On this guy traduction Espagnol
4,605 traduction parallèle
And after what happened with your daughter, believe me, nobody would blame you for keeping a close eye on this guy.
Y después de lo que pasó con tu hija, créeme, nadie te culparía para mantener una estrecha vigilancia sobre ese tipo.
So what are the details on this guy?
¿ Cuáles son los detalles de este tipo?
Put it on this guy's tab. - Oh!
Póngalo en la ficha de este tipo - ¡ Oh!
Just keep an eye on this guy, all right?
Vigilalo bien, ¿ si?
What's this guy spending his money on?
¿ En qué gasta este tío su dinero?
Yeah, well, since when are we taking this guy's advice on anything?
Si, bueno, desde cuando estamos siguiendo los consejos de este tipo?
This guy had to be on something.
Este sujeto tiene que haber estado drogado.
I mean, he's a big guy and all, but deep down, I mean, this whole thing has just been really hard on him.
Bueno, es un tío grande y tal, pero en el fondo, o sea, todo este asunto le está afectando de verdad.
We should be on our hands and knees right now, getting ready to suck this guy off.
Deberíamos estar de rodillas en este momento, preparándonos para hacerle una mamada a este tipo.
This is the first date I've been on since the divorce and the guy brings me to a Hooters.
Esta es la primera fecha en que he estado en desde el divorcio y el tío me lleva a un Hooters.
You had this guy cold on major narcotics trafficking and you let him walk.
Tenías a este tipo atrapado en tráfico importante de narcóticos y entonces le dejaste ir.
Dennett, you're my guy. I just need you to get a handle on this.
Dennett, necesito que te encargues de esto.
I'm sure this is not the type of guy who's gonna freak out... file complaints, just go totally nuts on you, trying to ruin your career.
Este tipo no saldrá furioso a presentar quejas en tu contra para arruinarte la carrera.
This guy is talking on the phone.
Este tipo está hablando por teléfono.
No, this guy, he shows me a picture of his car on his phone.
No, este hombre, él me muestra una foto de su coche en su teléfono.
If Wingate makes any kind of mistake, this guy walks on a technicality.
Si Wingate comete cualquier error, éste tipo escapa por tecnicismos.
Come on, man, what's a guy like you doing working in the dump like this?
Vamos, hombre, ¿ cómo un tipo como tú estés haciendo un trabajo basura como éste?
This one guy pays me to poop on his dog.
Un tipo me paga por hacer caca en su perro.
I've been rooming with this guy on and off for, what is it, 10 years?
Llevo compartiendo con este, ¿ cuánto tiempo, 10 años?
I think this guy just hit so hard, that Ledwaba is totally on the defensive.
Creo que este chico pega tan fuerte, que Ledwaba está toalmente a la defensiva.
Freddie Roach wants to see Pacquiao put this guy on his ass.
Freddie Roach quiere ver como Pacquiao sienta a este tipo.
This guy walks up, he starts tapping'on his watch and he says, we close at 6 : 00 ;
Este hombre se acerca, tocando el reloj y dice : Cerramos a las 6 : 00.
The other day, we were on a 5150... and this guy comes off with a sawed-off shotgun, right?
El otro día, estábamos en un 5150, y aparece un tipo con una escopeta de cañón recortado.
This guy just backed out of a deal on me.
Este tipo sólo se arrepintio del negocio.
Look at the nipples on this guy.
Miren los pezones de este tipo.
Beautiful back there, claims that this guy came up to him on the street and offered to trade him an ostrich for his clothes and shopping cart.
Aquella belleza asegura que ese sujeto se le acercó en la calle y le ofreció un avestruz a cambio de su ropa y su carrito.
This guy and I will survive on our onw.
Este y yo nos buscamos la vida por nuestra cuenta.
Ha ha ha ha ha! So there's this guy on the Internet called the Angry Video Game Nerd, and he claims that he's reviewing all these old, shitty video games to give closure on all the ruined childhoods.
Está este tipo de Internet llamado el Nerd Furioso de los Video Juegos, y dice que está analizando todos esos juegos mierdosos para poner fin a las infancias arruinadas...
This guy's heart beat so fast, he's always on the verge of death.
Su corazón late tan rápido que siempre está al borde de la muerte.
Come on, this guy's a master business prick.
Vamos, que este tipo de un pinchazo negocio principal.
So this Irish guy knocks on this lady's door and says, you know, " Have you got any, uh...
Un irlandés toca a la puerta de una mujer y le dice : "¿ Tiene algún trabajo para mí?".
Hold on, I can get this guy to talk.
Espera, puedo hacer que hable.
The guy in the mask was carrying something with this symbol on it.
El tipo de la máscara llevaba algo que tenía este símbolo.
I just don't want to start off on the wrong foot with this guy.
Es sólo que no quiero para empezar con el pie izquierdo con este tipo.
On the way home, this guy started t? act in a weird way, you know, trying to touch me.
De camino a casa, empezó a actuar de forma muy rara, como intentando tocarme.
So I'm lying there in the dirt... looking at this bloke through the scope of my gun... and it suddenly dawns on me... that this guy... he actually wants to die.
Yo seguía acostado en el suelo, viéndolo por la mira de mi arma, y de repente entiendo que este tipo de verdad quería morir.
What's the story on this guy?
BASE DE LA FUERZA AÉREA EDWARDS, CALIFORNIA ¿ Cuál es la historia de este?
And this.... guy we were talking to, his whole demeanor changed, he started sweatin'bullets, I mean, he had... perspiration all over his forehead instantaneously. And from there you could tell that a lot of activity was going on in other parts of the office. People were concerned, there were phone calls being made, um... we were told that he wasn't there.
este tipo con el que hablamos... comenzó a sudar... { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Casi de forma instantánea... la actividad se incrementó por miedo a que hiciéramos algo.
Sounds like this Trevor guy's trying to get it on with your girlfriend.
Parece que el tal Trevor quiere tener algo con tu novia.
There was this guy on Dr. Phil who said that it's as likely for a woman over 40 to be hit by lightning or killed by a terrorist than meet a husband.
Hubo un fulano en "Dr. Phil"... que dijo que es igual de probable que una mujer de más de 40... sea fulminada por un rayo o muerta por un terrorista... a que consiga esposo.
He'd say oh this is the thing, and the two guys are doing this, and there's a woman who's cheating on her husband and she's shot this guy, and there's some baby chickens, and they have all these eggs that are gonna die unless the helicopter gets them and there's a dilemma.
Él diría oh esta es la cosa, y los dos chicos están haciendo esto, y hay una mujer que está engañando a su marido y ella le disparó a este hombre, y hay algunos pollos, y tienen todas estos huevos que van a morir
The way I figure it, whoever this guy was that she was banging probably woke up this morning and found her on the floor.
Así me lo figuro yo : El tipo, con el cual ella tuvo sexo, probablemente despertó esa mañana y la encontró en el suelo.
I don't know, I saw this guy on the beach and it just made me think about things.
No sé, vi a un fulano en la playa y me hizo pensar.
You're lucky you were on vacation when we had to move this guy from the north end.
Tuviste suerte de haber estado de vacaciones... cuando tuvimos que mudar a ese tipo desde el norte.
Just heard the doorbell ring while I was in the bathroom, and the delivery guy left this on my doorstep.
Acabamos de escuchar el timbre de la puerta mientras yo estaba en el baño, y el tipo de entrega dejado esta en mi puerta.
Put this guy on, put the towel up.
Ponte esto encima, pon la tohalla arriba.
This is a guy who is lusting after the dean's daughter, but never was able to really act on it until he's reanimated and in the course of the movie, he converts himself as the improved Dr. Hill.
Hill es un tipo que está enamorado de la hija del director, pero nunca la ataca hasta después que lo reaniman y de repente se refiere a si mismo como el el "mejorado" dr.
I walked in this morning, the guy was fucking hitting on you and you were eating it up.
Entré esta mañana y el tipo se te estaba insinuando, y tú lo aceptabas.
I got a feeling this guy's about to skip town for good and bleed a boatload of cash on his way out.
Tengo la sensación de que este tipo es sobre saltarse ciudad para siempre y sangrarun bote lleno de dinero en efectivo en su salida.
Clearly this guy wasn't always on the streets.
Claramente este tipo no siempre estuvo en la calle.
He started in on me with all this tough guy shit.
Él empezó mandándome esos sujetos rudos.
on this side 28
on this occasion 24
on this day 60
on this island 25
on this planet 16
on this 96
on this lonely road 19
on this ship 18
on this one 34
this guy 1059
on this occasion 24
on this day 60
on this island 25
on this planet 16
on this 96
on this lonely road 19
on this ship 18
on this one 34
this guy 1059
this guy right here 37
this guy is good 19
this guy's good 38
this guy is 20
this guy here 33
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
this guy is good 19
this guy's good 38
this guy is 20
this guy here 33
guys 27890
guys like you 17
guys like me 21
guys like us 29
guy stuff 23
on the whole 55
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the tv 16
on the other hand 1607
on the table 116
on the way home 32
on the 426
on the plus side 107
on the ground 440
on the other side 107
on the floor 300
on the roof 79
on the contrary 1002
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the dot 66
on the surface 75
on the contrary 1002
on the bench 17
on the beach 77
on the right 145
on the internet 51
on the one hand 116
on the other 48
on the dot 66
on the surface 75
on the record 70
on the house 231
on there 23
on the side 64
on the sidewalk 17
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on that 88
on their own 19
on the back 61
on the house 231
on there 23
on the side 64
on the sidewalk 17
on the inside 58
on the street 102
on that 88
on their own 19
on the back 61