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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ T ] / That him

That him traduction Espagnol

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The officer that was with her, has anybody seen him?
¿ Ha visto alguien al agente que iba con ella?
He's still upset that I called him boring.
Sigue enfadado porque lo llamé aburrido.
We have to engage him on topics that he cares about.
Tenemos que hablar de temas que le interesen.
We'll go there and make him feel like whoever that person is.
Iremos y le haremos sentir como si fuese esa persona, sea quien sea.
And that's him trying to be interesting.
Y está intentando ser interesante.
And because of that, a dirty fed is behind bars, and the witness that can keep him there is still alive.
Y por eso, un federal corrupto está tras las rejas, y el testigo está vivo.
Even if we found the boots, and I was somehow able to... match them to the boot print that I found, it's not enough to convict him in court.
Incluso si encontráramos los zapatos, y de alguna manera pudiera... conectarlos con la huella que encontré, no es suficiente para condenarlo ante la corte.
Police questioned Deckard for hours, but the only thing that they could hold him on was a possession of an unregistered firearm.
La policía interrogó a Deckard durante horas, pero lo único con lo que podían retenerlo era por la posesión de un arma de fuego no registrada.
That is where a cop would hit him to execute a PIT maneuver.
Allí es dónde un policía golpearía al realizar una maniobra de persecución.
Saw him get up and go to that bathroom in the back.
Lo vi levantarse e ir al cuarto de baño de la parte de atrás.
But I can tell you that we're here for Deckard, so whatever the bounty is on him, we'll double it.
Pero sí puedo decirte que estamos aquí por Deckard, Así que probemos esto de nuevo.
She wouldn't have sent him in if he couldn't handle himself, you know that.
Ella no lo hubiera enviado si él no pudiera manejarlo, sabes eso.
Can you find Carter and have him fix that generator again?
¿ Puedes buscar a Carter y hacer que repare de nuevo el generador?
I keep telling him that.
Sigo diciéndole eso.
He was convinced that his dad was gonna come home and surprise him with some amazing gift.
Estaba convencido de que su padre volvería a casa y lo sorprendería con un regalo increíble.
Mac's grandfather had to sit him down and tell him that his dad wasn't on a business trip.
luego de comer el pastel y de abrir los regalos... el abuelo de Mac lo sentó y le dijo que su papá no estaba en un viaje de negocios.
You really want us to tell him that?
¿ De verdad quieres que le digamos eso?
So if that can't find him, I don't know how I'm going to.
Si eso no puede encontrarlo, no sé cómo podré hacerlo yo.
Yeah, we keep telling him that.
Sí, seguimos recordándoselo.
See, I agreed to pay him $ 30 million and to teach him everything that I know.
Accedí a pagarle treinta millones de dólares y a enseñarle todo lo que sé.
He took Bozer to the loading dock to hand him off to EMS, but that's before this all happened.
Llevó a Bozer al muelle de cargas para entregarlo al servicio médico de emergencias, pero ello fue antes de que todo esto ocurra.
He likes anything that's out of the norm, so the worms will be good for him.
Le gusta todo lo que se salga de lo normal, así que los gusanos serán buenos para él.
And until we rule that out, DeLuca, we need to keep him on close observation.
Y hasta que descartemos eso, DeLuca, debemos mantenerlo en estricta observación.
Prince Charming has a grade-three liver lac that could kill him if he moves.
El príncipe azul tiene una laceración hepática grado tres que podría matarlo si se mueve.
That's him.
Es él.
I know him, so I know what that looks like.
Le conozco, así que sé lo que parece.
Because I have a feeling that you like him, too, so you know what?
Porque me da la sensación de que a ti también te gusta él, ¿ así que sabes qué?
I remember the dog, and... I remember the mist came and killed him, but, before all that...
Recuerdo al perro y... recuerdo que la niebla llegó y lo mató, pero antes de todo eso...
And when you told him that we already were...
Y cuando le dijiste que ya éramos...
The only thing that keeps him from bleeding to death is the pressure that the rebar is exerting against the liver's blood vessels.
Lo único que le impide sangrar hasta la muerte es la presión que ejerce la barra de refuerzo contra los vasos sanguíneos del hígado.
If I can get him there and I had you on a walkie or something like that, is it possible?
Si puedo llevarlo allí y tenerlo en un walkie o algo así, ¿ es posible?
It's when a man is such a coward that he has someone else do it for him.
Es cuando un hombre es tan cobarde que pide a alguien más que lo haga por él.
That's my qualification, and I will kick him out of the loading dock.
Eso me califica, y lo echaré fuera del muelle de carga.
And then I want him to learn that there will be no salvation.
Y entonces quiero que aprenda que no habrá salvación.
And I want to look him in the eye when he realizes that.
Y quiero mirarlo a los ojos cuando se dé cuenta de eso.
I think it's only right that they get to eat what's left of him.
Creo que es justo que ellos coman lo que resta de él.
If there's one thing that I know about him is, he's not gonna stop.
Si hay algo que sé de él es que no va a parar.
It's important that you make it clear that the suspect was reaching for his gun, and that fearing for your safety and the safety of those around you, you defended yourself and shot him.
Es importante que dejes claro que el sospechoso iba a alcanzar su arma y temiendo por tu seguridad y la seguridad de aquellos a tu alrededor, te defendiste y le disparaste.
That was all him.
Eso es todo él.
You're right. I mean, it's... it's why the plan is the plan, and that's why I'm gonna get him.
Quiero decir, es... es por eso que el plan es el plan, y por eso lo voy a atrapar.
And Pastor Allen, he says that there's only one other person besides him who knows that combination.
Y el Pastor Allen, dice que solo hay otra persona aparte de él que sabe la combinación.
I brought him in to answer for that thing in Arizona with the checks?
¿ Lo traje para que responda por eso de los cheques en Arizona?
Telling Stan that you were setting him up.
Diciéndole a Stan que lo estabas inculpando.
Is that why you killed him?
¿ Es por eso que lo mataste?
I don't understand. Why does he think that... that killing Emma with this blade will make him the Savior?
No entiendo. ¿ Por qué cree que matando a Emma con esa espada será el Salvador?
He's not the first one to think wielding that sword would make him a hero.
No es el primero en creer que esgrimir esa espada lo convertirá en héroe.
I just hope there's enough time that we can stop him before he does.
Ojalá podamos detenerlo antes de que lo haga.
Or if he had a gambling addiction, then maybe there were other people in his life that wanted him dead.
O si tenía una adicción al juego, puede que hubiera otras personas en su vida que lo quisieran muerto.
They're gonna think that you killed that cop... or that you had him killed.
Pensarán que mataste a ese poli... o que hiciste que lo mataran.
Let's let him think you're still doing that.
Vamos a dejar que crea que sigues haciéndolo.
Bro, I've told him that a thousand times.
Se lo dije mil veces.

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