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Sweet lord traduction Français

167 traduction parallèle
Thank you, sweet Lord.
Merci, mon Dieu.
Sweet Lord Jesus, is there hope?
Doux Jésus, tendez-lui la main
Oh, my sweet Lord.
Oh, doux Seigneur.
Sweet Lord.
Sweet Lord!
Bon Dieu!
I wouldn't be in your shoes if the sweet Lord Jesus came down and asked me Himself.
Je ne voudrais pas être à votre place même si le Seigneur Jésus venait me le demander lui-même.
Sweet lord, you play me false.
Doux seigneur, vous trichez.
Excuse me, My Sweet Lord.
Pardon mon doux seigneur.
Excuse me, My Sweet Lord?
Pardon mon doux seigneur.
The sweet Lord soothes our tears Our many tears
Le gentil Seigneur apaise nos multiples souffrances.
Sweet Lord!
Doux Jesus!
- Or of a courtier, which could say : " Good morrow, sweet lord.
Ou d'un courtisan qui disait :
How dost thou, sweet lord? "
"Comment va mon cher seigneur?"
OSRIC : Sweet lord if your friendship were at leisure, I should impart a thing to you from His Majesty.
Mon doux seigneur, si vous en avez le loisir, je vous apporte un message du roi.
Sweet Lord, you're safe.
Dieu merci, tu n'as rien.
Sweet Lord, give me strength. Don't make me have to whup nobody's head in church.
Seigneur, donne-moi la force de ne frapper personne aujourd'hui.
- Marry, that did I. Sweet lord, and why?
- Doux Jesus, pourquoi?
And we thank you, O, sweet, sweet Lord of Hosts, for the... .. smorgasbord you have so aptly lain at our table this day... and each day... by day...
Nous te remercions, doux, doux Seigneur, pour ces... hors-d'oeuvre suédois que tu as préparé, sur cette table aujourd'hui.
Help me, sweet Lord.
Aidez-moi, doux Seigneur.
Sweet Lord! You ponied your sister.
Seigneur, tu as sauté ta soeur!
The sweet Lord has delivered you from evil.
Le Seigneur t'a délivré du démon.
- Oh, sweet Lord.
Doux Jésus.
Oh, sweet Lord, take me now!
Seigneur, achevez mes souffrances.
- Sweet Lord, new realms of pleasure.
Un nouveau monde de plaisirs...
My sweet Lord.
Oh bon sang!
0hhhhh, my sweet Lord!
Oh, doux Seigneur!
- Mm-mm-mm! - Sweet lord of mercy. - Is that where we at?
En arriver là!
Nincompoop. Lord, grant her rest be sweet and deep.
Dieu lui accorde une pause douce et profonde!
- Sweet lord!
Ah, ah!
Lord, sweet heaven
Seigneur, les beaux cieux
- Here, sweet lord, at your service.
A vos ordres.
- Larded with sweet flowers - Alas, look here, my lord.
Tout orné des fleurs les plus belles...
O my sweet honey lord, come ride with us tomorrow!
Mon doux milord, accompagne-nous demain.
No, my good lord, banish Peto, banish Bardolph, banish Poins, but for sweet Jack Falstaff, kind Jack Falstaff, true Jack Falstaff, valiant Jack Falstaff ‒ and therefore more valiant being, as he is, old Jack Falstaff,
Non, doux Seigneur. Bannissez Peto, Bardolph et Poins! Mais le cher Jack Falstaff...
" The vision raised its head, and, with a look made of all sweet accord, answered,'The names of those who love the Lord.'"
"L'ange leva la tête et répondit, souriant : "'Les noms de ceux qui croient en Dieu.'"
Now, sweet lord, you know the goodness I intend upon you. Tell me, but truly...
Nous devons nous expliquer.
Thus returned in glory it is sweet, my Lord, to greet thee, to behold again thy honored dignity.
Après tant de hauts faits, il m'est bien doux, seigneur, De voir encor mes yeux régner sur votre cœur.
Bless you, Lord. And your sweet mother.
Dieu vous bé nisse milord, vous et votre maman si bonne!
Not the greatest nor humblest living being dies alone... for in the hour of our death, our Lord Jesus Christ is with us... within us, and death is sweet.
Ni le plus puissant, ni le plus pauvre ne meurent seuls, car à l'heure de notre mort, notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ est avec nous, en nous et la mort est douce.
Good Lord, you are sweet.
Vous tes trop aimable.
- Sweet Lord Blackadder.
Adorable Vipère-Noire...
May the Lord have mercy on his sweet soul.
Que le Seigneur ait pitié de son âme.
Sweet Lord!
Doux Jésus!
My honored lord you know right well you did and with them words of so sweet breath compos'd as made the things more rich.
Mon honoré seigneur... vous savez bien que si, et des mots dont le souffle embaumé rendait ces choses plus riches.
- Here, sweet lord, at your service.
Je suis à votre service.
Lord, I didn't teach him to sweet talk
Je ne lui ai pas appris à lécher les bottes.
My worthy Lord, if ever Tamora were gracious in those princely eyes of thine, then hear me speak indifferently for all. And at my suit, sweet, pardon what is past.
Mon digne seigneur, si jamais Tamora eut quelque grâce à tes yeux, permets que je parle, impartiale pour tous, et à ma requête, pardonne le passé.
Give sign, sweet girl, what Roman Lord it was durst do this deed.
Dis-nous par signes quel seigneur romain a pu commettre ce crime.
Ay, sweet my lord, and so I take my leave.
Cher seigneur, je prends conge de vous.
Oh, sweet lord.
Oh, mon Dieu.
run around sweet baby lord how they hypnotize sweet little baby i don't know where you've been gonna love you baby here i come again
Run around sweet baby Lord how they hypnotize Sweet little baby, l don t know where you ve been Gonna love you baby here l come again

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