Which one is that traduction Espagnol
1,176 traduction parallèle
- And which one is that?
- ¿ Cuál de las tres?
That is one of the principles by which this community survives.
Éste es uno de los principios en los que se basa esta comunidad.
And a third, which is a Sicilian wine, that one is as red as blood!
Y el tercero, que es un vino de Sicilia. Ése es rojo como la sangre.
wow! which one is that?
¿ Quién es?
Hey, Barney, which one is Whirlwind? Number Six. That's our lucky dog right over there.
Ese es nuestro perro de la suerte... justo ahí.
you will see that there is also one small pot of caviar, which, as you may know, is an aphrodisiac.
Como puede ver hay también un pequeño tarro de caviar que, como usted sabrá, es un afrodisíaco.
Do you think that Dad likes to be reminded that the last decade of his life is one big goose egg, a vast wasteland, a black hole from which hope can neither enter nor escape?
¿ Crees que a papá le gusta que le recuerden... que la última década de su vida... es un gran huevo de gallina, un gran terreno baldío, un agujero negro del cual la esperanza... no puede entrar ni salir?
One might surmise that the two have developed disparate cultures, which is a major cause of most wars.
Los dos hemisferios han desarrollado culturas opuestas, causa principal de las guerras.
It is my hope that the same courage spirit and honour which has brought us together will one day restore this union.
Es mi esperanza que el mismo coraje espíritu y honor que nos ha reunido algún día restaurará esta Unión.
I mean, one thinks of it like being alive in a box, and one keeps forgetting to take into account the fact that one is dead, which should make all the difference,
Quiero decir, uno lo piensa como si estuviera vivo. Uno olvida el hecho de que uno está muerto, Lo que debería marcar una diferencia ¿ no es así?
Which to me is the more amazing thing, no one ever thought to say that before tonight.
¡ Lo cual es para mi sorprendente! ¡ Nadie ha pensado en decir eso antes de esta noche!
At present, only in ANFAVEA's name, but we're discussing it with the other members of Group 14, so that each one can decide on what he thinks is best. We're trying very hard to put an end to this process which is lasting too long a period of time and is impairing both our manufacturing activities and the effort we all should be making to help in the construction and in the improvement of the Country.
En este momento, en nombre de ANFAVEA, estamos discutiendo ahora... con los demás integrantes del Grupo 14... para que cada uno tome las posiciones que crea más interesante... para ver si logramos poner un punto final a este proceso... que se arrastra por un tiempo demasiado largo... perjudicando extraordinariamente nuestras actividades productoras... y el esfuerzo que todos debemos hacer para ayudar en la contención... y en la mejoría de la situación del país en este momento.
Here in Florida, in the United States, there lives one species that gives birth to its young in a way which is quite different from that of any other mammal in North America or indeed in Europe.
Aquí en Florida, en los Estados Unidos, existe una especie que da a luz a sus crías de una manera completamente diferente a cualquier otro mamífero de Norteamérica o incluso Europa.
The trick is to find out which one you are and be that.
El truco está en descubrir cuál de los dos es usted y serlo.
That which is pleasant is bad, because no one should live contentedly while others are unhappy.
Lo que apetece es malo, porque nadie debe vivir complacido cuando otros no lo están,
Let me tell you, the only law that Zhang knows is the law of a 12-gauge shotgun, one of which he used to splatter Mr. Wagner all over the Victoria Peak Road!
Escucha. La única corte que conoce Zhang es la de una escopeta de 12 calibres, una de las cuales usó para hacer saltar en pedazos al Sr. Wagner.
They are all pointing exactly north-south, which is another very cunning feature because that means that they get the morning sun on one and they get the evening sun on the other, so they get nicely warmed up in the cool parts of the day.
Están alineados exactamente de norte a sur, lo que es otra ventaja, pues reciben el sol de la mañana por un lado, y el sol de la tarde, por el otro.
Of all the puppies in a litter, wolf cubs in a litter, instead of our choosing which one shall breed, what happens is that nature chooses which one shall breed.
De todos los cachorros de una camada, ¿ qué pasa si en vez de nosotros, la naturaleza elige cuáles proliferar?
Flies again. Now the computer is going to calculate which of the webs is best at catching flies and it's that one that has gone dark. So that one will now become the parent of a next generation.
El ordenador calcula la eficacia de las redes... selecciona la mejor y ésa es la progenitora de la nueva generación.
When we will know because the fact is that the Lady Carrington it was so anxious because of buying the last print run, we will discover the motive by which it was murdered and the one who was the person in charge.
Cuando descubramos por qué Madame Carrington estaba tan ansiosa por adquirir la última edición, sabremos por qué la mataron y quién es el responsable.
"If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn and lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss yours is the earth and everything that's in it and, which is more, you'll be a man, my son."
"Si puedes hacer un montón con todo lo has ganado y arriesgarlo en un turno y perder, y comenzar de nuevo en tus principios y nunca decir una palabra de lo que has perdido tuya es la tierra y tuyo es todo lo que está en ella y, lo que es más, serás un hombre, mi hijo."
I believe what the Doctor means is that humans enter into what is known as REM sleep, rapid eye movement. It is the level of brain activity at which one dreams.
Lo que quiere decir la doctora es que, cuando los humanos entran en lo que se llama fase REM, o de sueño profundo, el cerebro emite una frecuencia de onda específica.
But there is one source of computer advancement, one thing that's been going on in the development of the computer, which just might give us a clue about what happened with the brain.
Pero hay otra fuente de avance informático, algo ocurrido en su desarrollo, y que puede ser relevante para nuestra comprensión del cerebro.
information service which is to be published tomorrow also warns that almost a third of the pupils on assisted places come from families of below - average earnings and that one in ten is from an ethnic minority
... un informe que será publicado mañana. También se advierte que casi un tercio de los alumnos de zonas que reciben asistencia proceden de familias con ingresos por debajo de la media y que 1 de cada 10 es de alguna minoría étnica.
It consists of one room... that belongs only to me and my parents... of another one which is... unfortunately occupied by my aunt, my uncle... and my hideous cousin, Svetlana.
Se compone de una gran habitación... que pertenece a mis padres y a mí, de otra que... por desgracia ocupan mi tía, mi tío... y mi odiosa prima, Svetlana.
The little screening room was packed because we'd heard Citizen Kane is going to be screened which was one of the major events, I think, at that time
La pequeña sala estaba llena, porque habíamos oído que iban a proyectar Citizen Kane, y era uno de los eventos más importantes, en ese tiempo.
Alton did one picture particularly that I feel is very influential called The Big Combo which is a very simple, inelegant film, that is somewhat brutal in a way, but which incorporates these very sparse lighting elements and graphic elements
Alton hizo un film en particular que me parece muy influyente, llamado El Gran Combo, que es muy simple y poco elegante, y en cierta forma brutal, y que incorpora estos elementos gráficos y luminosos minimalistas.
If someone like Slan is that last one... manking will suffer an eternity of darkness / / / from which it will never recover.
Si alguien como Slan es ese último La raza humana vivirá una época de obscuridad de la que no se recobrará nunca.
I know that the Secret Service, scared of us is shifting BaIIu from one jail to another continuously so that we don't get to know in which jail he has been lodged.
Yo sé que el Servicio Secreto, nos teme cambian a Ballu de prisión continuamente para que no sepamos en qué cárcel está.
" He forced everyone to receive a mark on his right hand, or on his forehead, so that no one shall be able to buy or sell, unless he has the mark, which is the name of the beast.
E hizo que a todos les fuera puesta una marca en la mano derecha o en la frente y que nadie pudiera comprar o vender sin esa marca que es el nombre de la bestia, o el número de su nombre.
"... subsequent decisions have held that AIDS is protected as a handicap because of the physical limitations it imposes and the prejudice surrounding AIDS, exacts a social death which precedes the actual physical one. "
"... decisiones subsiguientes sostienen que el sida es una minusvalía protegida por la ley por las trabas físicas que conlleva y por el prejuicio que la rodea, que impone una muerte social que precede a la muerte física ".
One thing we might get real about is that your party can't win an election on its own, and change will depend on some kind of realignment or alliance, which will persuade Urquhart of the folly of his ways or force his resignation.
Una cosa con la que podríamos ser realistas es sobre el hecho de que su partido no es lo bastante fuerte como para ganar unas elecciones, y de que el cambio en este país dependerá de algún tipo de reordenación o de alianza, que puedan hacer ver a Francis Urquhart lo disparatadas que son sus medidas o forzar su dimisión, y forzar su dimisión es buen negocio.
Maybe now I've come to realize one thing : My homeland, perhaps, is my only possession. That is, something which can be lost within a minute.
Puede estar bien que haya entendido que todo lo que tengo - quiero decir... cómo decir... mi patria, puede ser - puedo perder todo esto en un momento.
One thing's very important. At the Survival Boutique, it's my philosophy that everything must conform to the three P's. Which is protection, prestige and pretty.
Siento que mi Boutique de Supervivencia refleja mi personalidad y mi filosofía basada en las 3 "P", que son protección, prestigio y presentación.
The tradition that I see him belonging to is essentially the one of, you know... graphic art as social protest, social criticism... which, of course, has extremely long roots and goes back to -
La tradición a la que le veo que pertenece, esencialmente... es el arte gráfico como protesta social, crítica social... lo cual, por supuesto tiene largas raíces.
And, um, I think it's this which people in America find rather hard to take... because it conflicts with their basic feelings - that sort of mixture of utopianism on one hand and Puritanism on the other... which is only another kind of utopianism.
Esto es lo que la gente en América encuentra difícil de asimilar... porque entra en conflicto con sus sentimientos básicos. Esa mezcla de utopía en una mano y puritanismo en la otra... la cual es sólo otra forma de utopía... nos ha dado el tipo de discurso desordenado que tenemos hoy.
My one regret is that his mother my late wife, is not here....... to share the pride which our son fills me with, tonight.
Sólo siento que su madre mi difunta esposa, no esté aquí para compartir el orgullo del que esta noche me llena mi hijo.
Is that the one which screamed?
¿ Es uno de esos que gritan?
Is that the one in which you persuade the General to guard your stolen property?
¿ Es en la que convence al General para que guarde sus propiedades robadas?
I'd say that I'm the one you can trust, which is the main word here... trust. To take him out clean.
Creo que soy el único en quien puedes confiar, que es lo principal para eliminarlo rápidamente.
That is the one joust of which I have not partaken.
Es una justa en la que no he tomado parte.
Which one is it that makes me want to cry more, I wonder.
Y ahora tienen que cruzar un largo camino. Este es solo el comienzo de lo que les espera en este lugar.
Well, it's cars like yours that make car pooling necessary which is why I'm glad my bank is one of the cleaner, greener sponsors.
Bueno, por coches como el suyo se hace necesario compartir el automóvil Por eso me alegra que mi banco sea uno de los patrocinadores.
Which is like just, you know... that I belong nowhere, with no one.
Que es, sólo, ya sabes... que no pertenezco a ningún sitio
The question is, which one? Two men died in that crash room, Scully.
Dos hombres murieron en esa sala, Scully.
The question is,..... which one? Two men died in that crash room, Scully.
Dos hombres murieron en esa sala, Scully.
If you change... a zero-two to a one-two that means that check which was cashed in New York does not go to the New York Federal Branch but it is rerouted all the way to the San Francisco Federal Branch.
Si se cambia... un 0-2 por un 1-2, el cheque... que se cobró en Nueva York no va a la Sucursal Federal de Nueva York, sino que se envía a la Sucursal Federal de San Francisco.
But there's only one truth that you have, which is formed by a narrowed view of the world.
Lo siento, hoy tengo un compromiso. Entiendo. Hasta luego.
Because if they are, that represents a 5,000 to one split of each soul... in just the last 50,000 years, which is a blip in the Earth's time.
Porque si lo son, hay una proporción de 5.000 cuerpos por cada alma... en los últimos 50.000 años, que es poco en la historia de la Tierra.
We are taught that suffering is the one promise life always keeps, so that if happiness comes we know it is a precious gift, which is ours only for a brief time.
Aprendemos que el sufrimiento es la unica promesa que la vida siempre cumple. si la felicidad viene.. sabemos que és un don precioso...
Rebecca is one of the movies in which the word... homosexuality or lesbianism is never uttered... but there's this one scene that... really stands out for a gay audience.
'Rebecca'es una de las películas en las que la palabra homosexualidad o lesbianismo nunca se menciona, pero hay una escena que llama la atención de un público gay.
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is he 45
which one was it 29
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is he 45
which one was it 29
which one am i 16
which one's yours 33
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that your sister 22
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
which one's yours 33
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
is that you 2352
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that your sister 22
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152