Just some guy traduction Espagnol
1,284 traduction parallèle
He is just some guy that she met at the lake, and they hang out at the lake, And then, he just fucks her brain out.
Sólo alguien que conoció en el lago, paseando por ahí y lo hacen hasta el amanecer.
Just some guy?
¿ Un tipo?
What, for just some guy you can't have?
¿ Por un sujeto al que no puedes tener?
Is this just some guy gone around the bend because his wife got custody?
¿ Es éste un tipo que se volvió loco porque su mujer tiene la custodia de los hijos?
I'm just some guy, ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8!
Soy un tío normal, ¡ rey del planeta Omicron Persei 8!
If I didn't have cancer, I could have been just some guy looking for help that you treated like crap.
si no llego a tener cáncer, habría sido un pobre hombre... que llegó buscando ayuda y recibió un trato lamentable.
I guess it's just some guy that let Ichabod stay at his guest house.
Supongo que algún tipo que permitió a Ichabod hospedarse en su casa.
No, just some guy giving out bourbon bonbons.
No, sólo un tipo dando dulces de licor.
He's just some guy who had a business proposition for me.
Es un conocido que quería proponerme un negocio.
He's just some guy I've been seeing.
Es sólo un tipo con el que he estado saliendo.
He's not just some guy, JD.
No es un tipo cualquiera, JD.
Just some guy.
No. Un sujeto corriente.
It was just some guy with a Southern accent.
Era un fulano con acento sureño.
It's just some guy my mom brought home.
Un hombre que ha traído mi madre- -
- Some guy just called and said...
- Un tipo me llamó y dijo...
I'm just a guy looking for some answers.
Sólo soy un tipo que busca respuestas.
I don't know. He just said some guy.
No lo sé, dijo que un tipo.
You can't just pick some guy... to run for President.
No puedes escoger algun chico... Para ser presidente.
Just because the chick's married and all in love with some guy doesn't mean she has to go all her life without having an orgasm.
O sea, no por una la mina se haya casado muy enamorada de un huevón... va a pasarse el resto de su vida sin sentir un orgasmo.
In the beginning, I kept my mouth shut and just watched because if I was going to survive in the band, I would have to understand the dynamics of the relationships between the guys and would have to have some kind of relationship with each guy.
Al principio mantuve la boca cerrada y simplemente observé, porque si iba a sobrevivir en la banda, tenía que comprender la dinámica de las relaciones entre los chicos y tendría que tener algún tipo de relación con cada uno.
We're just gonna play with matches, run with scissors, take candy from some guy - I don't know his name.
- Mientras entrena, con sus amigos... - ¿ Mis amigos? Sí, tenemos entendido que lleva civiles en sus patrullas.
That's just some crazy guy who roams the halls here.
Eso es sólo un loco que ronda por los pasillos de aquí.
You just start talking about, you know, some hot guy and see how she reacts.
Comienza hablando de un chico guapo y ves como reacciona.
Acting guy in charge. Just a little software glitch in some of the key cards.
Actuando tipo de cargo.
I'm not gonna lose it just to kick some guy's ass.
No voy a perderlo sólo por patear unos cuantos traseros.
Do you have any idea how pathetic it is to listen to you talk about mergers while some guy just stares at your boobs?
Te haces a la idea de lo patético que resulta escucharte hablar de adquisiciones mientras ellos te miran las tetas?
Put a phone up on that platform and it's just a typical Friday night... waiting for some guy to call.
Si pone un teléfono, será una mujer esperando la llamada de un tipo... un típico viernes a la noche.
Uh... Maybe it's just some pizza delivery guy.
Pero tal vez sólo era un repartidor de pizza.
Just a solid guy, some decent conversation.
Un chico serio, con una conversación decente.
Yeah, and right after that... I'll just go ahead and stick my tongue up some guy's ass.
Sí, y después de eso puedo ir a lamerle el culo a algún sujeto.
I thought I saw him this morning outside the coffee shop... but then it was just some poor homeless guy.
Esta mañana creí verlo afuera de la cafetería pero sólo era un pobre indigente.
It was just talk. What would you do if some guy... came into your home and told you how to be with your family?
¿ Qué haría si alguien le dice cómo comportarse con su familia?
He ain't just some dead guy.
No es un muerto cualquiera.
Maybe you're just a single guy dreaming, in some room, of having family.
Tal vez eres un solterón soñando, en algún cuarto, que tienes familia.
Probably some 40-year-old gay guy that just came out of the closet.
Probablemente un tipo gay de 40 años que acaba de salir del clóset.
Why just yesterday some guy jumped from Mönchsberg.
Ayer uno saltó del Mönchsberg.
I think she just ran off with some guy.
Creo que ella se escabulló con algún tipo.
Yeah, yeah and i'm just some scruffy guy with dirt.
Si, si y yo sólo soy un tipo desaliñado con mugre.
Listen, I just came here to tell you that this guy named Rollo... pulled me over and made some threats.
Sólo vine a decirte que un tipo llamado Rollo... me detuvo para hacer amenazas.
Probably just some homeless guy.
Debe ser algún indigente ;
Some guy just dropped this off.
Alguien trajo esto.
One time she broke into the principal's office, just to make out with some guy on his desk.
Una vez se coló en el despacho del director sólo para enrollarse con algún tío sobre su mesa.
I was working for it, so why should I spend it on some guy just because he's dead?
Lo gané trabajando... ¿ por qué debería gastarlo en un tipo sólo porque está muerto?
The Advocate just called to confirm a rumor that in Vince's next movie... he's gonna be jerking off some guy in the subway.
Eric, me llamó The Advocate para confirmar que en la próxima película de Vince... masturbará a un sujeto en el subterráneo.
I just think this guy's living in a fantasy world, and I can't picture him functioning in some highly organised military environment.
Creo que este tipo vive en un mundo irreal y me lo imagino en una ambiente militar, sumamente organizado.
There you are. Look, some guy just puked all over an amplifier, and...
Seth mira, un chico acaba de vomitar por encima de un amplificador...
Yeah, I know he's a bad guy, but maybe he's just made some poor choices, and it got out of control.
Si, se que es un mal tipo, pero quiza el solo hizo algunas malas elecciones, y se fue de control.
Hell, dating in this place just means you sucked some guy's dick and went out for coffee.
Maldita sea, tener una cita en este lugar sólo significa que le has chupado la polla a un tío y que luego tomásteis un café.
Some guy just went off at the hospital
Uno se volvió loco en el hospital.
My mother just married some guy.
Mi madre acaba de casarse.
I don't want to screw around with some guy who just showed up for the last one.
No me interesa si sólo viste la última.
just some 25
just sometimes 20
just something 33
some guys 22
some guy 83
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
just sometimes 20
just something 33
some guys 22
some guy 83
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just breathe 514
just be cool 104
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just go 1748
just me 553
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just let it be 17
just bear with me 31
just kidding 689
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just eat 44
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just a joke 49
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28
just be patient 84
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just a joke 49
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be 37
just because 150
just be there 28