Take them traduction Espagnol
23,397 traduction parallèle
We do it together, we take them down fast and hard.
Juntos, los venceremos de forma rápida y contundente.
No, take them to Metro-General.
- No, llévenlos al Metro-General.
We can take them.
Podemos vencerlos.
We can take them down.
Podemos ganarles.
You can't take them away.
No puedes llevártelas.
- Take them off.
- Sácatelos.
After that I can take them off.
Luego puedo quitármelas.
No one else around here has to take them.
Nadie más tiene que ponérselas.
Some of the kids on the team take steroids, and they were pressuring me to take them too, so we could be, you know, the strongest team possible.
Algunos chicos del equipo toman esteróides, y me estaban presionando para que tomara también, para que pudieramos ser, pues, el equipo más fuerte posible.
We flush them out, and we take them down, all of them.
Los obligamos a salir y acabamos con ellos, con todos.
Well, then John Tunstall can come and take them back himself.
Bueno, entonces que venga el mismo John Tunstall y que se lo lleve.
But before Wyatt can take them down, the three suspects turn up dead.
Pero antes de que Wyatt pueda acabar con ellos, los tres sospechosos aparecen muertos.
We'll take them down when they come through.
Les derribaremos cuando lleguen.
How often did the man in the fur coat take them all to the racetrack? Oh...
¿ Cuántas veces los llevaba el hombre del abrigo de piel al hipódromo?
I can hear him. He doesn't take them out properly, which I think is cruel, but...
Lo sé. es cruel no dejarlos correr.
His daughter... my friend... he's gonna take them away from us, just like he took Ronnie from you.
Su hija, mi amigo, él va a quitárnoslos, como cuando te quitó a Ronnie.
- Shall we take them now?
- ¿ Los tomamos?
She was gonna take them on a tour.
Les iba a dar un recorrido.
You take them.
Take them off.
I will take them up myself.
Yo las subiré.
Take them out, Hartley.
Quítatelos, Hartley.
I had to take them all away.
Me los tuve que llevar lejos.
No, take them away.
No, llévatelas.
If the Yakuza have their sights set on something bigger than your spoiled little rich ass, then I will take care of them.
Si la Yakuza está detrás de algo más grande que tu culo de ricachona malcriada, me ocuparé de ellos.
You have to take care of them.
Tienes que cuidar de ellos.
If we take too long in getting them home...
Si tomamos demasiado largo en conseguir a casa,
Now you take your bylaws, your in-laws, your outlaws, and you stick them up your sister's twat.
Coge tu reglamento, tus reglas y tu ungüento y méteselos en el culo a tu hermana.
You take the casings to firearm analysis, and don't let them put you off.
Usted toma las carcasas de arma de fuego análisis, y no deje que esto te desanime.
Empty your pockets, take your laces from your shoes, remove your belt, and pass them all through the window.
Vacía tus bolsillos, tomar los cordones de sus zapatos, quitar el cinturón, y pasarlos todos a través de la ventana.
In the show, they take kids, middle school and high school kids that are getting in trouble a lot, and they send them to jail for a day.
En el programa, llevan chicos de primaria y secundaria, que se meten mucho en problemas, y los mandan a la cárcel por un día.
They'd destroy themselves, and take you down with them.
Se destruirían a sí mismos y a uno con ellos.
'Let them have their own way and they'll destroy themselves, and take you down too.'
Si los dejar hacer lo que quieran... se destruirían a ellos mismos y a uno con ellos.
When you think of Jesse James and those families, they have been stripped of everything, they felt, after the Civil War and they were gonna come and take what they thought was owed to them.
Cuando piensas en Jesse James y en aquellas familias, que habían sido despojadas de todo, sintieron, que después de la Guerra Civil, iban a ir y llevarse lo que creían que se les debía.
Let's take advantage of these gifts that God has placed there, hidden them from the Indians. "
Saquemos provecho de estos obsequios que Dios ha situado allí, escondiéndolos de los indios ".
With the Indian population depleted, the U.S. government moves full force into the Black Hills, allowing them to take the land and the gold discovered there three years earlier.
Con la población india diezmada, el gobierno de los EE.UU., traslada todos sus efectivos al interior de las Colinas Negras, permitiéndoles tomar la tierra y el oro descubierto allí, tres años antes.
Let them take the fall.
Que tomen la caída.
Please don't let them take me again.
Por favor, no dejes que me lleven otra vez.
Now, you can take these recordings to court and try and nail these fuckers, but you'll get roasted on cross and you'll end up sucking dick in prison right next to them.
Ahora, puedes llevar estas grabaciones a la corte e intenta atrapar a estos cabrones, pero tú serás crucificado y acabarás chupando vergas en prisión justo a lado de ellos.
But in you I see a leader strong and ambitious enough to take both our countries forward and defend them against our enemies.
En tí veo un líder fuerte y ambicioso para llevar nuestros países adelante y defenderlo de nuestros enemigos.
Please take the things out of the car and organize them over there.
Saque todo del carro y organícelo por allá.
We'll take five each and get round them all this morning. Good.
- Cogeremos cinco cada uno y nos pondremos con ellos toda la mañana.
Throw the grenade and try to kill all of them, then we can take the plans off the Major's body.
Lanza la granada y trata de matarlos a todos, entonces podremos tomar los planos del cuerpo del mayor.
Man said if I joined the Union boys, they'd take me back up North with them.
Me dijeron que si seguía a los muchachos de la Unión me llevarían al norte con ellos.
I told them to send an ambulance over to take care of the doctor.
Les dije que mandaran una ambulancia para que se encargaran de la doctora.
I take it you weren't expecting them.
Imagino que no los esperabas.
Take a look, and when you're ready to order, just let me know and we'll call them together.
Echa un vistazo y cuando estés listo para ordenar, avísame y los llamaremos.
Please don't let them take me again.
Por favor, no dejes que me lleven de nuevo.
- Tell us exactly where the guards will be stationed ; my friends will take care of them too.
- Cuéntanos exactamente donde están los guardias ubicados ; mis amigos se harán cargo de ellos.
Then take this and go carve it out of them.
Entonces toma esto. Y anda a tallar afuera con esto.
So, then I had to take these hormone pills that were suppositories, and Push Pop them up myself every single night.
Así que, tuve que usar éstas hormonas que eran supositorios, y empujármelas yo misma cada noche.
take them off 138
take them out 78
take them all 26
take them away 101
take them back 16
take them down 41
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
take them out 78
take them all 26
take them away 101
take them back 16
take them down 41
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
take me away 98
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
take me away 98
take it easy 3777
take care 2154
take your time 1039
take care of yourself 629
take me 491
take me back 66
take it away 239
take me there 54
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take me 491
take me back 66
take it away 239
take me there 54
take a nap 62
take that 698
take it 3226
take off your coat 49
take off your dress 19
take me out 21
take it slow 68
take a walk 160
take a shower 102
take thee 47
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take care of me 19
take care of yourselves 28
take it slow 68
take a walk 160
take a shower 102
take thee 47
take off the mask 22
take it down 128
take a seat 906
take care of me 19
take care of yourselves 28