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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ K ] / Keep your head up

Keep your head up traduction Espagnol

304 traduction parallèle
Keep your head up. Keep it up, I say.
Mantén la cabeza alta.
Keep your head up. Keep it up, will you?
Mantén la cabeza alta, ¿ quieres?
Keep your head up.
Tommy, mantén firme la cabeza.
The main thing is to keep your head up, your eyes open and your back straight.
Lo principal es mantener la cabeza alta. Los ojos bien abiertos y la espalda erguida. ¿ está claro?
All you have to do is keep your head up, eyes straight and watch your step.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es mantener la cabeza erguida, los ojos recta y ver su paso.
Keep your head up.
Pero tú espíritu que no decaiga.
Keep your head up. Breathe through your mouth.
Pon la cabeza en alto y respira por la boca.
Break full! Keep your head up.
Levanta la cabeza.
- Keep your head up. - They are always moving on.
Más alta, más alta.
Come on, keep your head up!
Vamos, mantén la cabeza en alto.
Keep your head up!
¡ La cabeza arriba!
You keep your head up, no matter what.
No te derrumbas por nada.
Keep your head up!
¡ Mantén alta la cabeza!
- Gotta keep your head up, eh?
- Mantén alta la cabeza, ¿ sí?
- Keep your head up, prick.
- Mantén la cabeza alta, gilipollas.
Keep your head up.
Levanta la cabeza.
Bridges, next time keep your head up.
Regis, ¡ la próxima vez estate atento!
A little tip... keep your head up and, uh...
Gracias por todo. Un consejo, mantenga el... hacia abajo.
Keep your head up.
Mantén tu cabeza arriba.
Keep your head up.
Mantén la cabeza levantada.
Keep your head up. Come!
La cabeza alta.
Keep your head up.
Mantén la cabeza alta.
- Keep your head up, buddy. - All right, man, you're gonna die.
- Mantén la cabeza arriba, amigo.
Keep your head up.
Mantén la cabeza erguida.
Keep your head up.
No bajes la cabeza.
- Keep your head up.
- Mantén tu frente en alto.
Keep your head up, Emil!
Ánimo, Emil.
Keep your head up.
Mantén la cabeza arriba.
Don't get worked up. You've got to keep your head.
No te alteres de ese modo, tienes que calmarte.
Keep your head up.
Get in the rear cockpit, buckle up and keep your head down.
Sube atrás y baja la cabeza.
Two-count exercise. Keep your arms straight, your head up.
De dos tiempos de ejercicio Mantenga los brazos rectos, la cabeza hacia arriba
Hold your head up, keep the corners of your mouth firm and treat me respectfully.
- Repórtese, hombre. Alce la cabeza. Apriete los labios y tráteme con respeto.
No matter what anybody says, youve got to keep your head up high... and say, Im great. No.
No importa lo que digan los demás, tiene que mantener la cabeza alta... y decir :
Keep it up and I'll slap you so hard, it'll make your head spin.
Como sigan diciendo tonterías les voy a dar tantos moscones que van a ver.
And keep your head held up high.
Y mantén la cabeza bien alta.
Just get up there and keep your head down and your eyes open.
Sube, agacha la cabeza y abre bien los ojos.
Keep your head up, Marie! Here I come!
No te hundas, Marie. ¡ Aquí voy!
Keep that up, and you'll have to be taken away. What kind of chicken fat you got in your head?
Si sigues, van a tener que llevarte. ¿ Qué tienes en la cabeza?
- But look up at the colonel. Keep your head down.
Mire al coronel hacia arriba, pero baje la cabeza.
Look up at the colonel. Keep your head down.
Mírelo hacia arriba, baje la cabeza.
Hands up and keep facing that wall. You look around, I'll blow your head off.
Manos arriba y mire a la pared, o le vuelo la cabeza.
You keep this up and the squirrels are gonna bury your head somewhere.
Si sigues así, las ardillas van a enterrar tu cabeza en algún lado.
Keep you papers straight, your head down, your spirits up and your money in cash.
Manten los documentos bien, la cabeza hacia abajo, tu ánimo alto y tu dinero en efectivo.
Keep the windows up, your head down, the doors locked.
- ¿ Qué hay de mí? - ¿ Qué hay de ti?
Oh, they're smart, the feathered tribe! You take a pigeon and let him go up, towards the clouds, to the flock, and it becomes so tiny, not bigger than a match head, but you keep the female dove. And then you just raise your hand and wave, and he throws himself at her like a stone and starts cooing at her.
la tribu de pluma! y él se lanza a ella como una piedra y comienza delante de ella.
Keep this up, they'll tear your head off.
Recuerda, te cortarán la cabeza.
Just remember, keep your head up, man.
Recuerda. Manten la cabeza arriba.
Shut-up and keep the pot on your head. Where are you'll going?
Shut--up y mantener la botella en su cabeza. ¿ A dónde voy a ir?
By the end, you were so bored... you could barely keep your selfish head up.
Al final, estabas tan aburrido que apenas mantenías tu cabeza egoísta levantada.
Hands up! Okay! Turn around, keep your head down.
Todos bajen la cabeza.

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