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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You made a deal

You made a deal traduction Espagnol

778 traduction parallèle
- You made a deal to do this for a grand!
- Hizo un trato por uno de los grandes.
Have you made a deal with Mr. Bonnerot?
¿ Ha cerrado el trato con el señor Bonnerot?
You made a deal, mister.
Hizo un trato, señor.
Now you're going back to your old trade. You made a deal with Ficco to run the racket with a gun,
Has hecho un trato con Ficco para ganar, a base de pistolas.
- You made a deal.
Hiciste un trato.
You made a deal, didn't you? You lied to me.
Has hecho un trato, ¿ verdad?
- You made a deal, Mr Hendricks.
- Esto es un trato.
- You made a deal, you'll stick to it.
- Hizo un trato y tendrá que cumplirlo.
You made a deal to sell us, and you can't do it.
Cerraste un trato para vendernos y no puedes hacerlo.
You made a deal with Biddel to take me out of town.
Hizo un trato con Biddel para sacarme fuera de la ciudad.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Mayor made a deal with you.
No me sorprendería que el Alcalde aceptara hacer un trato.
-... you made a good deal.
-... hiciste un buen negocio.
I made a deal for you.
Hice un trato con él.
Why, I've heard guys that you've sent to prison say that if you ever made a deal you'd see yourself dead before you'd go back on it.
Bueno, he oído a hombres que fueron a prisión decir que si tú haces un trato te harías matar antes que incumplirlo.
Well, you've made a deal.
Entonces, trato hecho.
You just made a deal.
- De acuerdo.
You've made a deal.
Trato hecho.
I made a deal with your father to deliver you to him C.O.D., Amarillo, in the morning.
Hice un trato con su Padre para entregarla a el C.O.D., en Amarillo, en la mañana.
Say, what kind of a deal was that you made with old man Winfield?
Dime, que tipo de trato fue que hiciste con el viejo Winfield?
The same kind of a deal all of you once made.
La misma clase de trato que vosotros hicisteis.
Medical science has advanced a great deal... since you made your experiment, Dr. Bohmer.
La medicina ha avanzado mucho... La medicina ha avanzado mucho... desde que hizo su experimento, Dr. Bohmer.
I made a deal with Oextry. I bring your supper, and you let me have it.
Lo acordamos con Dextry : cuando te traiga la comida me golpeas.
You made a good deal.
Has hecho un buen negocio...
I think you've made up a good deal of it.
I think you've made up a good deal of it.
But why don't you tell us what kind of deal you've made with the bosses?
¿ Pero por qué no nos dice a qué clase de acuerdo ha Ilegado con los caciques? - ¡ Siéntese!
So like I told ya, I went to Mr. Bender and made a deal for him to lend us the money to bring in a gang of harvest hands, and to take care of shipping'costs. But why you go to Mr. Bender? !
He hablado con el Sr. Bender y acordamos que nos preste el dinero... para contratar mano de obra para cosechar... y nos hagamos cargo de los costos del transporte.
You pick up the other two. Then it'll look to the mob as if Rizzo's the stoolie and we've made a deal with him.
Coge a los otros dos, la mafia pensará que Rizzo ha informado y que hemos llegado a un trato.
You made a good deal, Mr. Johnson.
Hizo un buen trato, Sr. Johnson.
Mister, you've made a deal.
Señor, es un trato.
I'm made a deal with you judge for one month, you've been here 5 weeks now.
Hice un trato contigo, juez, por un mes. Llevas aquí cinco semanas.
What you said this morning made me think we have a great deal in common.
Lo que dijo hoy me hizo pensar que tenemos mucho en común.
As your attorney, I think you've made a bad deal.
Como su abogado, creo que hizo un mal trato.
That was a pretty good deal you made me, Niles.
Aquella propuesta que me hizo era justa, Niles.
You wouldn't be here if you could've made a better deal anywhere else and you're staying until the end of the ride.
No estarías aquí de no haber hecho un buen trato en otro lugar. y estás quedandote hasta el final.
You've made a good deal, Lora Mae.
Hiciste un buen trato, Lora Mae.
You made a good deal, kid. "
Hiciste un buen trato, chica ".
- You mean you made a new deal?
- ¿ Quiere hacer un nuevo contrato?
You said he made a deal with us!
¡ Tú dijiste que el trato era con nosotros!
This apartment is wonderful. I can't believe you made such a good deal.
Este departamento es maravilloso y lo has arreglado por tan poco dinero.
You know we made a deal, didn't we?
Hicimos un trato, ¿ no?
You went and made a deal. - That's why you want me off the boat.
¡ Me has mentido, has hecho un trato y por eso me echas del barco!
- Iridium? - You mentioned at the time that this fellow Reynolds had made some kind of a deal in Palm Springs, and he stopped in your office early in the morning on his way north to have it notarised.
- Entonces comentaste que Reynolds tenía un trato en Palm Springs y que paró en tu oficina para autentificarlo.
You made yourself a smart deal.
Ha cerrado un buen trato.
The deal I made with you in Algiers... before you jumped into France was that you'd always be on the level with me. - Right?
El trato que hicimos en Argelia, antes de venir a Francia... es que siempre serías sincera conmigo, ¿ verdad?
You made a great financial deal for me.
Hizo un gran trato finaciero.
You made a good deal of money during prohibition, didn't you?
Hizo mucho dinero durante la prohibición, ¿ no?
I've been checking and there ain't none you could've made a deal for.
He hecho comprobaciones y no hay ninguno en el que puedas haber hecho tratos.
I made a deal with a freighter skipper to take you to New Caledonia.
Hice un trato con un carguero para llevarte a Nueva Caledonia.
You've made a good deal.
Has hecho un buen negocio.
It suits you too, we made a deal.
Te conviene, esto es un negocio.
"It made me think of you with a great deal of affection..."
He pensado en ti, con gran cariño.

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