have my first.
Será indignante si tiene otro hijo antes de que yo tenga el primero.
He had no family, no time for a woman in his life, and was obsessively private about his first novel.
No tenía ni familia ni tiempo para una mujer y era obsesivamente reservado sobre su primera novela.
First of all, call your family
Ante todo, llama a tu familia
It's her first Eid ( festival ) in the family after the wedding.
Es su primer Eid ( festivo ) con la familia después de la boda.
And since I was born into the first family of angling... it should come as no surprise... that I was a fishing prodigy.
Como nací en una familia de grandes pescadores... me convertí pronto en un prodigio de la pesca.
But the Colombians mother wanted the guy who killed him and Chino didn't want to lose the coke business, so he took the first cop he saw, cut off his hands, cut out his tongue, and handed him over to the Colombian family.
Pero el colombiano de la madre quería que el Puy-de quién lo mató y el Chino no quería a perder el negocio de coque, por lo que tomó el primer policía que vio, le cortaron las manos, cortó la tonpue, y lo entregó a la familia colombiana.
A man who doesn't lie, or cheat, or leave his family the first time some...
Un hombre que no miente ni engaña, ni abandona a su familia la primera vez que...
You'll be the first teacher in our family.
Serás el primer docente de nuestra familia
Will, I am not meeting your family for the first time looking like this.
No voy a conocer a tu familia con esta facha.
First off, I'd like to thank the Earnshaw family for lending us their beautiful lake house to help us celebrate our victory.
Antes que nada, gracias a la familia Earnshaw por prestarnos su hermosa casa para celebrar la victoria.
Well, Claire has always come first in our family.
Pues en nuestra familia, Claire siempre está primero.
First give me back my family.
En primer lugar devuélveme a mi familia.
You don't know the first thing about my family.
No sabes nada de mi familia.
I was forced to serve. To bow and scrape. First of all to the shits that took my family.
Me obligaron a obedecer a hacer la reverencia y a adular en primer lugar a los mierdas que se llevaron a mi familia.
And... it reminded me that my responsibility, first and foremost, is to my family.
Y... me recordó que mi responsabilidad, primero y ante todo, es mi família.
Aisha invited me to lunch for the first time.. .. and didn't even Wait for me. You're a part of our family and not a guest.
Aisha me invito a alamorzar por primera vez... y ni siquiera esperaron por mi eres una parte de la familia no un huesped
first 4785
first name 87
first date 34
first day of school 24
first things first 322
first squad 18
first and foremost 114
first time for everything 43
first class 132
first order of business 44
first name 87
first date 34
first day of school 24
first things first 322
first squad 18
first and foremost 114
first time for everything 43
first class 132
first order of business 44
first one 47
first time here 16
first love 34
first up 130
first of all 2811
first word 25
first thing in the morning 86
first thing tomorrow morning 35
first day 73
first time 177
first time here 16
first love 34
first up 130
first of all 2811
first word 25
first thing in the morning 86
first thing tomorrow morning 35
first day 73
first time 177