His ex traduction Français
1,714 traduction parallèle
I'm his ex-wife.
Son ex-femme.
Even more than his ex-wife.
Bien plus que son ex-femme.
We ran into one of his exes and they took off together.
On a croisé une de ses ex, ils sont partis ensemble.
One network made a deal for OJ Simpson to do a prime-time special on how he might have killed his ex-wife.
Une chaîne a conclu un accord pour O.J. Simpson pour expliquer en prime-time comment il aurait peut-être tué son ex-femme.
Eddie lied to you about his ex coming to town, and you misunderstood.
Eddie t'a menti à propos du retour de son ex et tu t'es méprise.
Jealous of you and your boyfriend and his ex who he's going to fuck because she makes his pollocks tighten?
Jalouse de toi et ton copain et son ex qu'il va baiser parce qu'elle fait rétrécir ses pouilles?
No, you can try his ex-wife, Elizabeta Starkova.
- Sans doute avec son ex-femme. Elizabeta Starkova.
He ever mentioned his ex-wife?
Il avait déjà parlé de son ex-femme?
John muhammad wanted to kill his ex-wife, but he knew if he did, he'd be the prime suspect, so he created a spree in order to mask His primary motivation.
John Mohamed voulait tuer son ex-femme, mais il savait que s'il le faisait, il serait immédiatement suspecté. Alors il a tué d'autres gens pour masquer ce meurtre.
Just spoken to his ex-wife.
Je viens de parler à son ex-femme.
That's his ex.
- C'est son ex.
Now, we have the addresses of his ex-wife, his family, his friends, all his known associates.
On a les adresses de son ex femme, de sa famille, de ses amis, et de tous les gens qu'il connait.
Oh, anyway, I should go see my client and ask what perfectly logical reason he had for lighting his ex-wife's house on fire.
Bref, il faut que j'aille voir mon client pour savoir quelle bonne raison il avait de brûler la maison de sa femme.
Why do we have to pay money to get a gift for his ex-girlfriend's unborn sperm bank baby?
Pourquoi doit-on payer pour un cadeau au futur bébé que son ex a conçu avec un donneur?
Glick's exes had a lot to say about his extracurricular activities.
Les ex de Glick y disent des tas de choses sur ses activités extraconjugales.
That his ex-Wife is haunting him? Because I don't want to make things worse...
Parce que je ne veux pas faire empirer les choses...
- = 103 = -'Gary Marries Off His Ex'
- = 103 = -'Gary marie son ex.'
We should talk to his ex-cellmate. Find out who his associates were.
On devrait parler à son ex-codétenu, pour trouver ses complices.
That's how you'll { \ re gonna } win back his heart, accusing his mother of trying to murder his ex-wife?
Tu crois le reconquérir comme ça, en accusant sa mère d'avoir tenté de tuer son ex?
He cheated on his ex-wife.
Il a trompé son ex-femme.
And he's friends with his ex, Lexi.
Oui, plutôt, il est ami avec son ex, Lexi.
You wanted me to pretend to like this guy so he could make his ex-girlfriend jealous?
Tu voulais que je fasse semblant d'apprécier ce type pour que ça rende son ex-petite amie jalouse?
Michael Briar ready for his ex-lap?
Michael Briar est prêt pour sa laparo?
He was full of stories about Maria Elena, his ex-wife whom he both criticized and idolized.
Il avait plein d'anecdotes sur Maria Elena, son ex-femme... qu'il critiqua et idéalisa en même temps...
He refused a blowjob from his ex-girlfriend mid-blowjob.
Il a refusé une pipe de son ex alors qu'elle était déjà entamée.
Well, Dad was on his way to meet my mom to propose, and he runs into his ex-girlfriend, Caroline Hopper.
Mon père allait rejoindre ma mère pour la demander en mariage, et il est tombé sur son ex, Caroline Hopper.
Meanwhile, he accepted an invitation to the home of his ex-girlfriend, Summer Hartley, who, if she does turn out to be my mother, I'm running away to Canada.
Entre-temps, il avait accepté une invitation pour aller chez son ex-copine, Summer Hartley, et si jamais c'est elle ma mère, je m'enfuirai au Canada.
His ex-wife got herself elected to the council last go-round.
Son ex-femme a été élue au conseil aux dernières élections.
You really let this ex-marine tell his story.
Tu laisses l'ancien marine s'exprimer.
Let's just say we're not the biggest fans of his ex.
On n'aime pas l'autre sorcière.
24 hours is enough time to punish a man for his ex-wife getting pregnant.
24 heures suffisent à le punir pour la grossesse de Carolyn.
Uh, Mr. Crawford also owed a substantial sum to his brother, with whom he owned the contracting business, and his ex-wife is suing him for back alimony and child support.
M. Crawford devait une grosse somme à son frère, qui était son associé, et son ex-femme le poursuit pour qu'il paie la pension.
Well, Adam said he'd be fine if invited one of my exes, so I called his bluff and invited one.
Adam a dit que ça le gênerait pas que j'invite un de mes ex, alors j'ai suivi son bluff.
None of McCann's ex-colleagues recognize him. Neither did his wife or his brother.
Aucun des ex-collègues de McCann ne l'a reconnu, sa femme et son frère non plus.
Don't be hard on him. He found out that his old flame is doing Last Tango in Paris with a philanthropist.
Du calme, il a découvert que son ex batifolait à Paris avec un philanthrope.
Yeah, the ex-Marine. Blew away two serial killers that murdered his girlfriend.
Oui, l'ancien marine qui a buté les 2 types qui ont tué sa copine.
It says here he's ex-d.o.d. Most of his file's been redacted.
Ca dit que c'est un ancien du département de la défense. La plupart de son dossier a été édité.
He said it was because he lost his last girlfriend to a Serbian actor and he didn't want that to ever happen again.
Il m'a dit que son ex l'avait quitté pour un acteur serbe. Une fois lui suffisait.
Told the doctors he was an ex-cop who was wounded when his gun accidentally discharged.
Il a dit aux toubibs que c'était un ancien flic blessé quand il a tiré par accident.
That ex-cop, Lux... they just found him dead in his apartment.
Cet ancien flic, Lux... ils viennent de le trouver mort dans son appartement.
And then my stupid ex-husband whose back is sore from having too much sex with his young girlfriend
Ensuite, mon idiot d'ex-mari dont le dos est bloqué dû à trop de sexe avec sa jeune petite-amie,
Oh, hey, next week, my ex is taking my daughter to see his parents so you and I can spend the whole weekend in bed.
La semaine prochaine, mon ex garde ma fille. Donc, toi et moi, on passera tout le week-end à faire des bêtises.
April Hobart wants to know if her old man can come to the fund-raiser, see his kid's band play.
April Hobart veut savoir si son ex peut venir à la collecte de fonds pour voir le groupe de son gosse jouer.
You see, I can't go inside because my ex is in there with his new girlfriend.
Vous voyez, je ne peux pas rentrer à l'intérieur parce que mon ex est avec sa nouvelle copine.
And I'd been waiting for his return, anticipating the excitement he brings to this place, but... but the eli who returned was more like the man I was engaged to and less like the one who broke up with me.
Je me réjouissais de son retour, de l'enthousiasme dont il remplit cet endroit... Mais cet Eli ressemble plus à mon ex fiancé qu'à l'homme qui a rompu avec moi.
REPORTER :'The search for the deposed Iraqi dictator continued'today, with US troops making a number of arrests.'into hiding, is believed to have fled to the area around his hometown'of Tikrit, along with a small band of his most trusted servants.
{ \ pos ( 190,220 ) } La recherche de l'ex-dictateur irakien se poursuit { \ pos ( 190,220 ) } avec un nombre important d'arrestations par les troupes américaines. Saddam, dont les enfants se cachent également, a semble-t-il fui en direction de sa terre natale, Tikrït, accompagné par un petit groupe de fidèles serviteurs.
1955 a Polish ex-soldier is murdered by his partner.
1955, un ancien soldat polonais est tué par son partenaire.
What if our friendly ex-con Bernie Benton staked the driver out, followed him after work, waited for him to drop his uniform off at the cleaners, then came back later, picked it up, disguised himself, walked right into that savings and loan, then walked right out with 250 "G" s? Much more believable.
Et si notre ami Bernie Benton avait surveillé le chauffeur, l'avait suivi et attendu qu'il donne son uniforme chez le teinturier, était revenu le prendre, s'était déguisé, était entré dans la banque et ressorti avec 250000 $?
Escort the former general to his cell.
Escortez l'ex-général à sa cellule.
The story follows his initiation into the Klan his immersion in the pornographic snuff industry and his ultimate degradation at the hands of a black ex-convict named Eric Washington Jackson Jones Johnson
Le récit suit son initiation dans le Klan, sa plongée dans l'industrie du porno et du snuff, enfin les derniers outrages qu'il subit d'un ex-taulard noir, Eric Washington Jackson Jones Johnson... - À quatre ans?
Mr.Taylor is on his way to confront roger's former girlfriend.
M. Taylor veut rencontrer l'ex-petite amie de Roger.
his excellency 29
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
experience 101
execute 80
extreme 42
excuse you 68
excuse 205
explosion 159
explore 23
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
experience 101
execute 80
extreme 42
excuse you 68
excuse 205
explosion 159
explore 23
execution 60
express 32
existence 25
exile 33
executive 19
extra 268
exactement 34
exist 43
excusez 81
excellent 3717
express 32
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exile 33
executive 19
extra 268
exactement 34
exist 43
excusez 81
excellent 3717