Going to school traduction Espagnol
4,359 traduction parallèle
We've placed them with families, they're going to school - - resuming their lives as best they can.
Los hemos colocado en familias, van a la escuela... retomando sus vidas lo mejor que pueden.
She watched him when I was going to school and going to work, and she got up in the middle of the night to feed him.
Lo cuidaba cuando iba a la escuela e iba al trabajo, y se levantaba a mitad de la noche para alimentarlo.
Yeah, but I'm guessing that Silver's idea of me doing my own thing is, like, going to school and working at a coffee shop.
Sí, pero creo que la idea de Silver de hacer mis propias cosas es más bien ir a clases y trabajar en una cafetería.
You're not going to school in that.
No vas a ir a la escuela así vestida.
I'm going to school!
¡ Me voy a clase!
I've been going to school with Mitch Alvarado since kindergarten.
He ido a clase con Mitch Alvarado desde el jardín de infancia.
Is that why you haven't been going to school?
¿ Es por eso que no has estado yendo a la escuela?
I am going to school for oceanography, okay?
Estoy estudiando Oceanografía, ¿ sí?
And as for the "going to school" idea...
Y en cuanto a la idea de "ir al instituto"...
Why isn't Freya going to school?
¿ Por qué Freya no fue a la escuela?
I'm not going to school today.
No ire a la escuela hoy.
You're all going to school.
Todos iran a la escuela.
The whole reason I'm going to grad school here is to experience another culture.
La razón por la que voy a la escuela de posgrado aquí es para experimentar otra cultura. Correcto.
Then I can apply to whatever school she's going to, and we can be together.
Entonces puedo solicitar a cualquier escuela a la que ella vaya, y podremos estar juntos.
Ladies and gentlemen, the solution is not going to come from a business school graduate.
Señoras y señores, la solución no va a venir de licenciados de la escuela de negocios.
Who cares that you're constantly talking about going to business school?
¿ A quién le importa que quieras ir a una escuela de negocios... y nunca lo hagas? , es tu asunto.
Then you're not going to film school!
Entonces no irás a la escuela de cine.
I was away at law school, and... you know, he was going to run our father's business.
Yo iba a la facultad de Derecho, y... ya sabes, el se iba a hacer cargo los negocios de papa.
I feel like going to med school's a way to push myself further, you know?
Creo que ir a la facultad de medicina es una forma de empujarme a ir más lejos. ¿ Sabes?
You're going to law school.
Vas a la facultad de derecho.
Did you have to deal with someone going around school, tearing down your campaign posters?
- ¿ Tuviste que lidiar con alguien que se pasea por la escuela quitando los posters de tu campaña?
I am going to check in at the school just to make sure.
Voy a ir a la escuela para asegurarme.
You know, I'm going to see you at school.
Lo veo en la escuela.
- Okay, going back to school. -... in a new high school - for her senior year...
- Y Maeby se inscribió en una nueva escuela para su último año...
Maeby, you're going to be late for school.
Maeby, vas a llegar tarde al colegio.
So I'm still going to stay in high school until they notice me.
Entonces, me seguiré quedando en la secundaria hasta que se dan cuenta de mí.
But the first time I saw a firefighter jump into a truck and roar off, man, I knew I wasn't going to medical school.
Pero la primera vez que vi a un bombero saltar al camión y gritar, tío, supe que no iba a ir a la facultad de medicina.
I mean, maybe I'd start going to night school, and then maybe my dream...
Quiero decir, quizás empiece a ir a una escuela nocturna, y luego tal vez mi sueño...
Just that you got a job and you were thinking of going back to school.
Asi que tienes un trabajo y piensas volver a la escuela.
Maybe we can get the birds to act out the Benson where a scheduling snafu forces the governor to decide between meeting the president or going to Katie's school play! Yay! Scatterbrained governor.
¡ Tal vez podemos conseguir que los pájaros interpreten el Benson donde un caos programado obliga al gobernador a decidir entre conocer al presidente o ir a la obra del colegio de Katie! Gobernador cabeza de chorlito.
But as a concerned citizen, I'm going to ask Anthony to escort you back to school.
Pero como ciudadana preocupada, le diré a Anthony que te escolte a la escuela.
I'm going to night school to become a physical therapist.
Voy a la escuela nocturna para ser fisioterapeuta.
You didn't tell me that going online would bring a group of paid killers to my school.
No me dijiste que el estar online traería a un grupo de asesinos a sueldo a mi escuela.
I'm going to Ranger school.
Iré a la escuela de Comando.
Yeah, but I'm going to Ranger School soon, and when I get back, uh, you and I, we might not be in the same chain of command anymore.
Si, pero iré a la Escuela de Ranger pronto, y cuando regrese, usted y yo, tal vez no estemos en la misma cadena de mando.
I thought you were going to the school.
Pensé que ibas a la escuela.
Toby, you get good grades, you're going to a good school.
Toby, tienes buenas notas... vas a una buena escuela. Vas a estar bien.
I'm going to the police after school.
Voy a ir a la policía después del instituto.
I'm never going to be able to show my face in that school ever again.
No voy a poder mostrar mi cara en ese colegio de nuevo nunca más.
Going to law school is committing.
Ir a la escuela de leyes es comprometerte.
- Are you going to start dance school?
- ¿ Quieres tomar clases de baile?
What that judge is going to see is a family ready to provide Wesley with a warm and loving home... in a very desirable school district.
Lo que el juez va a ver es una familia preparada para mantener a Wesley en un cálido y adorable hogar En un gran distrito escolar.
I'm thinking about going back to medical school.
Quizá vuelva a la facultad de Medicina.
Actually, he's thinking about going back to medical school.
En realidad, quiere volver a la facultad de Medicina.
I'm thinking of going back to medical school.
Estoy pensando en volver a estudiar Medicina.
Uh, Jimmy's going back to medical school.
Jimmy va a volver a estudiar Medicina.
- I'm going back to medical school.
- A lo mejor vuelvo a estudiar medicina.
My boyfriend might be going to med school at U of M. We're not sure yet.
Puede que mi novio vaya a la facultad de medicina de allá.
So you guys know how Jimmy's thinking about maybe going back to med school?
Pues... ¿ Se enteraron de que Jimmy quiere volver a la facultad de medicina?
Thinking about going back to school?
¿ Piensas regresar a la escuela?
But it's a good thing you're going to law school, because they may sleep with the paralegals, but they end up with the lawyers.
Pero es una buena cosa vas a la escuela de leyes, ya que pueden dormir con los asistentes de abogados, pero terminan con los abogados.
going to 34
going to work 25
to school 26
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
school's out 28
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16
school bell rings 101
going to work 25
to school 26
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
school's out 28
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16
school bell rings 101
school bell ringing 72
going 418
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going up 86
going on 106
going 418
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going twice 111
going up 86
going on 106
going once 140
going down 118
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53
going down 118
going home 92
going back 37
going in 43
going away 31
going again 27
going where 53