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You heard her traduction Espagnol

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You heard her, people. Fairy Skirt and headdress!
La han escuchado, señores. ¡ Falda de hada y peinado!
You heard her : Back to the Jeffersonian, all of it.
Ya lo oyeron, todo al Jeffersonian.
You heard her, folks.
Ya la han oido, gente.
You heard her.
¿ No vienes? La escuchaste.
I mean, you heard her.
Ya la oíste.
You heard her.
- Ya la oyeron.
Are you sure you heard her correctly?
¿ Seguro que la escuchó correctamente? - ¿ Qué?
All right, you heard her, you guys are with me... – mobile command, this is Walker.
Bien, la escucharon, ustedes están conmigo. Comando móvil, aquí Walker.
You heard her, we're going.
Ya la has oído, iremos
You heard her.
Ya la oyeron.
You heard her when she gave birth.
La oíste cuando dio a luz.
You heard him break in, run into your mom's room, got the gun from her closet.
Oíste a alguien entrar, fuiste a la habitación de tu madre y tomaste su arma del armario.
Listen, by the way, i'm sorry i bailed on you this morning When joy was talking about her dream, But i heard about it last night,
Perdona que me fui esta mañana cuando Joy estaba hablando sobre su sueño pero oí eso la noche anterior y la mitad de la historia estaba esperando que el sueño fuera real y el tipo me estuviera apuñalando a mí.
You were heard arguing with her.
Se le escuchó discutiendo con ella.
You probably heard, I delivered her baby.
Probablemente has oído que yo asistí a su bebé.
She's heard about you because we're, you know, involved and you haven't heard about her because...
involucrados y tú no has escuchado de ella porque...
It's just I've never even heard of this Jillian person before and suddenly she's, like, your best friend. You can't shut up about her.
Es que nunca había oído antes sobre esta Jillian y de repente ella es, como, tu mejor amiga no puedes dejar de hablar de ella.
Then you guys showed up before we heard back from her.
Entonces vosotros llegasteis antes de que supiéramos algo de ella.
- You heard her right?
- La oíste, ¿ verdad?
I don't suppose you've heard any of the scuttlebutt about the paper's dear trudy " "and her recent..."
Supongo que nunca has oído algo de los rumores sobre la "Querida Trudy" del periódico y su reciente...
You saw it in her eyes, you heard it in her voice, and you know... she did it.
Lo vieron en sus ojos, lo escucharon en su voz, y saben... que ella lo hizo.
I don't know if you heard, But I'm catering her birthday party- - I
No sé si sabes que me encargaré del banquete de su fiesta.
I haven't once heard you tell her that.
No te he escuchado ni una vez decirle eso oh, por Dios.
I saw it with my own eyes, late last night, and I don't think she heard you unless you told her it's okay to kiss him.
Bueno, lo vi con mis propios ojos, anoche, bien tarde. Y no creo que le haya hecho caso a menos que le haya dicho que podía besarlo.
I hadn't heard from you regarding the arrangements for her funeral.
No he tenido noticias suyas respecto a los arreglos del funeral.
Yeah. You haven't heard from her, have you?
No has oído de ella, ¿ no?
You boycotted Tameka after Hayley heard her describe you as tarty at Shape'N'Tone.
Has boicoteado a Tameka desde que Hayley la oyó describirte como la putona en Shape'n'Tone
And you heard nothing from her?
¿ Y no habéis sabido nada de ella?
- Because If you pass out... you're not helping anybody. - I've heard her.
- La he escuchado.
You know, I mean, I heard her voice.
Vaya, oí su voz.
You'd never fucking heard of her.
Nunca habías oído de ella.
You haven't heard from her since?
- ¿ No sabes nada de ella?
What do you mean? I heard her voice.
Pues claro, he oído su voz.
We haven't heard from her, if that's what you mean.
No sabemos nada de ella, si es lo que te interesa.
You haven't heard from her?
¿ No has oído de ella?
- You never heard of her.
- Nunca oíste de ella.
- You never heard of her, right?
- Nunca oíste de ella, ¿ verdad?
Have you heard from her?
¿ Escuchaste sobre ella?
You heard the major. Let's get her done. Kelly, take us out.
Oyó al comandante, terminemos, Kelly, sáquenos,
- I heard you fucking her.
- Te oí tirándotela.
I heard you. I heard you fucking her!
¡ Te oí tirándotela!
I think I heard her say that you were banished
Me parece que la oí decir que usted estaba expulsado.
I heard you tried to see her.
He oído que intentaste verla.
- Never heard you mention her before.
- Nunca te había oído mencionarla.
Have you heard from her?
¿ Ha tenido noticias de ella?
And I've never heard you mention her.
Y nunca la has mencionado.
The orphanage you thought she came from has never heard of her.
El orfanato del que creías que venía no sabe nada de ella.
Heard you say you jacked off to her picture, sicko.
Te oí decir que te hiciste la paja con una foto de ella, loco.
Have you heard from her since?
¿ Y luego ha tenido noticias?
Have you never heard her sing?
¿ Nunca la oíste cantar?
So neither you nor your daughter have seen or heard anything since her disappearance.
¿ Ni usted ni su hija la vieron desde que desapareció?

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