And ever since traduction Français
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All right, and ever since we set up the DVR like this, we haven't had a single fight about the TV. Not one.
Et depuis que c'est réglé comme ça, plus aucun conflit pour la télé.
And ever since Grace left, I can't stop crying.
Et depuis que Grace est partie, je n'arrêtes pas de pleurer.
And ever since then I have always been terrified of...
Et depuis, j'ai toujours été terrorisée par...
And ever since then, everything has been a blur to me.
Et depuis tout est flou pour moi.
Ever since that day, I got people showing up saying they got the Mandalay deal, and threatening to sue.
- Depuis ce jour-là, des gens se pointent et me parlent de leur achat.
You know what, ever since the wedding, you've been up my butt, and I'm sick of it!
Depuis le mariage, tu es sur mon dos, j'en ai marre!
Ever since Rocky Horror he's had some issues with you, you know, with us spending time together, and, um, actually, it was counseling Finn and Rachel that made me realize that sometimes the withholding of the truth
Depuis le Rocky Horror, il te supporte plus, ni qu'on passe du temps ensemble. C'est en parlant à Finn et Rachel que je me suis rendu compte que, parfois, cacher la vérité est aussi terrible que le mensonge.
Um, ever since candy came back, She's been really anxious and shaky.
Depuis son retour, Candy est instable, anxieuse.
Ever since, our crops have been bountiful and our people never get sick.
Depuis, nos plantations sont prospères, et nous ne sommes jamais malades.
He proved that 50 years ago, and he's been coasting on it ever since.
Il a prouvé cela il y a 50 ans, et il n'arrête pas de s'en vanter depuis.
See, I've been feeling very insecure Ever since the edge of tomorrow was canceled, And I-I just didn't want to burden you two with it.
Je manquais... de confiance en moi depuis que The Edge of Tomorrow a été annulé, et je voulais pas vous tracasser avec ça.
- And I've been doing P.I. Work ever since then. - Without a license, I see.
Et depuis, je travaille comme détective privé.
And I felt like that ever since they were born.
Je ressens ça depuis leur naissance.
And we've gotten an order for 20,000 cases ever since Vince posted on this Twitter
Et on a eu plus de 20 000 commandes depuis le twit de Vince.
Ever since you and I hung out the other night... there has been a little blue Hyundai all over my ass.
Depuis qu'on a fait la fête l'autre soir tous les deux... il y a une petite Hyundai bleue qui me suit partout.
Werewolves revolted, and they've been mortal enemies ever since.
Les loups garous se révoltèrent et depuis ce sont des ennemis mortels.
As everyone knows, that was the year the Growlers lost state to the Mud Falls Trotters General Motors shut down the plant, little Missy White was found bludgeoned to death, and Stoolbend's been in the crapper ever since.
C'est l'année où notre équipe a perdu sa place en régional au profit des Mud Falls Trotters, où General Motors a fermé ses usines, où la petite Missy White a été retrouvée morte, et où Stoolbend a commencé a être merdique.
I mean, he's never any fun to travel with, anyways, and lately he's been acting all squirrelly ever since Alejandro tried to undress me with his eyes.
Parce que c'est pas drôle de voyager avec lui, et dernièrement, il a agit encore plus bizarrement avec Alejandro qui a voulu me déshabiller du regard.
We met in a foster home, and we've been together ever since.
On s'est rencontrés en famille d'accueil.
Are we gonna talk about the fact That someone was convinced you're named Guillaume And you've essentially shut me out ever since?
On va enfin parler du fait qu'un type était convaincu que tu t'appelais Guillaume et que, depuis, tu fais tout pour me mettre à l'écart?
Apparently, years ago, Telford's aliens, the Ursini, made the same mistake that we did and woke them up, and they've been fighting them ever since.
Paraît-il, voilà des années, les êtres de Telford, les Ursini, les ont réveillés par erreur, eux aussi. Ils se battent contre eux depuis.
Three years ago, I escaped, and have been hunted ever since.
Il y a trois ans, je me suis enfuie et, depuis lors, je suis poursuivie.
And the way you've been looking at me ever since I got this case?
Et la façon dont tu me regardes.
And I realized, ever since I arrived I've been running away from who I am and what I'm meant to be.
Et j'ai pris conscience que depuis que je suis arrivée... Je me suis enfuie loin de qui je suis et ce que je suis supposée être.
He took my phone off me yesterday and has had it ever since.
Il m'a confisqué le portable hier et l'a tout le temps gardé sur lui.
She has hated and plotted against Trick ever since.
Elle le hait et complote contre Trick depuis.
Guy doesn't exist on paper, but ever since I poked, my place was trashed, my phone's been bugged, and someone's been tailing me.
Ce type n'existe pas sur le papier, Mais depuis que je le recherche, mon appartement a été saccagé, Mon téléphone a été mis sur écoute, et quelqu'un m'a suivit.
It's just ever since I was a kid I would see these women in movies and they would be screaming, "Oh, yes. Oh, yes"...
Depuis l'enfance, je voyais les femmes dans les films qui faisaient : "Oh, oui, oh, oui."
It must have fallen off the plant when it was stolen and the flies have been feeding on it ever since.
C'est tombé lors du vol. Les mouches l'ont mangé.
Ever since Lee left, all I do is work and come home to an empty house.
Depuis que Lee est parti, je rentre tous les soirs dans une maison vide.
Ever since you went rogue, your friends are in short supply, and there's great demand for your corpse.
Tant que tu seras seule, tes amis seront rares, et ton cadavre vaut cher.
He made a decision, and it's been eating away at him ever since, and seeing Troy Hagen, it just brought it all back for him.
Il a pris une décision, et ça le bouffe depuis, et voir Troy Hagen lui a tout rappelé.
Ever since he was a boy, Matt has had a long and, for me, a trying history of pranks.
Depuis tout petit, Matt fait des farces. Ça a été très éprouvant pour moi.
Ever since the Moscone and Fowler case, they've been moving me and Taggert up the ladder, you know?
Depuis les affaires Mascone et Fowler, ils m'ont muté et Taggert est monté en grade.
This is the TV movie moment where you reveal that you had to make a hard choice between your family and your heart, and you chose your heart, and you've regretted it ever since.
C'est un de ces moments critiques de téléfims, où on révèle qu'y avait un choix difficile à faire entre la famille et le coeur, et on a choisi le coeur, et on le regrette amèrement depuis.
It's been a bit hectic ever since Justin's dad left and no one told me you were coming.
C'est un peu agité depuis le départ du père de Justin et on m'a pas dit que vous veniez.
I've always told you how happy I was with the divorce - and how much better my life has been ever since.
Je t'ai toujours dit que j'étais très heureux depuis le divorce. Que je me sentais beaucoup mieux depuis.
Well, ever since my husband died, but even so, there were times when Abby and I were together, and it was as if she were a girl again, and... we were happy.
Depuis la mort de mon mari, et même avant, parfois quand Abby et moi, nous nous voyions, elle redevenait une petite fille. On était heureuses.
And that has been true ever since you were a little girl.
Et c'est vrai depuis que tu es toute petite.
This place opened up at 10 : 00 A.M. this morning and they been coming and going ever since.
Cet endroit a ouvert à 10h ce matin, et ils viennent et repartent depuis ce moment.
And he's kind of been coaching me ever since.
Et il m'a en quelque sorte coaché depuis.
Apparently ever since the graft was applied to your arm, it's been mingling with your own skin, and that's made it impossible to obtain any sort of usable DNA sample from the tissue.
Apparemment depuis que la greffe a été appliqué sur votre bras, elle s'est mêlé avec votre propre peau, et ça rends impossible l'obtention de n'importe quelle sorte d'ADN utilisable à partir d'un échantillon de tissu
He sat behind the Broussard twins at church today and he's been in the shower ever since.
Il était derrière les jumelles Broussard à l'église. Depuis, il est dans la douche.
Oh, my God, Michael Biggs, ever since I sat behind you in homeroom class I've been, like, totally fantasizing about this moment and I always hoped that you'd be my first.
Mon Dieu, Michael Biggs, depuis que je me suis assise derrière toi je n'ai fait que rêver à ce moment, et j'ai toujours espéré que tu serais mon premier.
Farid has suffered chronic illness and hearing problems ever since the night shoot.
Farid souffre de maladies chroniques et de problèmes auditifs depuis cette nuit de tournage.
But ever since I've been dancing, I don't have to sell my body anymore and I just have to shake my butt and I make money.
Mais depuis que je danse, je n'ai plus à me prostituer. J'ai juste à bouger mes fesses, et l'argent vient à moi.
Ever since high school, I have only liked you. I don't know anything about Sartre or Nietzsche. And I can't even cook.
je n'ai d'yeux que pour toi. mais je vais faire de mon mieux.
Isn't that great? Ever since she moved in, she has only been a pain to you and me.
non? elle ne nous a apporté que des problèmes.
You lied to Big Baby and you've been lying ever since.
Tu as menti à Gros Bébé et tu mens sans arrêt depuis.
He was fearsome and resilient ever since he was young.
Il était effrayant et déterminé depuis son enfance.
And umm.. our parents have hated each other ever since.
Et nos parents se haïssent depuis lors.
and ever since then 47
and everything will be fine 34
and everyone else 26
and everybody knows it 20
and everything changed 17
and everything 101
and everywhere 22
and everything else 36
and every night 34
and everybody 18
and everything will be fine 34
and everyone else 26
and everybody knows it 20
and everything changed 17
and everything 101
and everywhere 22
and everything else 36
and every night 34
and everybody 18
and everyone 32
and ever 26
and every year 34
and every time 51
and every day 78
and every 21
ever since i met you 23
ever since i can remember 19
ever since i was little 33
ever since then 61
and ever 26
and every year 34
and every time 51
and every day 78
and every 21
ever since i met you 23
ever since i can remember 19
ever since i was little 33
ever since then 61
ever since i was 20
ever since i was a little girl 22
ever since i was a kid 42
ever since 127
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
ever since i was a little girl 22
ever since i was a kid 42
ever since 127
since 481
sincere 22
sincerely 194
since forever 23
sincerely yours 24
since i was a child 16
since the beginning 22
since i met you 22
since when 864
since yesterday 59
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65
since i met you 22
since when 864
since yesterday 59
since the beginning of time 18
since then 344
since you 27
since always 31
since you brought it up 26
since i was 65