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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ T ] / Take care now

Take care now traduction Français

1,414 traduction parallèle
God bless. - Take care now.
Dieu vous garde.
- Take care now.
- Prenez soin de vous.
You boys take care now, you hear?
Bonne chance les gars.
Take care now.
- Soyez prudents.
Take care now.
Faites gaffe.
- All right, ladies. Take care now.
Prenez soin de vous, mesdames.
Come out right now and take care of me!
Sortez de là tout de suite et venez vous occuper de moi!
Take care. Yeah, but I... Leave, now.
- Mais j'ai...
Is she gonna take care of you now?
Elle s'occupera de toi?
Well, we had to take her to the hospital... because she got this blood clot in her leg, and, she's actually in intensive care right now because the blood clot... went up her leg and into her kidneys.
Son état à empiré... Le caillot est remonté... aux reins!
Now, we've taken care of everything. you're out sick today due to a touch of the flu, and I think you should take this time to rest up, let your head heal and think about what you've done.
On s'est occupé de tout.Pour le lycée, vous êtes alitée.Profitez de ce repos inopiné.
- Yes. Take care, now, Britta.
Porte-toi bien, Britta.
Take care, now.
Fais attention à toi.
Now, Hospice will take care of all the technical things.
L'hospice se chargera de l'aspect technique des choses.
If Mom hadn't begged me to take care of you, you'd be dead by now!
Si Maman ne m'avait pas supplie de m'occuper de toi, tu serais mort!
Ho-jun can't take care of Sheo-rou now, but we can.
Ho-jun ne peut pas encore s'occuper de Sheo-rou, mais nous pouvons.
Yeah? Well, right now, you could take care of this for me.
Pour l'instant c'est à toi de me faire du bien.
- I should take care ofthis now.
- Ca ne peut pas attendre.
Now, I'll take care of the time and place.
Je m'occupe du lieu et du moment.
We can take care of that right now.
- On peut régler ça tout de suite.
Now take care of your father.
Veille sur ton père. Et sur toi.
I'm gonna take care of the rest of it now.
Je vais m'occuper du reste maintenant.
God, he needs me right now... not strangers. And let me take care of Michael.
Je m'occupe de lui.
Mother : Can you really take care of me now? It sounds too good to be true.
Tu sais, je ne peux pas te demander de t'occuper d'une vieille dame comme moi.
Now to take care of those pesky memories.
Pour oublier ces souvenirs irritants.
Single mother. No money. And now I take care of her.
Mère célibataire, fauchée, et maintenant je m'occupe d'elle.
- Now go, I'll take care of business.
- Allez-y, je garde la boutique.
Now I can help take care of my grandkids.
Je pourrai m'occuper de mes petits-enfants.
Now though... take care of me.
La peur est humaine. Et quoi qu'il en soit, je vous ai donné l'absolution.
No more chances. Take care of it now.
Tu sais ce qu'il te reste à faire.
You take care, now.
Fais attention.
- Take care, now.
Fais attention à toi.
I took care of Toshio instead of you, now take your turn.
Je me suis occupé de Toshio à votre place, maintenant c'est votre tour. Inversons les rôles.
Until now, I took care of Toshio instead of you. Now take your turn.
Je me suis occupé de Toshio à votre place, maintenant c'est votre tour.
Who is going to take care of them now?
Qui va s'occuper d'eux?
Parents buy them now. They also take care of the distribution.
Les parents les achètent et les distribuent eux-mêmes.
Now, you just relax and let Darla take care of you.
Maintenant, détends-toi... et laisse ta Darla s'occuper de toi.
He's gonna take care of you, and we're going to him now.
Il va s'occuper de toi et on va aller le voir tout de suite.
Now would you like me to take care of it?
Maintenant aimerais-tu que je m'en charge?
Now, you just go sharpen your pencil, and I'll take care of her.
Va tailler ton crayon, je m'occupe d'elle.
Well, you take care now.
À bientôt!
I'll take care of this from now on.
Je m'en occupe.
You go take care of your mom now. Go. - Okay.
Va t'occuper de ta mère.
Now, before we do anything else, let's take care of the child.
Avant de faire quoi que ce soit, occupons-nous de cette enfant.
Now that I'm old enough to take care of myself?
Maintenant que je suis assez grande pour me débrouiller seule?
From now on, he'll take care of you... and you'll take care of him.
Désormais, il prendra soin de vous et vous de lui.
I'd skipped bail in Chicago to take care of Barbara... and was now a fugitive on the run.
Je fis l'impasse sur la sentence pour soigner Barbara. J'étais devenu un fugitif.
The most important issue right now is who'll take care of you.
Le problème le plus important pour l'instant est... qui va prendre soin de vous.
Never fear. From now on, I'll take care of you.
Ne t'inquiète pas, désormais, c'est moi qui m'occuperai de toi.
But from now on, I'll take care of Judith myself.
Mais je vais m " occuper de Judith.
Ok now listen, take care of the shop I will be back.
D'accord maintenant écoute, occupe-toi du magasin, je rentre sous peu...

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