Going twice traduction Espagnol
628 traduction parallèle
"3 1 / 2 Carats... $ 70,000 going once... going twice..."
Tres quilates y medio. 70.000 dólares a la una, a las dos...
A las dos...
Going twice.
Uno. Dos.
570.000 going once, going twice... 580.000.
570.000 a la una, a las dos... 80.
800.000 pounds going once, going twice.... 800.000 pounds. Sold!
800.000 libras a la una, a las dos... 800.000 libras. ¡ Vendido!
Going once, going twice.
A la una... a las dos...
Going twice.
A las dos.
50,000 sequins! Going twice!
50.000 cequís a las dos.
Going twice!
A las dos.
- $ 777 going twice!
- ¡ 777 dólares a la de dos!
Going once... going twice...
Va a la una, a las dos...
Going once, going twice, sold!
A la una, a las dos... ¡ Vendida!
$ 300,000, going once. $ 300,000, going twice.
Entonces $ 300.000, a la una... $ 300.000, a las dos...
7,000. going for 7,000 once, twice... and one.
Siete mil. Vamos. Por siete mil libras.
That's the reason I'm going. If they can sell paper shoes, we can sell twice as many leather ones. If we know how.
Si pueden vender zapatos de cartón, venderemos dos veces más de cuero.
Going once, twice, three times...
¿ Un, dos, tres?
Going one, twice, three times... I'll carry you off. No takers?
Un, dos, tres... ¿ Nada?
Well, Mr Lee Gentry. Don't tell me you're going to snub me twice in one day.
Bueno, Lee Gentry, no irá a rechazarme dos veces en el mismo día.
He finds out whether I'm going to buy or not, and then he submits a proposition to Hanson House, who will probably pay twice as much as we can afford, just to keep Stanhope out of the low-priced field.
Averigua si quiero comprar o no... y luego presenta una propuesta a Hanson House... que seguramente pagará el doble que nosotros... para alejar a Stanhope del mercado barato.
Going once.. twice..
A la una... A las dos...
Claro que, en su estado, me vería dos veces- - yendo yviniendo.
The man she's going with is twice her age.
El hombre con el que sale tiene el doble de su edad.
Once or twice, I thought she was going to smile at me.
Un par de veces me pareció que me iba a sonreír.
Your car is always in front of the door and I saw you twice at your window while I was going home at night.
Su coche estaba aparcado en la puerta y la he visto asomada a la ventana. - ¡ Totalmente sola!
We're going to blow the horn twice.
Haremos sonar dos veces la bocina.
You're going to work and think twice as hard as you ever did before.
Deberéis trabajar y pensar como aún no lo habéis hecho.
I'm going to ask you, in reverence to the memory of Luz Benedict... I'm going to ask you to give one Jett Rink... a check for twice the value of that land.
Voy a pedirte, por el recuerdo de Luz Benedict, voy a pedirte que le des a Jett Rink... un cheque por el doble del valor de esa tierra.
That's not going to work twice.
No funcionará dos veces.
The resentment's going to be twice as great with me on board.
El resentimiento será el doble conmigo a bordo.
We're going to meet in town once or twice a year.
Nos veremos en el pueblo una o dos veces al año.
No matter how much you put in, you're going to get twice as much out of it.
De aquéllo que déis, recibiréis el doble.
He's been going out in the country twice a week practising ever since.
Ha estado practicando el tiro en el campo dos veces por semana.
To atone for trying to tax the farmers twice, you're going to give me a receipt for their taxes, paid in full.
En compensación por tratar de cobrar dos veces a los granjeros vas a darme un recibo por sus impuestos, dándolos por pagados.
Think twice about what you're going to say to me.
¡ Por lo tanto ten mucho cuidado con lo que me vas a decir!
We've given them the slip once or twice but sooner or later we're going to have to settle with them.
Les esquivamos una o dos veces, pero antes o después tendremos que enfrentarnos a ellos.
Once the bidding gets going, she may bring twice what he's offered.
Empezada la puja, puede valer el doble de lo que él ha ofrecido.
I mow that stinking, lousy lawn not once, but twice a week because this house is going to be neater, more well kept, than any other house on the block.
Corto este asqueroso césped no una sino dos veces a la semana para que esta casa esté más arreglada. Más aseada que cualquier otra casa.
25 going once, 25 twice, and three times... sold.
25 a la una, 25 a las dos, y a las tres... vendido.
At $ 500 they're going... once, twice... the third and last time... at $ 500.
500 a la una... a las dos... tercera y última vez... 500 dólares.
I warned him over and over again to stop going in twice in one day.
Lo advertí una y otra vez que no se sumergiera dos veces al día.
I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.
No cometeré el mismo error dos veces.
- That ain't going to work twice.
- Eso no va a salir dos veces.
If it was my money and I was going to buy this land, first, I'd make sure they struck oil on it, and then I'd still think twice.
Si fuera mi dinero y fuera a comprar estas tierras... por empezar, me aseguraría de que hay petróleo allí. Luego lo pensaría dos veces.
The next day, Katya came twice with an invitation for dinner in honour of the guests. In the evening they were going to see the fireworks, prepared by Pierre and Michel.
Al día siguiente, Katia vino dos veces, invitándole a la cena en honor de los visitantes, después, cuando oscureció, le llamaron para que viera los fuegos artificiales.
Although Herzog is only paying 3.50 a day... it's twice the going wage for Indian labor.
aunque Herzog está pagando solamente $ 3.50 diarios... es 2 veces el salario que se le paga normalmente a un indio.
Maureen, it is just an alert... we're going around and check twice instead once.
Maureen, es solo una alerta. Andaremos en la vuelta, revisando las cosas dos veces.
But the way we're going to is by not wasting a lot of money on things like cleaning ladies twice a week and shyster rat catchers who come out and look for droppings once a month.
Vamos a tener si no gastamos dinero con... empleadas dos veces por semana... y exterminadores inecesarios... una vez por mes.
We are going back to the border, pal, to see if lightning strikes twice.
- Vamos a regresar a la frontera, amigo... para ver si volvemos a verlo.
Going once, twice, sold!
A la una, a las dos, ¡ adjudicada!
I'm joining a bridge club... and I am going to town at least twice a week.
Me asociaré a un club de bridge... e iré a la ciudad al menos dos veces por semana.
Going once, twice, sold.
Yendo una vez, dos veces, que se vende.
twice 1187
twice a day 45
twice a week 52
twice a year 18
twice in one day 43
twice for no 18
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
twice a day 45
twice a week 52
twice a year 18
twice in one day 43
twice for no 18
going 418
going to school 16
going forward 36
going my way 25
going somewhere 221
going well 18
going out 103
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92
going well 18
going out 103
going to 34
going on 106
going up 86
going once 140
going down 118
going to work 25
going home 92