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Look at these two traduction Français

115 traduction parallèle
Take that magnifying glass and take a careful look at these two Easter eggs.
Prends ma loupe, regarde ces deux œufs de Pâques.
Now look at these two guys close to the table.
Maintenant regarde ces deux types près de la table.
But before you go, take a good look at these two comrade's faces.
Mais avant de partir, observe bien ces visages.
Look at these two people. Are you kidding?
Vous rigolez, tous les deux?
I look at these two people, and I want to howl like a dog.
En regardant ces deux êtres, j'ai envie de hurler comme un chien.
Doctor, look at these two.
Henks, would you look at these two stones, please?
Henks, veuillez jeter un œil à ces deux pierres.
And look at these two girls warming up, coming now to that starting line the referee lining them up.
C'est l'arrivée des arbitres. Elles se mettent sur la ligne.
Look at these two strips of paper, the first is in its natural state, this other one
Regardez ces deux rubans de papier. Le premier est dans son état naturel.
Then I look at these two men, the captain and the commodore, and I see how the sea has left them.
Puis quand je regarde ces deux hommes, le capitaine et le commodore, je vois comment la mer les a rendus.
Will you look at these two? Excuse me, ladies!
Excusez-moi, mesdames!
Rick, step in here. I want you to look at these two safes.
Rick, viens jeter un oeil sur les deux coffres.
- Look at these two, bro.
- Regarde-les, mon frère.
Look at these two...
Look at these two.
Regardez ces deux-là.
Look at these two bifurcations here. Whoever was holding that cleaver used his left hand.
On peur voir que la personne qui tenait les ciseaux était gauchère.
- Have a look at these two.
- Regarde les deux, là-bas.
Look at these two babies.
Voyez ces deux bébés!
So did you get a look at these two guys?
Alors, tu les as vus, ces deux types?
- Look at these two small holes.
- Mate ces deux petites entailles.
Take a look at these two kids.
Regarde-moi ces deux gamins.
Oh, look at these two.
- Regarde-les!
Look at these two!
Regarde ces deux-là!
Will you look at these two guys?
Non mais t'as vu ça?
Look at these two hot chickens.
Les belles poulettes!
Take a look at these two chromolins.
Jetez un coup d'œil à ces deux chromotypes.
- Look at these two idiots.
- Regarde ces deux couillons.
Aw, sweet. Look at these two.
Regardez-moi ça, c'est mignon!
Aw, look at these two, Ray.
Regarde-les, Ray.
Look at these two, so hard-working when we were out having fun.
Elles ont travaillé si dure alors que nous avons pris du bon temps! Pookie Oh, maman, voici Alice.
- Hey. Look at these two dizzy broads.
- Hé, regarde ces deux nanas.
Now take a look at these two.
Jetez maintenant un coup d'oeil à ces deux-là.
Look at these two.
Regarde ces deux-là.
Take a look at these two fellas.
Regardez ces deux gars.
Look at these two.
Regarde-moi ces deux-là.
Look at these two bible thumpers.
Regarde ces grenouilles de bénitier.
I mean... look at these two.
Je veux dire... regarde ces deux là.
Look at these two bums.
Petits fainéants!
Look, I can't join the crowd over at the Springs, but would you mind taking these two quarts over with my compliments?
Je ne peux pas vous suivre, mais pourriez-vous apporter ces deux bouteilles et offrir mes compliments?
And these kids... you ought to be ashamed to look at them, you two-bit four-flushing gunslinger! - Well...
- Vous devriez avoir honte de les regarder... espèce de petit bandit de pacotille.
Look at how these two watch me like a hawk.
Regardez-moi ces deux vautours!
'These two villains have swapped minds with Steed and Emma,''so at the moment the villains look like this...'
Ces deux malfrats ont pris l'apparence de Steed et Emma. Donc, actuellement les malfrats, les voici.
Let's have a look at the record of these two rugged customers.
Ecoutez-moi cet accueil! Ecoutez cette foule!
If we looked at screens like these once a second for eight hours a day, it'd take two years to look at the entire DNA strand.
Si on regardait des écrans comme ça chaque jour pendant huit heures, ça prendrait deux ans pour voir le brin d'A.D.N. Complet.
Bud, I've been trying to get you to look at these wedding invitations for two weeks.
We have to look up at these two men... as pillars soaring to the sky... towering virtues in combat... orson ~ we've been through this.
Nous devons lever les yeux vers ces deux hommes, des colonnes montant vers le ciel, deux figures imposantes. On en a parlé.
Let's take a look now at the process of harvesting these two special meats.
Penchons-nous sur le mode de préparation de ces deux viandes.
Now, based on the current rate at which these eruptions are occurring, here's a projection of how it will look in two days.
Si l'on se base sur la fréquence de ces éruptions, voici ce à quoi on peut s'attendre dans deux jours.
These people every time they look at us they're gonna see two cop killers.
Ces gens, à chaque fois qu'ils nous regarderont, ils verront deux tueurs de flic.
Look at this... these, these two.
Regardez celui--ces, ces deux!
- Tony, ok. You think you're in love, but one of these days, the two of you are gonna wake up, and one of yous, maybe the both of yous at the same time, is gonna look at the other one and realize, " you know what?
- Tu penses être amoureuse, mais vous vous réveillerez un jour, l'un de vous, peut-être les deux, regardera l'autre et lui dira :

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