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Just think traduction Espagnol

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I just think it's a bit premature to be partying.
Creo que es un poco prematuro para estar de fiesta.
I just think it's Doll's way of showing her affection for Sadie.
Creo que así expresa Doll su afecto.
So before you get in that car and drive back to Modesto, just think about them, okay?
Así que, antes de que te montes en ese coche y conduzcas de vuelta a Modesto, piensa en ellos, ¿ vale?
You just think I'm being frivolous.
Crees que estoy siendo frívola.
I just think it's... really hard,'cause now you're going away.
Solo pienso que es difícil porque ahora te vas.
Uh, I think we should just give Connor some space.
Creo que deberíamos darle a Connor algo de espacio.
Because he was afraid of this, that you would think he did it, when the truth is he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Porque tenía miedo de esto, de que pensarais que lo hizo, cuando la verdad es que estaba en el lugar y momento equivocados.
But I know him, and I love him, and I don't think it's okay that we're just sitting around here waiting for him to get hurt.
Pero lo conozco y lo amo, y no creo que esté bien que estemos todos sentados aquí esperando a que le pase algo.
I think Laurel just called for me.
Creo que Laurel me acaba de llamar.
I think I just loved the idea of Aiden, that he was my Barack.
Creo que solo me gustaba la idea de Aiden, que era mi Barack.
I really, really wish I did know so that I could honestly say it or not say it, but what I don't think is fair is for me to say it just because you want me to or because you said it first.
De verdad desearía saber para poder decirlo sinceramente, o no decirlo, pero lo que no creo que sea justo para mí es decirlo solo porque tú quieres que lo haga o porque tú lo dijiste primero.
Just when you think it couldn't get worse locked up in a Porta Potti, they start dropping 2,000-pound bombs on the Porta Potti.
Justo cuando creías que no podía ponerse peor, encerrado en un inodoro portátil, empiezan a lanzar una tonelada de bombas sobre el inodoro.
I understand you might feel that way, honey, but I just don't think it's a good idea.
Entiendo que eso parezca, linda. Pero no creo que sea buena idea.
It's just crazy to think someone can have that kind of power over your life.
Es una locura que alguien tenga tanto poder sobre tu vida.
I think she's just busy.
Yo creo que está ocupada.
I understand, I think if we just concentrate more on...
Entiendo. Creo que debemos concentrarnos más en...
I think it's eating away at you just as much as it is me.
Creo que te está comiendo tanto como a mí.
I just find it hard, you know, to think that all that goodwill and decency just... evaporated...
Lo encuentro difícil, ya sabes, pensar que toda esa buena voluntad y decencia se... ha evaporado...
I think you're getting played, just like I'm getting played, and my partner and who knows how many other people by these diabolic corporate cocksuckers.
Creo que han jugado contigo, igual que juegan conmigo, con mi compañero. y con quién sabe cuántos más esos chupapollas corporativos diabólicos.
Just so they don't think, you know.
Así no piensan que, ya sabes...
But I think it might be worth getting on the phone with him yourself, just to explain that her accusations are unfounded.
Lo sé, pero creo que sería bueno que lo llamaras tú misma, para explicar que sus acusaciones son infundadas.
I just don't think I can give him up.
No creo poder dejarlo.
Did you ever think that's just what I want you to see?
¿ Has pensado que eso es lo que quiero que veas?
You think I'd invite Maryse Lightwood to my home for just anyone?
¿ Crees que invitaría a Maryse Lightwood a mi casa por cualquiera?
I just need to... think.
Necesito... pensar.
Guys, I think I just figured it out.
Chicos, creo que de resolverlo.
You were just trying to make me think I had the upper hand.
Solo me hiciste creer que tenía la ventaja
And I just don't think that hate's gonna get it done this time.
Y no creo que el odio pueda solucionarlo esta vez.
You've been here for just few months, and already you think you know everything.
Ha estado aquí unos cuantos meses, y ya cree que lo sabe todo.
I think you'd probably pretend for a while that everything was fine, and then you'd have one conversation with me and then just leave.
Creo que tal vez fingirías por un tiempo que todo está bien, luego tendrías una conversación conmigo y te irías.
I just really wanna live in the moment, not think about the future at all. Eckhart Tolle kind of thing.
Quiero vivir el momento sin pensar en el futuro, como postula Eckhart Tolle.
- I want you to read both of those and just let Arya know what you think.
Quiero que leas ambos, y que le digas a Arya qué opinas.
She just wants to take a break from acting, and, um, you know, I think she just wants to be a kid again.
Solo quiere descansar de la actuación, y creo que quiere volver a ser una niña.
I think I'm just gonna feel out the rest of this party.
Pero iré a conocer al resto.
They just want to make you think you do.
- Quieren hacerte creer que sí.
I think you're just feeling this way because you guys have been cooped up in this house together.
Creo que te sientes así porque han estado recluidos en esta casa.
It's like every day, I learn a little bit more about her, and I think I start to understand her, then she does something that just, like...
Todos los días aprendo algo de ella, y cuando creo que comienzo a comprenderla, hace algo...
You think your daddy's gonna save you just'cause you're his little girl?
¿ Crees que tu padre te salvará porque eres su niñita?
That does sound fun, but I think I just gotta chill, because I got...
Suena divertido, pero creo que voy a relajarme.
No, I think I just, uh...
- No. Solo pienso que...
I think I could get her over here if it was just me and her, after hours, nobody else around.
Puedo pedirle que venga, tendremos una reunión a solas, tarde, cuando no haya nadie.
Oh, nothing. Before I go, I just wanted to let you know I was actually able to rejigger some of my schedule, and I think I'll be able to go to New York now.
Antes de irme, quería decirles que pude reorganizar mi agenda y creo que podré ir a Nueva York.
I think... I'm, like, lonely out here, and I just... I'm feeling homesick.
Creo que me siento solo aquí y extraño mi casa.
I just don't think snakes are that scary, man.
Las víboras no dan tanto miedo.
I think over the last week, maybe I just... had some... life-changing breakthroughs, honestly. You know?
Creo que en la última semana quizá haya pasado por cosas que me cambiaron la vida.
But innocent people get locked up... and I don't really think there's any justice if we just put blind faith in the system.
Pero a la gente inocente también la encierran... y la verdad no creo que haya justicia al poner nuestra fe ciega en el sistema.
I think that it sounds like you don't want to live with me, just near me.
Me parece que suena a que no quieres vivir conmigo, solo cerca a mí.
Mm-hm. No, I think she's just looking for a little... reassurance from you.
No, yo creo que solo busca un poco de... consuelo de tu parte.
No, of course I do. I just didn't think that this would be something that you'd be interested in.
Es que no creí que esto te fuera a interesar.
I'm just sayin I think maybe we should get the show on the road.
Solo decía que tal vez deberíamos empezar el show.
I think I'm gonna just get a little, uh, less specific.
Supongo que voy a dejar de ser... tan específico.

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