Feet down traduction Espagnol
1,257 traduction parallèle
It's 2,000 feet down.
Es una bajada de 2.000 pies.
You may still be 50 feet down the hall! They see you coming :
¡ Aún estás a diez metros por el pasillo y te ven venir!
That thing has drowned in its box 70 feet down.
Esa cosa se hundió unos 20 metros.
Get your feet down first.
Pisa primero.
Put your feet down!
That's 100 feet down there.
Son 30 metros.
Put your feet down. There we go. We won't set any records or anything.
Ya está.
We defend ours, a thousand feet down, here, below me, under that mountain.
Defendemos la nuestra, unos mil pies abajo, aquí, atrás de mi, bajo esa montaña.
and put your feet down.
Y baja los pies.
- Get your feet down, and clean up the mess.
Quita los pies de ahí y limpia esta pocilga.
But why don't those campfires and the wanderers who made them fall down at our feet?
Pero, ¿ por qué esas fogatas y los cazadores que las encienden no nos caen encima?
They believe it holds the sky up. They believe that if not for the Milky Way pieces of sky would come crashing down at our feet.
Creen que sostiene al cielo que de no ser por la Vía Láctea caerían trozos de cielo a nuestros pies.
From the battlement atop the citadel, like a mariner in a mountainous ship one could look sheer down upon the gate 700 feet below.
Desde la muralla almenada sobre la ciudadela se puede ver hacia abajo sobre la puerta a 200 metros.
You're talking about 12,500 feet under water, more than two miles down.
Están hablando de 3.800 metros bajo el agua, más de dos millas de profundidad.
But why don't those campfires and the wanderers who made them. fall down at our feet?
Todo esos reyes y batallas, migraciones e invenciones, guerras y amores.
They call it the "backbone of night." They believe it holds the sky up. They believe that if not for the Milky Way. pieces of sky would come crashing down at our feet.
Lo que suceda en el primer segundo del próximo año cósmico... depende de lo que nosotros hagamos, aquí y ahora... con nuestra inteligencia... y nuestro conocimiento del Cosmos.
Suppose we slacken the ropes and let the tower down a few feet?
¿ Y si aflojáramos un poco las sogas y retrocediéramos la torre?
- Shh. Look, can I help it if somebody brought this meat down and put it at my feet?
Mira, ¿ qué quieres que haga si alguien trajo esta carne y la puso a mis pies?
I'll raise my eyes and look down that corridor... four-feet wide with ten lonely seconds to justify my whole existence.
Levantaré los ojos para mirar por ese corredor de un metro de ancho, con diez segundos para justificar toda mi existencia.
Just pissed off to see a boy with all his life to live... frightened of his own shadow and looking down at his feet.
Me da mucho coraje verte con una vida por delante con miedo de su propia sombra y mirando para la punta del pie.
" and fell down dead at his feet.
" Y cayó muerta a sus pies.
Stomp your feet up and down.
Golpea el piso con los pies.
And further down... his feet?
Y yendo más ¡ han ¿ le besan los pies?
We've had a dry winter two years running, and our acre feet are down 30 percent.
Tuvimos dos inviernos secos y nuestro acre-pie bajó un 30 % %.
to where the shield was upon the wall, which in sooth tarried not for his full coming but fell down at his feet upon the silver floor with a mighty, great and terrible ringing sound.'
"hasta donde colgaba del muro el escudo,... " el cual, entonces, no esperó su llegada, sino que cayó a sus pies... "sobre el piso de plata con grandísimo y terrible fragor".
"A nd I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven clothed with a cloud : and a rainbow was upon his head and his face was as it were the sun and his feet as pillars of fire."
"Y vi a otro ángel poderoso venido del cielo, envuelto en una nube, con un arco iris sobre su cabeza, y su rostro era como el sol, y sus pies como columnas de fuego".
I'm talking about, I started out smokin'... I would have a pipe and sit it down and walk eight feet away from it.
Yo empecé a fumar... tenía una pipa y me alejaba tres metros.
We're down three feet.
Estamos abajo tres pies.
Hears through walls, fires 4000 rounds a minute and peeks down dresses at 1 000 feet. Jesus Christ!
Oye a través de las paredes, dispara 4000 vueltas al minuto y mira bajo la ropa a 300 metros. ¡ Dios!
You'd be 2 feet taller, looking down at me, And you'd ditch me,
Serías tan alto que me verías hacia abajo, y te olvidarías de mi.
Put them in my sleeping bag down by my feet.
Lo puse en mi saco de dormir justo, a mis pies
Remember, Cat, how in the moving pictures Valentino rode down the sand dunes and swept the heroine off her feet?
¿ Cat, recuerdas como en las películas, Valentino cabalgaba por las dunas de arena y recogía a la heroína al galope?
- Well, sit down and put your feet up.
- Levanta los pies.
Y cuando... se acercaba a ellas, se quedaba parado, con los pies juntos y cabizbajo.
You go straight through this door here, down the hall, turn right, and then there's a little jog, about 30 feet.
Sigan derecho por esa puerta de ahí, por el pasillo... giren a la derecha y luego habrá un desnivel de 10 metros.
You're old enough to get your head down out of the clouds and and keep both feet on the ground.
A tu edad es hora de bajar de las nubes y vivir con los pies sobre la tierra.
- That'll take us down to about 1,800 feet.
Vamos, vamos. Eso nos llevará 550 metros bajo tierra.
By the time we're through with those shysters, they're gonna be down to bare feet and skivvies.
Cuando terminemos con esos picapleitos van a quedar en ropa interior.
4200 square feet, split-level, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, sauna, Jacuzzi, aviary and an elevator down to the beach!
400 metros cuadrados, dos niveles, 5 habitaciones, 4 baños, sauna, jacuzzi, pajarera y un ascensor para bajar a la playa.
Great is the warrior, who fell down but is on his feet again.
Grande es el guerrero que habiendo caído, vuelve a levantarse.
Down with the feet, hip distance apart stomachs pulled in, buttocks tight.
Bajen los pies, mantengan la distancia estómagos metidos, nalgas apretadas.
We went down 20 feet more in 12 shaft, got only manganite, and shut it down.
Bajamos 7 metros en el 12, pero sólo hallamos manganita.
And you sat us down in front of an old radiator, and you took off my socks and rubbed my feet.
Y nos sentabamos frente a un viejo radiador. Y me sacabas las medias y me masajeabas los pies.
Oh, I am afraid of a shark coming and pulling me down by the feet.
Oh, tengo miedo que venga un tiburón y me tire de los pies hacia abajo.
It slides down for a few feet...
Te deslizas un solo metro...
I lay down at his feet like a dog.
Me tumbo a sus pies como un perro.
Well, down there, the armadillos grow to about nine feet tall.
Bueno, ahi los armadillos crecen enormes, como seis pies.
I started to realize how insecure my grip on life could be. When you're a few thousand feet straight up, there's always the chance of falling a few thousand feet straight down.
A miles de metros de altura siempre hay una posibilidad de caer miles de metros.
When you strip away every ounce of humanity, every shred of pride she has, just when she's bending down to kiss your feet, tell her you got the ring... from Al Bundy.
Cuando le hayas arrancado cada pizca de humanidad cada pizca de orgullo que tenga cuando se arrodille para besarte los pies dile que el anillo te lo dio Al Bundy.
- Josh, your hand's in! - more than 200 feet... - down a mountain slope.
Josh, tu mano sale en pantalla.
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
Cuando sientes que bailas con nubes a tus pies
down 3353
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
downtown 201
downstairs 319
downs 77
downey 56
downers 18
downton abbey 33
down the street 38
down the hall 119
down on your knees 79
down the stairs 50
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down low 42
down the road 38
down the line 26
down on the floor 28
down there 402
down the hatch 65
down the drain 18
down you go 36
down below 33
down to business 31
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26
down here 450
down on the ground 130
downing street 23
down now 22
down to 41
down in one 23
down in front 26