They don't like you traduction Espagnol
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It's like when they're little, and they get sick, you'd give anything in the world to trade places with them, so they don't have to suffer.
Es como cuando son pequeños,... y cogen una enfermedad,... darías cualquier cosa en el mundo por estar en sus lugares,... de modo que no sufran.
I like it better when they don't put so many peppers, you know?
Me gusta más cuando no le ponen tantos pimientos, ¿ sabes?
I mean, they don't understand that people like you and me- - well, that we screw up.
Digo, no entienden que la gente como tú y yo bueno, nos equivocamos.
But what they don't teach you, Dr. Shaw, is what it's like to look into another man's eyes... as you tear his fingernails out.
Lo que no enseñan es qué se siente al mirar a otro hombre a los ojos al arrancarle las uñas.
And sometimes you should tell people the things that you love about them, like something they're really great at or a quality they have that you admire, and, I don't know, you did a really good job.
y a veces deberías decirle a la gente las cosas que te gustan de ellos, como algo de ellos que es realmente bueno o una cualidad que tienen y que tú admiras, y, no lo sé, hiciste un gran trabajo.
Well, that's because they don't like the way you live.
Bueno, eso es porque no les gusta la forma en que viven.
You know, they stay away like they know something we don't.
Se mantienen a distancia, como si supieran algo y nosotros no.
They don't know what you look like.
- No saben como eres.
They go on to talk about this scientific study that was done showing that, you know, siblings who are raised together develop this innate sexual repulsion, but you know, when they're separated andr aised apart like us, uh, you know, they don't have that.
Hablan de los estudios científicos que muestran que los hijos que se crían juntos desarrollan una repulsión sexual, pero cuando son separados y criados aparte, como nosotros no tienen esa- -
Like you they don't agree with me, it is natural that I exaggerate.
Como no están de acuerdo conmigo, es natural que exagere.
I don't like people that you / they cry for everything and for anything.
No me gustan las personas que lloran por todo y por nada.
So that the people who love you don't feel like they're annoying you.
Para que la gente que te ama, no sienta que te molesta.
They don't like you shouting at them.
No les gusta que les grites.
Don't you know that men and women lie down... -... because they like it a lot?
No sabes que los hombres y las mujeres se acuestan porque disfrutan mucho?
They like playing lords and serfs, don't they? What makes you think it's a game?
¿ Qué le hace pensar que es un juego?
They don't spend money on expensive lawyers and then do all the talking themselves. And they are not out to impress northern flatfoots like you.
No gastan dinero en costosos abogados y es por eso que hablan todo el tiempo personalmente y su objetivo no es impresionar a policías norteños como tú.
But it's like, if you don't eat'em in time, and you let'em get cold, they're shit.
Pero si no las comes a tiempo y dejas que se enfríen, son una mierda.
Gangs underneath them will try to recruit you, build up their numbers... get you to sling drugs, stab who they don't like.
Las bandas detrás de ellos intentarán reclutarte, aumentar su cantidad hacer que vendas drogas, que apuñales a quien no les agrada.
I'm glad you like it, but they all do the same things, don't they?
Me alegra que te guste, pero todos hacen lo mismo, ¿ no?
This is not like a lunar mission, which only lasts a week... where you can get three test pilots, and they can just suck up the fact... that they don't really like each other for that duration time and get along.
Esto no es como una misión lunar, que solo dura una semana donde puedes tener tres pilotos de prueba, y pueden absorber el hecho que no se caen bien uno a otro por ese tiempo y llevarse bien.
Like little stinging secrets that don't just sting you once. They keep stinging you until you're bloated and full of pus.
Como pequeños objetos punzantes que no te pinchan sólo una vez, te siguen pinchando hasta que estás hinchado y lleno de pus.
They don't like you for it, lindsay.
No les gustas para eso, Lindsay.
Her eyes don't move, but they follow you like when you look at a painting.
No mueve los ojos, pero te sigue con la mirada como cuando miras un cuadro.
And even if you did, no-one would have told you. See, people don't like what they do in private splashed all over the...
A la gente no les gusta que lo que hacen en privado de repente aparezca...
I mean... I'm out here... just trying to be a good boy... and it's just like they don't want to let me... you know?
Digo me voy de aquí intento ser un buen chico y es como si no quisieran permitírmelo ¿ sabes?
It may seem like they don't like "you..." "... but "that's probably because they're really" busy... " "... or " they're sad, or they're mad.
Te parece que no les gustas pero seguramente es porque están ocupados o tristes o enfadados.
I mean, I don't know if you're familiar with their world, but their humor... is in seeing everything from the outside, like they're not a part of it, like...
Yo no estoy muy familiarizado con su mundo, pero su humor se se basa en mirarlo todo desde afuera. Como si no fueran parte.
If I have to flashback to all those past decades- - they went so--so- - Like yesterday, but time- - you become older and older and older, you don't realize.
si hago un flashback de todas estas décadas... parece que... fue ayer, pero el tiempo... te volves viejo y viejo y viejo, no te das cuenta
They do, like flies! Don't you watch TV?
Lo hacen, ¡ como moscas!
You invite questions, and then when you don't like where they lead, you just walk away.
Pides que te pregunte y cuando no te gusta a donde nos llevan, te vas.
You see... they don't like you.
Ves... no les gustas.
I don't like it when people just don't say what they mean, or they lust say what you want to hear, because it's like, life is too short to deal with people like this.
No me gusta que la gente no dice lo que piensa. O dice lo que quieres oír. La vida es muy corta para tratar a gente así, ¿ no crees?
these guys are flying these things like real pilots, and if they don't, the humans are done, so you better make sure you're flying that clunky old viper the best you can and take those cylons out.
Esta gente los pilota como pilotos de verdad y si no lo hacen se acabaron los humanos así que más te vale hacer volar a ese viper viejo y patoso de la mejor manera posible para cargarte a esos cylons.
You only get certain opportunities in life, and if you don't hop on'em, they'll go like that.
10 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2006 YMCA EN BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Sólo tienes determinadas oportunidades en la vida y si no las aprovechas, se irán así nada más.
I don't even grasp the whole concept of, you know, like, sailing through the ocean, and I'm quite sure that they probably don't either.
Ni siquiera entiendo el concepto de navegar a través del océano y estoy bastante seguro de que probablemente ellos tampoco.
I tell them that they don't know you like I do.
Digo que no te conocen como te conozco yo.
Don't you think they should hang in little scallops, like a gingerbread house?
¿ No crees que deberían colgar en pequeñas conchas, como una casa de pan de jengibre?
It's like I told you- - I cannot make people do anything that they don't want to do.
Es como les dije no puedo lograr que la gente haga algo que no quiere hacer.
See, they don't tell you that. Sound like slavery.
No te lo dicen, pero suena a esclavitud, ¿ o no?
Well, maybe they don't like you picking on one of them.
Quizás no les gusta tu trato hacia uno de ellos.
Is it that you don't like them, or maybe they don't like you?
¿ Es que no te gustan, o quizás, es que tú no les gustas a ellos?
- They don't like the cars. - What'd you say?
- No les gustan los coches - ¿ Qué has dicho?
even though i don't like the way they've been talking negative and everything, i thought maybe you could learn from me by telling me a little bit.
Aun cuando no me gusta la forma negativa en cómo han hablado y todo, pensé que tal vez podrías aprender de mí... al decirte un poco cómo es ser amable.
Well, what I don't like is they think they can strip you of your security clearance.
Bueno, lo que no me gusta es que piensen que pueden despojarte de tu autorización de seguridad.
You don't remember how many times you've been married? Well, men, they're like light bulbs, you know?
Los vas probando hasta que alguno funciona.
They don't tell you when you become a doctor it's gonna be like this.
Cuando te gradúas de médico, no te dicen que va a ser así.
Um, our nurses look like they're tied up, But if you don't mind waiting, I can get it for you myself.
um, nuestras enfermeras parecen cansadas, pero si no le importa espera, puedo conseguirla para usted.
Maybe they don't like you.
- A lo mejor ellos no te gustan.
Why don't those lips smile at you like they did in the dream?
¿ Por qué esos labios no sonríen como en el sueño?
- You're saying you like her. So you don't want her faults to be her fault. But they're someone's fault, and the other people you know are...
Estás diciendo que te agrada, entonces no quieres que sus errores sean su culpa pero son culpa de alguien y las únicas personas que conoces son- -
Well, it looks like they're a cute couple, I'll give you that, but what I don't get is why anybody wants to watch that show- -
Bueno, parece que eran una linda pareja, te acepto eso, Pero lo que no entiendo es por qué alguien quiere ver este show
they don't 727
they don't like me 19
they don't exist 52
they don't work 32
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't like me 19
they don't exist 52
they don't work 32
they don't give a shit 20
they don't listen 19
they don't know yet 28
they don't understand 42
they don't get it 22
they don't hate you 16
they don't know anything 52
they don't matter 18
they don't have to 34
they don't want me 22
they don't stand a chance 17
they don't believe me 24
they don't know me 18
they don't care 106
they don't mean anything 16
they don't know 180
they don't matter 18
they don't have to 34
they don't want me 22
they don't stand a chance 17
they don't believe me 24
they don't know me 18
they don't care 106
they don't mean anything 16
they don't know 180
they don't know that 37
they don't like it 23
they don't know what they're doing 16
like you mean it 28
like your brother 20
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like you 1448
like you said 759
they don't like it 23
they don't know what they're doing 16
like you mean it 28
like your brother 20
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like you 1448
like you said 759