To your family traduction Espagnol
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- Sarah! Sarah! Listen to your family.
- Escuche a su familia.
Muns, I know what happened to your family.
Muns, sé lo que pasó con tu familia.
When we finish the mission, we come back and we find out what happened to your family.
Cuando acabemos la misión, volvemos y nos enteramos de qué ha pasado con tu familia.
When we finish the mission, we'll find out what happened to your family.
Cuando acabemos la misión, nos enteramos de qué pasó con tu familia.
By lying to your family and running away?
¿ Al mentirle a tu familia y salir corriendo?
Sorry, Elizabeth, but I'm not gonna change who I am to fit in to your family.
Lo siento, Elizabeth, Pero no voy a cambiar quien soy. Para encajar en tu familia.
What if you go to the funeral alone and admit to your family that this whole fiance thing was just one big lie?
¿ Qué pasa si usted va al funeral solo y admitir a su familia que esta Lo prometido todo era una gran mentira?
That information is all we need to notify the world of the injustice done to your family so why would you give that up!
¡ Con estos mensajes, puedes probarle al mundo cuan injustamente fue destruida tu familia! ¿ Por qué habrías de renunciar a eso?
Give my regards to your family.
Saludame a la familia.
You're going to write a letter to your family, telling them that you are all right.
Bien, ahora va a escribir una carta dirigida a sus familiares, para informarles que se encuentra bien.
I know that your real name is Michelle Webber, and I know that Ray is your ex-boyfriend, and I know what he did to your family.
Sé que tu nombre real es Michelle Webber y sé que Ray es tu ex novio. Y sé lo que le hizo a tu familia.
She has come to the home of your brother, and we are to treat her like family.
Ha venido al hogar de su hermano, y la trataremos como familia.
They're asking you to choose your family over your friend?
¿ Te están haciendo escoger entre tu familia y una amiga?
You did what you thought you had to do to protect your family.
Hiciste lo que pensaste que tenías que hacer para proteger a tu familia.
I'm hoping that your concern for her... and for our family... will lead you to a decision that would show how much you care about Elizabeth...
Espero que su preocupación por ella - Y por nuestra familia - Le llevé a una decisión que muestre cuánto le importa Elizabeth -
Because your family doesn't get to run my life.
Porque tu familia no manejará mi vida.
In the meantime, I'm gonna have to ask you and your family to stay here.
Mientras tanto, voy a pedirles a usted y a su familia que se queden aquí.
There's no need. I'm just glad we were able to get Mitch back to you and your family.
Me alegro de que hayamos podido reunir a Mitch con su familia.
To your own family?
¿ A tu propia familia?
Mm-hmm,'cause in this family, you gots to do your chores.
Porque en esta familia cada uno hace sus tareas.
I get it, but sometimes family has to come first, and your family... our family...
Lo entiendo, pero a veces la familia tiene que ir primero, y tu familia... nuestra familia...
I would urge you to be certain that this is what God really wants you to do. And that your family's on board with the idea.
Te recomendaría que estés seguro... de que es lo que Dios quiere de ti... y de que tu familia esté de acuerdo.
Your family's here to see you.
Vino a verlo su familia.
You said knowing the truth about your family and knowing what to do with that truth are two different things.
Dijiste, conocer la verdad sobre tu familia... y saber qué hacer con esa verdad son dos cosas distintas.
If you mean to pose as the family you have slaughtered here, then you'll need my help to carry out your ruse.
Si queréis fingir ser la familia que acabáis de masacrar, entonces necesitaréis mi ayuda para llevar a cabo vuestro ardid.
As your family is undone, you will see the beast that is to come.
Como tu familia está destrozada, verás la bestia que está por llegar.
Return to the decaying bosom of your true family the Medicis or flee to the new lands.
Vuelve al seno de tu decadente auténtica familia, los Médici, o escapa a las nuevas tierras.
I'm here for one reason, and that's to get your child back to the family.
Estoy aquí por una razón, y es para traer de vuelta a tu hija a la familia.
But I was always looking over my shoulder to make sure that your family was safe.
Pero siempre estaba mirando por encima de mi hombro para asegurarme que tu familia estuviera a salvo.
What a blessing to have your family back together.
Que bendición tener a tu familia reunida otra vez.
I'd just like to say it's been an honor and a privilege to serve you and your family, sir.
Solo quiero decirle que ha sido un honor y un privilegio servirle a usted y a su familia, señor.
You're don't want to let down your family, do you?
¿ No quieres decepcionar a tu familia, no es así?
It was clear that you'd been sent to push me to sell my company, that your entire family was corrupt, but I still had to find out what your uncle knew about my parents'murder.
Estaba claro que había sido enviado empujarme a vender mi empresa, que toda su familia era corrupto, pero todavía tenía que averiguar lo que su tío sabía sobre el asesinato de mis padres.
Oh, my dear, I like you very much, but family interests come first, and there are other girls of the Dumas blood I could turn to, should you fail to prove your mettle.
Cariño, me agradas mucho, pero los intereses familiares son primero, y hay otras chicas con la sangre Dumas que puedo transformar, debe dejar de probar lo que vale.
I got the squad to volunteer a little bit of their off time to help you and your family out.
Tengo el equipo para ser voluntario un poco de su tiempo libre para ayudar a usted y su familia.
I imagine that, for the rest of your life, waiting for your sister-in-law to blow your family apart
Me imagino que, para el resto de su vida, esperar que su cuñada destrozara a su familia
Your parents kill family to take care of themselves.
Sus padres matan a la familia para cuidar de sí mismos.
She just said that so you'd invite her to Thanksgiving with your family in the Hamptons.
Dijo eso para que la invitaras a Acción de Gracias con tu familia en los Hamptons.
Are you coming to Salamanca to visit your family? No.
¿ Y venís a Salamanca a visitar a la familia?
I taught you that it was all right to treat your family with scorn and neglect.
Te enseñé que estaba bien tratar a tu familia con desprecio y abandono.
I don't want to be a part of your sick family.
No quiero ser una parte de tu enferma familia.
If the time should come when you need to choose between your new friends and your family, your choice will be clear.
Si llegase el momento en que tuvieses que elegir entre tus nuevos amigos y tu familia, tu elección será clara.
I'm here for one reason, and that's to get your child back for the family.
Estoy aquí por una sola razón, que es recuperar a tu hija y devolverla a la familia.
These freaks may be your family, but Stefan Salvatore is mine, and if you don't want to help him, I will leave you here to rot.
Estos raros pueden ser de tu familia, pero Stefan Salvatore es de la mía, y si no quieres ayudarlo, dejaré que te pudrás aquí.
- If needed, use his family, too. Are you stating that your father is not to be blamed?
Soy un Pinocho así que no puedo mentir!
She's the one who ordered me to frame your father and slander your family.
Fue la que incriminó a tu padre y me dijo que arrinconara e impulsara a tu familia.
But you have the chance to save your family.
Pero usted tiene la chance de salvar a su familia.
I didn't want to share you with your birth family.
No quería compartirte con tu familia biológica.
You want to see your family again?
¿ Quieres ver a tu familia de nuevo?
Well, just to be safe, I think you and your family should stay here in protective custody until we get a better handle on things.
Bueno, para asegurarnos, creo que usted y su familia deberían estar en custodia protegida hasta que tengamos todo controlado.
Get free from your family, I get you all to myself.
Libérate de tu familia y te tendré toda para mí.
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your place 20
to your right 61
to your mother 18
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36