Which one is he traduction Espagnol
589 traduction parallèle
Which one is he?
- ¿ Cuál de ellos es?
Which one is he?
Pues, ¿ quién es?
Well, which one is he?
¿ Cuál de ellos es?
- Which one is he?
- ¿ Cuál es?
- Which one is he?
- ¿ Cuál de ellos es?
Which one is he?
¿ Cuál es?
Which one is he?
¿ Cuál es de todos?
How can I tell which one is he among the three?
¿ Cómo puedo distinguir al mejor, si son tres?
Which one is he?
¿ Y cuál es?
The other prisoner - which one is he?
El otro prisionero, ¿ quién es?
- Which one is he?
¿ Cuál es él?
You see, a man can meet two, three, or even four women, and fall in love with all of them, and then, by a process of interesting elimination, he is able to decide which one he prefers.
Un hombre puede conocer a dos, tres o incluso cuatro mujeres... enamorarse de todas ellas... y luego, cotejando afinidades y diferencias... puede decidir a cuál de ellas prefiere.
his will is the law and who doesn't bend to his will he'll have to destroy a country breaks apart which isn't ruled by one will
Su voluntad es la ley. Y lo que no se le doblega tiene que destruirlo. Un país se rompe si no se rige por una voluntad.
Tell Mr. Nolan we'll be happy to consider his proposition as soon as Mr. Baker gets out of the brig which is one thing he can't fix.
Dile que estudiaremos su propuesta, En cuanto el Sr. Baker arregle lo de su arresto.
The dealer's face was obscured by the lampshade, but I noticed he dealt with his left hand, as one does when one's right hand is otherwise occupied, which can be dangerous.
La cara del hombre que daba cartas permanecía oculta tras la lámpara. Repartía las cartas con la mano izquierda... como si mantuviera la mano derecha ocupada. Una manera de manejarse muy peligrosa.
and I have here one of the letters Dr.Livingstone have supposed to entrust to Mr. Stanley and here is a letter which I personally know was written by Dr.Livingstone some 15 yrs ago when he was in England.
Ésta es una de las cartas que supuestamente entregó el doctor Livingstone al señor Stanley. Y esta es una carta manuscrita del doctor Livingstone de hace 15 años, cuando estuvo en Inglaterra.
Now, the one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his Nutcracker Suite, which is probably the most popular thing he ever wrote.
La composición de Tchaikovski que él detestaba en verdad... era su Suite del Cascanueces... la cual es probablemente la obra más popular que escribió.
Which one of the two is he?
¿ Cuál será de los dos?
And let it be the spirit of this proclamation... that this shall be the first of many changes... which we hope to bring about as soon as they are possible... as I believe my father, the late king, would wish us to do... and as I have learned... it is right and necessary to do... if we are to live and work together... in liking and respect for one another... as we must do if we are to work together for the good of our country.
Y que este sea el espíritu de esta proclamación, este será el primero de muchos cambios que esperamos traer lo antes posible, como creo que a mi padre, el antiguo rey, le hubiera gustado que hiciéramos, y como yo he aprendido que es bueno y necesario hacerlo, si hemos de vivir y trabajar juntos con armonía y respeto mutuo, como debemos hacer para trabajar juntos por el bien de nuestro país.
Which one is he?
- Ese hombre apuesto de la raqueta.
I was thinking, which is a thing one should not do.
He estado pensando, algo que un hombre no debería hacer.
It is one unforgivable thing, in my opinion... and the one thing of which I have never... never been guilty.
Es lo único imperdonable, según mi opinión y lo único de lo que yo nunca he sido culpable.
Boake was the star fullback on the team, and one of the most popular young men in the county, which is why, I suppose, he always seemed to think that
Boake era el bloqueador estrella del equipo, y uno de los jóvenes más populares del condado, por lo cual, supongo, él siempre parecía creer que
For heaven's sake, tell me, which one of them is he?
"Un tesoro de Cellini sale a subasta"
Here, for instance, is one such specimen that got himself trapped in amber, which we know is at least that old.
He aquí un ejemplar atrapado en un trozo de ámbar.
He's full of opinions, one of which is that he can write good music on a time schedule.
Está lleno de opiniones. Una de ellas es que puede escribir música en un calendario.
Maybe this is one of the times that Granny used to talk about... when God slams a door in yourface... that he may guideyou to the one through which he wants you to pass.
Quizás ésta sea una de esas veces que mencionaba la abuelita... en las que Dios te cierra una puerta en la cara... para poder guiarte a aquélla que quiere que atravieses.
If the murderer could kill you without any of the rest of us knowing which one he is... then he'd be safe, wouldn't he?
Si el asesino logra matarte sin que los demás sepamos quién es... - entonces estará a salvo, ¿ cierto? - Sí.
I just want to remember which one it is.
Lo he hecho para recordarlo.
The reason why he buys everything he can, is because of a crazy hope that one of the things he buys will be life everlasting which it never can be.
La razón de que compre todo cuanto puede es... la absurda esperanza de que algo de lo que compre dure eternamente... algo del todo imposible.
In that film, he quotes from the Vertigo score at one point, quite directly, for a scene in which Cliff Robertson is standing at the grave of his lost love.
En esa película él copió la música de Vertigo en un punto, directamente, para una escena en que Cliff Robertson está ante la tumba de su amor perdido.
When a contestant is hit in one of the three targets which has been called out, he loses the bout.
Cuando un combatiente resulta tocado en una de las tres zonas, pierde el combate.
I've collected precedents and arguments that have a bearing on the basis of the case, which is the conflict between allegiance to international law and to the laws of one's own country.
He reunido precedentes y argumentos que tenían conexión con el núcleo del caso, que es el conflicto entre seguir fielmente el derecho internacional o las leyes propias de cada país.
" What man having 100 sheep, if he lose one of them does not leave the 99 in the wilderness and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
"Qué hombre teniendo cien ovejas, si pierde una de ellas... " no abandona a las 99 en el desierto... " y va detrás de la que perdió, hasta que la encuentra?
What man of you, having 100 sheep and losing one of them does not leave the 99 in the desert and go after that which is lost until he finds it?
Si tienes cien ovejas y te das cuenta de que has perdido una, ¿ acaso no dejas las otras 99 en el campo y te vas a buscar la oveja perdida hasta encontrarla?
The limited psychology which is the only one which can be used by a banker to decide who he is going to trust, this limited psychology doesn't make us able to decide so quickly.
La psicología más primaria que es la única que... puede usar un banquero para decidir en quién confiar. Esta psicología primaria no nos permite ser capaces de decidir tan rápidamente.
Which one of these is he in?
¿ En cuál está?
An exact boundary about which no two doctors will ever disagree? An exact boundary on the one side of which a man is required by Army law to "pull himself together." Or on the other if he cannot, is liable lo be shot as a criminal.
¿ Aceptan los médicos una frontera donde se exija comportarse como un hombre... o se pueda fusilar como a un delincuente?
I, since he was disgraced and cast into the wide life, I remember it and I love it more, if it fits, but his father, with the one of which he is authority, and, especially, for the years, is very uncompromising and with a dot of honor that is no longer carried.
Yo, desde que se desgració y se echó a la vida ancha, la recuerdo y la quiero más, si cabe, pero su padre, con el aquel de que es autoridad, y, sobre todo, por los años, está muy intransigente
"Tonight, along with the other competitors... " he is attending a small eve-of-the-race reception... "a gathering which one hopes may foster the spirit... of peace and goodwill amongst the aeronautists."
Esta noche, junto con el resto de los competidores... asistirá a una pequeña recepción previa a la carrera... un encuentro que se espera alimente el espíritu... de paz y de buena voluntad entre los aeronautas. "
Any one of us who believes he has ajob like any other, for which he draws a money wage, is a thief of the food he eats, and a trespasser in the bunk in which he lies down to sleep.
Si alguno de nosotros cree que éste es un trabajo pagado como otro cualquiera, es un ladrón que roba su comida, y un intruso en el catre donde se echa a dormir.
Why come to me? Says he won't speak to no one else but you, sir. Which prisoner is it?
Dice que tiene información importante acerca de un complot contra la vida del duque, señor.
Among the many reports of the raid on the chateau near Rennes... perhaps the most objective is the one by General Worden... in which he states :
Entre los informes del asalto al castillo de Rennes el más objetivo es quizá el del general Worden en el cual afirma :
The way in which this man buried his one and only mother is evidence that at heart he is a criminal.
El modo en que este hombre enterró a su única madre es evidencia de que en el fondo es un criminal.
But this Mr. Spock you mentioned, the one responsible for that unseemly, impudent act of taking you from me, which is he?
Pero ese Sr. Spock, el único responsable de alejarlos de mí, ¿ quién es?
He produced a whole battery of emotions ; each one of which is imprinted in here.
( Sostiene una cápsula de cristal con un cable muy fino dentro )
Tell me, Dr. Simon, which one of these musicians would you say is cunning enough and treacherous enough to stop at nothing to get what he wants?
Doctora Simon, ¿ cuál de ellos tendría la astucia y la malicia para hacer de todo por conseguir lo que quiere?
But one thing that is obvious is that I suffered a memory lapse, during which time I bruised my arm.
Lo que sé es que he sufrido un lapsus de memoria, durante el que me lastimé el brazo.
He is one of the first of which were corrupted.
Él es uno de los primeros que fueron corrompidos.
One thing you've got to learn around here is to affect what Dr Pritchard calls a happy countenance, which means he likes to see people with smiles on their faces, he does.
Tienes que aprender a adoptar lo que el doctor Pritchard llama un "aspecto alegre". Quiere ver a la gente sonriendo.
Watch my eyes, there is only one truth in them, which I confirm in front of you, however,
No tengo más que una certeza, que he probado ante vosotros.
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one was it 29
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one was it 29
which one am i 16
which one's yours 33
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
is here 159
is he your boyfriend 48
is he 1761
is he gone 103
is he home 42
is he alive 166
which one's yours 33
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
is here 159
is he your boyfriend 48
is he 1761
is he gone 103
is he home 42
is he alive 166
is he dead 518
is he ok 129
is he around 61
is he sick 52
is he okay 663
is he breathing 52
is he serious 69
is he still here 36
is he in 100
is he hurt 48
is he ok 129
is he around 61
is he sick 52
is he okay 663
is he breathing 52
is he serious 69
is he still here 36
is he in 100
is he hurt 48