Judge not traduction Espagnol
2,487 traduction parallèle
Judge not lest ye be judged.
- No juzgue para no ser juzgado.
I do not judge because I do not care.
No juzgo porque no me importa.
I'm not here to judge.
No estoy aquí para juzgar.
And we can't get the judge to give us a search warrant because there's not enough probable cause.
Y no podemos conseguir que el juez nos de una orden de registro porque no hay suficiente causa probable.
You know, I'm not one to judge, George, but you reek of cannabis.
No soy quién para juzgar, George pero apestas a cannabis.
Judge Nicastro is not gonna be happy if I screw this up for you.
El Juez Nicastro no va a estar contento si la fastidio por ti.
And I'm just not convinced that a judge will be swayed on Sofia's merit alone.
Y no estoy convencida de que el Juez será convencido solo por los méritos de Sofía.
And I believe the judge said something to the effect that, "I'm not letting a fucking chimpanzee"
Y creo que el juez diria algo en el sentido de que, "No voy a dejar que un maldito chimpance"
If the judge is not known and the writer of the poem is not known, how will a person write a poem if they do not know they are writing it?
Si el juez es un secreto y el escritor del poema es un secreto, ¿ cómo va una persona a escribir un poema si es un secreto que está escribiendo?
he might've even told the truth if Cliff blames him, why not the prosecutor, the jury foreman, the judge?
¿ por qué no el fiscal, el presidente del jurado, el juez?
She's not going to judge you over something like that.
No te va a juzgar ni nada parecido.
Do not judge me!
¡ No me juzgue!
But any judge would expect me to work full-time, and that's just, uh, it's not realistic with my duties at Fort Marshall.
Pero cualquier Juez querría que trabajara a jornada completa, y eso no es realista con mis obligaciones en Fort Marshall.
That's not for you to judge.
Esto no es para que usted lo juzgue.
- Yes, but he is the captain of the ship... and thus he can not judge people.
- Vale, pero es que él es el capitán del barco... y no puede juzgar así a la gente.
And I will also make a motion to get the bail reduced, but there's a very good chance that the judge will not allow that.
Y también levantaré una moción para hacer que se reduzca la fianza, pero hay una gran posibilidad de que el Juez no lo autorice.
Vimi does not judge people on their indiscretions.
Vimi no juzga a la gente por sus indiscreciones.
We should not judge.
No debemos juzgar.
Okay, well-all right, maybe it's not for us to judge what people discuss with their therapist.
Bien, quizás no seamos quien para juzgar lo que la gente habla con su terapeuta.
- Not sure any judge would go for it.
- No estoy seguro si algún juez lo creería. - Cierto.
Hey, guys, just to clarify, the judge needed you two to stay you know, apart, like not near each other.
Hey, chicos, sólo para aclarar las cosas, la Juez necesita que vosotros dos os mantengais, ya sabéis, lejos uno del otro.
Seems that the judge does not think we have standing to file the TRO, which made no sense until I heard the judge was Jack Hollander - -
Parece que el juez no piensa que tengamos base para archivar la Orden Temporal Restrictiva, lo cual no tenía ningún sentido hasta que supe que el juez era Jack Hollander.
First, there's not a judge in this town who will hear your case, I'll see to that.
Primero, no hay un juez en esta ciudad que escuche tu caso, lo veo.
Judge says, "that's not against the law".
El juez dice : "Eso no va contra la ley".
Ms. Dalton, I'm not here to judge you.
Señora Dalton, no estoy aquí para juzgarla.
I am not here to judge you.
No estoy aquí para juzgarte.
I'm not here to judge you, but to help you.
No estoy aquí para juzgarle, sino para ayudarle.
Probably as far as I can judge from the very little evidence of pottery that could be found there, it was built in the 9th Century BC not in the 10th Century BC.
Probablemente igual puedo juzgar a partir de esta pequeña evidencia de cerámica que pudo ser encontrada aquí, que fue construida en el siglo IX a.C. y no el siglo X a.C.
It starts off with judge Judy, but not that one, the black one.
Comienza con la Jueza Judy, pero no esa, la negra.
So I am taking a big risk coming out to the world. I'm not looking forward to having people judge me.
No busco que la gente me juzgue.
And, Megan, a judge will understand that you are not a bad person.
Y, Megan, el juez entenderá que no eres una mala persona.
And it's just not fair that judge shut you down.
Y no es justo, que el juez tire todo el caso
She's not a judge by chance.
No es por casualidad que se convirtió en Juez.
Let's not judge anybody.
No juzguemos a nadie.
- Why not? Today, the judge will pass sentence on Kenneth's father who stands accused of having violated his son with three friends.
Hoy el juez dictará sentencia al padre de Kenneth... acusado de haber violado a su hijo con tres amigos.
Maybe the judge doesn't wanna give protesters time to organize, in case they're not happy with the decision.
Tal vez el juez no quiera darle a los manifestantes tempo para que se organicen en caso de que no estén felices con la decisión.
If that's true, then God will be his judge, not you, Mr Brodie.
Si eso es verdad, entonces Dios lo juzgará, no Ud., Sr. Brodie.
We're not here to judge you, Grace.
No estamos aquí para juzgarte, Grace.
I'm not the best judge of what parents are for.
No soy el mayor defensor de para que están los padres.
In a police substation off Olvera Street, which nobody - - absolutely nobody - - knows about, not even the judge.
En una subestación de policía en la calle Olvera, de la que nadie... Absolutamente nadie... sabe nada, ni siquiera el juez.
No, like, doesn't-even-judge-Republicans-not-judgemental.
No, como ni-siquiera-prejuicios-republicanos.
Do you have any idea how great it is to be able to tell your mom anything and not have her judge you for it?
¿ Tienes alguna idea de lo genial que es poder contarle a tu madre cualquier cosa y que ella no te juzgue por eso?
Just look the judge in the eye, don't give him any more reasons not to believe you.
Simplemente mira al juez a los ojos, no le des más razones para no creerte.
No, you said it yourself - - it's not on us to judge.
No, tú lo has dicho... no queda en nosotros juzgar.
And as I'm sure you've learned in law school, it's not good to keep a judge waiting.
Y como estoy segura que has aprendido en la escuela de leyes, no es bueno dejar a un juez esperando.
It's not the judge you have to worry about now, sergeant.
No es por el Juez por quien tiene que preocuparse ahora, Sargento.
By the time the case made it to Judge Benton's desk, the heroin had disappeared out of holding, but Barcelli admitted to not reading Kaspar his Miranda rights, so Benton tossed the case.
Al momento de llegar a la mesa del Juez Benton, la heroína había desaparecido, pero Barcelli admitió no haberle leído a Kaspar sus derechos Miranda, así que Benton dejó el caso.
It's certainly not a given. No judge wants to free a murder suspect.
Y ningún juez quiere liberar a un posible homicida.
And if he's worth it, he will not judge you for spitting it out.
Y si merece la pena, no te juzgará por decirlo.
Now we're not here to judge you.
Ahora, no estamos aquí para juzgarte.
I promise I will not judge.
Prometo que no te juzjaré.
nothing 25771
not allowed 48
note 183
noth 18
notice 40
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not yet 7691
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nottingham 42
not allowed 48
note 183
noth 18
notice 40
notes 105
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not yet 7691
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nottingham 42
not really 5709
not at all 5606
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nothin 482
notch 62
noted 237
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nothing to see here 87
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nothing to hide 21
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nothin 482
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noted 237
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nothing to see here 87
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