That stuff traduction Espagnol
26,121 traduction parallèle
Shay, that stuff is corrosive.
Shay, eso es corrosivo.
I bet you take all that stuff out and breasts is just flat.
Apuesto a que cuando sacas todo, tus senos están planos.
All that stuff is bad. Y'all kill people.
Todo eso es malo, mata a la gente.
I always wanted to know if she sees that stuff, too.
Siempre quise saber si ella ve esas cosas, también.
None of that stuff, all right?
Nada de eso, ¿ vale?
That stuff doesn't matter to me.
Esas cosas no me importan.
And that stuff is just between him and your mom.
Y todo eso es entre tu madre y él.
One shipment of that stuff could fuel us and all the ships in Phoenix Squadron for a full cycle.
Un envío de esas cosas nos podría alimentar y todas las naves de la escuadrilla en Phoenix para un ciclo completo.
What about all that stuff you said about them valuing you?
¿ Y todo lo que dijiste sobre cuánto te valoraban?
That stuff isn't just politics, man.
Esas cosas no son solo política, hombre.
I know I said all that stuff about not wanting to get old, but...
Sé que dije todo eso de no hacernos mayores, pero...
Cops, uh, didn't focus on any of that stuff.
Los policías, ah, no se enfocaron en ninguna de esas cosas.
Francine doesn't do any of that stuff.
Francine no hace ninguna de esas cosas.
I can't believe that you're blowing me off for this dumb music stuff.
No puedo creer que me cambies por tu estúpida música.
I was just trying to prove that you've got stuff to live for!
¡ Intentaba probar que tienes mucho por qué vivir!
You see that girl Shay's stuff anywhere?
¿ Ves las cosas de Shay en algún lado?
That's some pretty freaky stuff out there.
Es bastante aterrador.
I think it's pretty obvious we take the upper route because the free fell down on that side, so we'll be walking on top of all - the rubble and stuff. - No, but...
Es obvio que por arriba porque así caminaremos sobre los escombros.
We're just gonna, like, rough you up and take your stuff. Why would you say that?
Te golpearemos y robaremos.
We don't play with stuff like that.
Nosotros no jugamos con esas cosas.
We not playing with stuff like that, honey.
Nosotros no jugamos con esas cosas.
We don't play with stuff like that.
No jugamos con eso.
What is that? I don't touch this stuff.
Yo no toco estas cosas.
That, and lots of other stuff.
Eso y otras cosas más.
Yeah, that's right, because we're talking about real legal stuff, not fake TV legal stuff.
Sí, eso es correcto,, porque estamos hablando de Materia jurídica, real, No falsificación de TV cosas legales.
No, that's why you think you watch, but what makes the courtroom stuff land is that you have a lead character who is emotionally grounded and relatable.
No, es por eso que usted piensa ves, pero lo que hace La tierra sala cosas es que tiene un personaje principal Que está emocionalmente tierra y relevante.
- Yeah, that's good stuff.
- Sí, eso es lo bueno.
I thought you said that was normal kid stuff?
¿ No dijiste que era algo normal de niños?
Filling his head with all that confusing stuff before he's ready can really mess him up, turn him into a serial killer.
Llenar su mente con esas cosas confusas antes de que esté listo puede realmente estropearlo, convertirlo en un asesino serial.
Look, it's the best way to divide my stuff up, and that way you can kickback, relax, and enjoy the funeral I planned.
Miren, esta es la mejor manera de dividirse las cosas, de esta manera pueden elegir su parte, relajarse, y disfrutar el funeral que tengo planeado.
But you do know some stuff from the work that you do.
Pero vosotros sabéis cosas por el trabajo que hacéis.
As a matter of fact, yeah, we need you to stash some stuff out that farm of yours.
De hecho, sí, te necesitamos para guardar algunas cosas en tu granja.
But I researched a trucking'company that leases out refrigerated trucks, you know, for like produce and stuff.
Pero he encontrado una empresa de camiones que alquila camiones refrigerados, para productos agrícolas y cosas así.
I mean, how long did it take you to stuff that thing?
Digo, ¿ Cuánto tiempo te tomo fabricar esa cosa?
For that kind of stuff.
Para esa clase de cosas.
I knew that your father had his stuff on the side.
Sabía que tu padre tenía sus cosas.
That's a lot more good stuff than we could say about Mandy.
Eso es mucho más cosas buenas de lo que podríamos decir acerca de Mandy.
That kind of stuff.
Ese tipo de cosas.
It's going to be so exciting to get back to all that science stuff again.
Va a ser tan emocionante volver a todo ese rollo científico.
That "buddy" stuff may have worked for my dad, but I wanted a more personal touch when I took over.
Eso de "amiga" le funcionaría a mi padre... pero quería un toque más personal cuando lo sucedí.
Oh. So... none of that messy stuff, because this is not goodbye goodbye.
Así que nada de cosas complicadas... porque esto no es un adiós-adiós.
Volvo would go on to produce rubber bumpers, crumple zones, all sorts of stuff that people liked.
Volvo pasaria a hacer paragolpes de goma, zonas de absorción de impactos... Todo tipo de cosas que a la gente les gustaba
The oil companies depended on Detroit to make a car like this that would use a lot of their stuff up.
Y las compañias petroleras dependían de que Detroit fabricara un auto así... Que usara mucho de lo que ellos producían
Even the stuff that wasn't, you know, flammable?
¿ Hasta lo que no era... ya sabes, inflamable?
No, I'm not talking about that ; I'm talking about all this stuff that you've been reading.
No, no estoy hablando de eso ; estoy hablando de todas estas cosas que usted ha estado leyendo.
No. We don't sell that kind of stuff.
No vendemos esa clase de cosas.
And all that comes up on Google is stuff from when it first opened and an article about Dean Munsch buying the place.
Y todo lo que sale en Google son las cosas de cuando abrió y un artículo sobre la Decana Munsch comprando el lugar.
Wait, wasn't your hand doing all that crazy stuff
Espera, ¿ tu mano no hacia todas esas cosas locas...
Well, you're looking for other stuff that might be important to you.
Bien, busca otras cosas que pueden ser importantes para ti.
I don't think you should run from stuff that challenges you.
No creo que debas correr de los retos
The, uh, the stuff that's used to wash the cocaine- - the toluene from the TNT- - it's supposed to evaporate in the washing process, but this stuff didn't.
La, ah... la cosa que se usó para lavar la cocaína... el tolueno del TNT, se supone que se evapora en el proceso de lavado, pero este no lo hizo.
stuff 485
stuffed 27
stuffing 22
stuff happens 27
stuff like that 238
stuff it 26
stuff and nonsense 20
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
stuffed 27
stuffing 22
stuff happens 27
stuff like that 238
stuff it 26
stuff and nonsense 20
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that one over there 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
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that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that sounds fun 130
that is so sweet 227
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that was stupid 112
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that is good 189
that is ridiculous 146
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that sounds fun 130
that is so sweet 227
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that is ridiculous 146
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that is a lie 69
that was quick 252
that is right 117
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that is enough 189
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that is great 150
that is a lie 69