Leave it with me traduction Français
354 traduction parallèle
I've got a bundle for her. - You can leave it with me if you wish.
- Désirez-vous me le confier?
Don't worry, leave it with me.
Je m'occupe de tout.
Sleep well, Gustave, leave it with me.
Souvent. Allez, Gustave, je vais arranger ça.
I'd advise you to leave it with me in the safe.
Je vous conseille de le laisser dans mon coffre.
Well, you just leave it with me and I'll make sure they get it safely.
Pourquoi ne pas me le confier, je me chargerai de le rapporter.
Leave it with me.
Why don't you leave it with me.
Leave it with me
Je vais arranger ça.
Leave it with me and I'll sort something out.
Laissez-le-moi, je vous arrangerai ça.
You can leave it with me.
- Laissez-le-moi.
If you understand, then leave. If the reason for calling me is about the plagiarism issue with'Morning in Kyeongseong,'then don't worry about it since I'm taking care of it.
partez. je m'en occupe.
You made me an offer to leave with you. Does it still hold good?
- Votre invitation tient-elle toujours?
What, to ask my mistress to leave with me, to come to a small quiet corner where we can be happy, it's too much?
Quoi, demander à sa maîtresse, viens avec moi, on va partir tous les deux dans un petit coin tranquille! on serait heureux, c'est trop!
I suppose you'd like me to leave it with the constable on my way back.
Vous voulez que je la dépose à la police en passant? Non.
Leave it to me. I've got a system with women.
J'ai un truc avec les femmes.
If I leave, I probably could have won the pot and if I stay, I might lose it... and if I don't go and help with the baggage, my wife will skin me alive.
Si je pars, je peux gagner le pot. Si je reste, je peux le perdre. Et si je n'aide pas a porter les bagages, ma femme me fera la peau.
And if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty... I should've made it as hard for you to leave me as...
Et si Dieu m'avait offert la richesse et la beauté, il vous serait aussi difficile de me quitter
But it meant I could have some money to leave the country with my sister.
Mais ça me donnait de l'argent pour quitter le pays avec ma sœur.
I debated with myself whether it wouldn't be simpler to leave you in jail, out of the way.
Je me suis demandé s'il ne serait pas plus simple de vous laisser en prison, hors de notre chemin.
Leave. I will not have his education but I know to tolerate to me with who it invites to me. - Paul, what you do?
- J'ai pas reçu votre éducation, mais je sais me tenir quand on m'invite.
When I told you to leave your wife... it had nothing whatever to do with me.
Je vous ai dit de la quitter, mais sans penser à moi.
I always have it with me. Afraid to leave it in my room.
Je n'ose pas la laisser traîner dans ma cabine.
She didn't leave me a penny... and since the funeral was expensive, and my mother was only a concubine, he says I must sleep with him to repay it.
Comme elle n'a pas laissé un sou... et comme les funérailles ont coûté cher, il me dit de me vendre... pour le rembourser, puisque ma mère n'était qu'une concubine.
You leave it to me, ma'am. I'm very good with birds.
J'ai un don avec les oiseaux.
If you cannot live with me, leave my Iife and let me get on with it.
Sinon on vivrait de nouveau ensemble et tu ne me laisserais pas mener cette vie. Il vaudrait mieux que tu t'en ailles et qui tu me laisses.
If you will be good enough to leave this with me, Mr. Foster... I will see that it's called to Prince Philip's personal attention.
Si vous voulez bien me confier cette lettre, M. Foster, je veillerai à la remettre au prince Philip en personne.
You can leave it there. It's okay. So what's the matter, something wrong with it?
Je dois me reposer, et il y a aussi l'aspect financier.
Jo. You can't make it with me. Leave me here.
Avec moi, tu ne t'en sortiras pas.
You may think I'm being harsh, but it's the best thing for the child. If you really love him, leave him with me.
Tu dois me trouver sévère, mais... si tu veux vraiment son bien, laisse-le-moi.
Is it just for the sake of money you won't leave with me?
C'est vraiment l'argent qui t'empêche de partir?
So if you want to leave it to Dodger or Digger, that's all right with me.
Si vous voulez laisser votre place, ça me va.
Leave it to me, Pasheko, my sister will listen to my request, which I will pronounce with pain in my heart.
Laissez-moi faire. Ma sœur écoutera... sûrement ma prière.
Sooner or later you'd fire me so I'd like to quit now before the baby comes because even though I wouldn't do right by it I know I'd fall in love with it, and I couldn't bear to leave it.
Vous finirez par me renvoyer, alors je préfère partir avant l'arrivée du bébé. Je sais que je ne serai pas compétente d'ici là mais que je l'aimerai et que je ne pourrai pas le quitter.
Leave it with me.
Laissez-moi le menu.
Leave it all and come with me.
Laisse tout tomber et viens avec moi.
I've written many times, of course, but... with so many troops on leave in Berlin, it's hardly likely she'd remember me.
Je lui ai écrit plusieurs fois, bien sûr, mais avec toutes ces troupes à Berlin, je doute qu'elle ne se souvienne de moi.
once I leave and take it with me.
moins il restera de mal dans ce monde.
It's only that... in the span ofa few hours, I witnessed an attempted murder... the police gave me the third degree. They withdrew my passport so we can't leave anymore... and, finally... someone almost beheaded me with an ax.
J'ai seulement assisté à une tentative de meurtre ensuite, j'ai été passé à tabac par la police qui m'a confisquée mon passeport, nous empêchant de partir et enfin, en venant ici, j'ai failli être décapité à la machette.
You can leave it to me because I can handle with this!
Je m'en occuperai.
You won't regret it Leave your husband, and live with me for all eternity!
Vous ne le regretterez pas Laissez votre mari, et de vivre avec moi pour l'éternité!
Life is so lousy with me, you want to leave it?
La vie est si moche avec moi?
With Charlotte gone, I realised that if Marthe would leave me too... it would be for good reason.
"Charlotte en fuite, je songeais soudain avec tourment, que si Marthe me quittait, ce ne serait pas pour de sombres raisons."
Don't worry. Leave it up to me. You know how I am with girls.
Ne t'inquiéte pas, Tu me connais avec les tilles,
I think so, but, above all, leave me in peace or I'll eat your elephant and you with it.
Et surtout, laissez-moi en paix, sinon je mange votre éléphant, et vous avec!
You leave that money with me, and I'll see that he gets it... as a favor to you.
Laissez le fric avec moi, et je veillerai à le lui donner... pour vous rendre service.
The Comittee of Heads has authorized me to leave it with you in order to speak with you at any time...
Le Comité des Têtes m'a autorisé à te la laisser pour pouvoir te parler à tout moment...
And if God had blessed me with some beauty and much wealth, I would have made it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you!
Si Dieu m'avait favorisée de quelque beauté et d'une grande fortune, je vous aurais rendu cette séparation aussi douloureuse qu'elle l'est pour moi!
You're on your leave, but what do I have to do with it?
Qu'est-ce que ça me fait que vous soyez en permission?
Come with me, leave this village. Your grandmother has left it.
viens plutôt avec moi, quitte ce village, ta grand-mère l'a quitté.
I says, " Look, leave her with me. Come back and see if it stands up.
"Facile," je dis, " laisse ta femme avec moi et reviens voir si ca marche.
I wish it would hang out with the other animals and leave me alone.
Je souhaiterais qu'elle se mélange avec les autres animaux et qu'elle me laisse seule.
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leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave it at that 22
leave it be 22
leave it alone 263
leave it on 47
leave it open 25
leave it to me 292
leave it 1083
leave it there 89
leave it out 59
leave it at that 22
leave it be 22
leave it alone 263
leave it on 47
leave it open 25
leave it to us 28
with me 1243
with men 23
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886
with me 1243
with men 23
leave me 436
leave 1433
leaves 53
leave me the fuck alone 22
leave me in peace 46
leave a message 819
leave me alone 2886