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Stay with him traduction Espagnol

2,133 traduction parallèle
Stay with him.
Quédate con él.
What bothers Kate is that she did not go with him to the crematorium and stay with him right to the end.
Lo que le molesta a Kate es que no lo acompaño al crematorio para quedarse con él hasta lo último.
Stay with him!
¡ Quédate con él!
That's all I had to do... was stay with him.
Todo lo que tenia que hacer... era estar con el.
Choose one and you can stay with him. "
Elige uno y puedes quedarte con él ".
I didn't think you'd actually stay with him.
No pensé que realmente te quedarías con él.
Other Dave, stay with him, pull him out when he's too stupid to live.
El otro Dave, quedate con él, tira de él cuando es demasiado estupido para vivir.
- He's running. - Stay with him.
Se está escapando.
Stay with him.
Espera con � l.
Stay with him.
Quédense con él.
She couldn't stay with him the way he lives.
No podía quedarse con él, por la forma en la que vive.
And Clyde, stay with him.
Y Clyde, quedate con el.
I'm just gonna stay with him for a while.
Sólo me quedaré con él un rato.
If I stay with him, the only thing I'd have left is M.S.
Si me quedo con él, la única que abandonaré será M.S.
It's great if one of you could stay with him.
Uno de ustedes debería quedarse con él.
I'll stay with him, you go and rest.
Yo me quedaré con él, tú vete y descansa.
I'll stay with him.
Estaré con el.
Your dad does love you, and if you want to stay with him, that's... I don't want to live with Dad.
Tu papá te quiere, y si te quieres quedar con él No quiero vivir con papá.
Just stay with him.
Quédate con él.
Stay with him. Hold it there.
Sigue ahí.
And you stay with him.
Y tu te quedas con el.
My husband and wounded and I stay with him.
Si mi marido está herido, debo estar a su lado.
- Let's see a playback on that. - Stay with him.
Ponlo otra vez.
She just knows he's the top hand, and she'll stay with him till he ain't.
Sabe que él manda aquí y se quedará con él mientras así sea.
We'll stay with him.
Nos quedaremos con él.
ZSE stay with him?
¿ Se quedan con él?
I can't stay with him any longer.
Ya no puedo seguir viviendo con él.
Alex, stay with him.
Alex, mantente con el.
Why don't we go stay with him?
¿ Por qué no vamos a quedarnos con él?
Or did Mum want him to stay with her?
¿ O es que mi madre quería que se quedara con ella?
He was quitting to be with fellow Frescort Barb. Which meant he was also quitting Buddy no matter how much the delusional man offered to pay him to stay.
Renunció para estar con su compañera acompañamigo Barb lo que quería decir que también renunciaba a Buddy sin importar cuanto el desesperado y desilusionado hombre le ofreciera.
I need you to bring that Peñaranda, and have him stay with our guy at the hotel.
Necesito que traigan a ese Peñaranda y lo alojemos con el negro en el hotel.
And now we want to see if we can find somewhere to stay. I'm going with him.
Y ahora estamos viendo que si conseguimos alojamiento me voy con él.
Stay. I don't wanna be alone with him.
Quédate, no quiero estar a solas con él.
Just tell him you'll stay with me, please.
Sólo dile que te quedarás conmigo, por favor. ¡ John!
yeah, so, is there someone, maybe a grown-up, that you can stay with while we treat him?
Sí, sí hay alguien, quizá un adulto con el que puedas quedarte, mientras lo tratamos.
Stay here with him.
Quédate con él.
My wife gave up her career to stay home with that child and give him a better life.
Mi esposa renunció a su carrera profesional para quedarse en casa con ese niño y darle una mejor vida.
Dad read it, called me, said he had cleaned up his act, wanted to reconnect, so we invited him to stay with us.
Papá la leyó, me llamó me dijo que estaba limpio y que quería reencontrarse. Así que lo invitamos a que se quede con nosotros.
Oscar can't stay with me. Every time I tell him what to do... he channels my dead grandmother and she tells me what to do.
Cuando le digo lo que tiene que hacer se conecta con mi abuela muerta, y entonces ella me dice qué hacer.
So you're gonna stay with us awhile until we see if you left anything behind when you buried him.
Así que te vas a quedar con nosotros por un tiempo, hasta que veamos si dejaste algo atrás cuando le enterraste.
Tell him he can stay at the house if he can't afford to stay anywhere else and if he isn't still with your mother and if he's... really living at the store.
Dile que puede quedarse en tu casa si no soporta estar con alguien más y si no puede quedarse con tu madre y si en verdad vive en la tienda.
Someone needs to stay at the door with him.
Alguno debe quedarse en la puerta con él.
Will you stay together? Do you still want to be with him?
¿ Todavía quieres seguir con el?
But why'd you tell him to stay with that woman?
¿ Pero, porque le dijiste que se quedara con esa mujer?
You want me to sleep with him to get him to stay?
¿ Quieres que me acueste con él para que se quede?
But I could tell him something came up with work and stay, help you with the books.
Pero podría decirle que surgió algo en el trabajo y quedarme. Podría ayudarte con los libros.
I left that island as soon as I could my dad wanted me to stay working with him at the bakery and my mom wanted me to fix food with her nothing to do with me, believe me.
Yo salí huyendo de la isla mi papá quería que me quedara con él en la panadería y mi mamá que me pusiera a freír alcapurras con ella o sea, nada qué ver conmigo.
Maybe I'd stay out of bed with him.
Quizá no me acostaría con él.
I'll stay here with him.
Me quedaré con él.
I don't know what your deal is with Tae-goo, But stay away from him.
No se que te traes con Tae-goo, pero mantente lejos de él.

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