Leave it on traduction Français
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Leave it on.
His parents, from when he was born till he was, like, three or four, had this big round bed, and it spun, and they would leave it on all the time.
Ses parents, depuis sa naissance jusqu'à ses trois, quatre ans, avait ce grand lit rond qui tournait, et ils le laissaient tout le temps allumé.
You're going to want to leave it on there for about five minutes.
Laisses le encore cinq minutes.
Why don't you { \ * just } finish this up and leave it on my desk and I will see you { \ * at your place } around 2 : 00 A.M.
T'as qu'à finir ça, pose-le sur mon bureau, je passe vers 2 h du matin.
Uh, leave it on my desk.
Laisse le sur mon bureau.
I should have been there to see him hit it out of the park, but we had to leave in the seventh.
J'aurais dû être là que il a frappé cette balle, mais on a dû partir dans la septième manche.
Leave it till two or three, then.
On attendra 3 heures du matin.
Let's just leave it at that, eh?
On n'en parle plus, hein?
I won't leave you. I promise. You have my word on it.
- Je reste avec vous, promis.
I had to leave before we could finish talking, so that was it.
J'ai dû quitter avant qu'on puisse finir de discuter, donc c'était que sa.
It's why in our apartment : If you're a-hopin'to score, don't leave your socks on the floor.
C'est pourquoi, chez nous, si tu veux baiser ne laisse pas tes chaussettes sur le parquet.
It sounds like our killer, in order to leave the lounge, needed to change his look, so he took the hat off, he took the suit jacket off, wrapped the gun inside and tossed it in the oven.
On dirait que notre tueur, pour pouvoir quitter le bar, avait besoin de changer de look, donc il a retiré son chapeau, retiré sa veste, enveloppé l'arme dedans, et jeté le tout dans le four.
Now I need it leave, we talked about.
Alors je voudrais qu'on reparle de ma permission.
- It's what you leave behind on missions.
C'est ce que tu laisses derrière toi en mission.
We can't leave it in there.
On ne peut pas le laisser là.
Turn the phone on, leave it at home, everybody thinks you're still there.
Il allumait le téléphone et sortait, tout le monde le croyait chez lui.
It's great that we're comfortable with each other but that doesn't mean we're never gonna leave the house.
C'est super d'être à l'aise tous les deux mais ça ne veut pas dire qu'on ne quittera plus la maison.
Matthew's on leave and he's in the village, so Papa and I thought it would be a good time to mend our fences. He's coming tonight, with Isobel.
Matthew est en permission et il est ici, et nous avons pensé que ce serait bien de nous rabibocher.
If infected, the spread speeds up the longer you leave it.
Si c'est infecté, la propagation accélère tant qu'on le laisse.
So I'd leave his dinner on the top step and ring a little bell for him to come get it.
Je laissais son repas dans l'escalier et je l'avertissais à l'aide d'une clochette.
We're just gonna leave it someplace where it'll be difficult for the owner to find.
On va juste le laisser dans un endroit où son propriétaire aura du mal à le retrouver.
- We didn't think it would be nice to leave you with a big mess.
- On pensait que c'était pas sympa de vous laisser tout ce bordel.
- Leave it at the door?
- On le laisse là?
I kinda wrote it a while ago, I can't... we'll leave you alone in a second.
Je l'ai écrit il y a longtemps, je... On va vous laisser dans une seconde, mais sérieusement :
Can we just leave it at that for now?
On ne peut pas juste laisser tomber ça pour l'instant?
- Safer to leave it here. - Not in the car?
- On devrait le laisser ici.
Come on, lads, leave it.
Laissez tomber.
If you leave the trash bag on the balcony, they make holes in it at night.
Et si tu laisses traîner le sac d'ordures sur le balcon, ils font des trous dedans pendant la nuit.
We'd have to leave it in a desert.
On l'abandonnerait dans le désert.
We can leave it there... as long as there's no proof.
On en reste là tant qu'il n'y a pas de preuve.
Let's just say we're not meant to coexist and leave it at that, Michelle.
Disons juste qu'on est pas fait pour coexister et laissons tomber, Michelle.
Let's just leave it that way.
On change rien.
It's like living in a second-rate hotel where the guests keep arriving and no-one seems to leave!
On se croirait dans un hôtel de seconde classe dont les hôtes ne cessent d'affluer et ne repartent jamais!
Come on, Dad, let's leave them to it.
Allez, viens, papa. On les laisse.
If I leave now, they will move the weapon and we'll never get it.
Si je pars, on ne pourra plus s'emparer de l'arme.
Catherine, you and your grandfather, - it's time to leave. - Come on, Catherine.
- Catherine, vous feriez mieux d'y aller.
Look at him, standing there. Like we're just gonna leave it at that.
Regarde-le, il croit qu'on va en rester là.
Just leave it, come on.
Viens comme tu es, vite.
Maybe we just leave it off and we stay in bed the rest of the day.
On les éteint et on reste au pieu.
You know, if I leave a note, it's just gonna get burned with my clothes, so I figured you for the one guy that
Si je laisse une lettre, on la brûlera avec mes fringues.
- We had it all worked out. We need to find 27 billion, if we leave early retirement out of it.
Et que nous parlons de 27 milliards qui doivent être trouvés si on ne touche pas à la préretraite.
We were drunk, and it was stupid, but we know we're not going there so let's just leave it at that.
On avait trop bu et on a eu tort, mais puisqu on sait tous les deux qu'on ne recommencera pas, fin de l'histoire, non?
That might work on the mindless gomers you and your C-cups leave in their wake, but you're not getting any marble countertops out of me, so save it.
Ça pourrait marcher avec les idiots qui sont obnubilés par vos seins, mais là, il n'y a rien à gagner, alors laissez tomber.
No, I think we should just leave it here.
Non, je pense qu'on devrait le laisser là.
Just a few minutes ago, Chanel and I are telling each other we love each other, and now I'm asking you to leave the party, and you can't do it.
Il y a juste quelques minutes, Chanel et moi on se disait l'une l'autre qu'on s'aimait, et maintenant je te demande de quitter la fête, et tu peux pas faire ça.
No, this guy trying to shove this thing under the seat and no one can leave,'cause he's not gonna not do it.
Ce gars essaie de mettre son sac sous le siège et on partira pas, vu qu'il y arrive pas.
I mean, we don't leave her house or the office, and it's just sex and work all the time.
On ne fait que bosser et s'envoyer en l'air.
Keep your eye on that party, make sure it doesn't leave the reservation.
Surveillez cette fête, qu'elle ne quitte pas la réserve.
When we're done you'll leave and we'll not speak a word about it.
Quand on aura fini, vous partirez et n'en parlerez jamais à personne.
I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you alone... process it, and move on.
J'ai eu une heure pour digérer. C'était une mauvaise idée de te laisser seule.
- Just leave it. Probably gonna be the only thing on.
- De toute façon, on n'avait pas le choix.
leave it here 29
leave it with me 73
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave it at that 22
leave it be 22
leave it alone 263
leave it open 25
leave it with me 73
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave it at that 22
leave it be 22
leave it alone 263
leave it open 25
leave it to us 28
once 1546
online 141
only 1631
onion 41
ones 44
onions 55
onward 91
one day at a time 90
ondrej 26
once 1546
online 141
only 1631
onion 41
ones 44
onions 55
onward 91
one day at a time 90
ondrej 26
one moment please 57
only you 239
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more day 57
only you 239
one more time 797
one thing at a time 106
one month later 23
one day 2293
one more 931
one year ago 42
one more shot 23
one more day 57