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Tell her yourself traduction Français

204 traduction parallèle
She says you've got to tell her yourself.
Elle veut que tu lui dises toi-même.
We know it isn't the truth, you tell her yourself... that's all she's waiting for.
Avouez tout, elle vous pardonnera.
Better tell her yourself.
Dis-le lui toi-même.
Tell her yourself. You ain't pregnant. This is Harry Brock's apartment.
Dis-lui toi-même, t'es pas enceinte.
Tell her yourself that you're respectable.
Dites-le, que vous êtes convenable.
- You tell her yourself, mister.
J'avais tort. - Dites-lui vous-même.
Uh, wait. Why don't you tell her yourself?
Pourquoi ne pas lui dire vous-mêmes?
Tell her yourself.
C'est votre sœur!
- You tell her yourself.
- Dis-lui toi-même!
Tell her yourself, if you can find her before Monday.
Dites-le lui vous-même, si vous la trouvez avant lundi.
Would you tell her yourself?
Tu veux bien aller lui dire?
Tell her yourself!
Vous lui direz vous-même.
That's to spite her, tell her yourself!
Tu lui dis des méchancetés, aussi.
- Why don't you tell her yourself?
- Pourquoi ne pas le lui dire vous-même? Je ne peux pas.
Maybe you should tell her yourself, Zack.
Peut-être que vous devriez lui dire vous-même, Zack.
If you're serious, tell her yourself.
Si tu es sincère, dis-lui toi-même.
Tell her yourself. She's in the hiding place number 1.
Mais c'est à toi de lui dire, elle est à la cachette numéro un.
- [Steve] Tell her yourself, you twerp.
Dis-lui toi-même, crétin! Non, dis-lui.
- Tell her yourself.
- Dis-lui toi-même.
Tell her yourself.
Allez le lui dire.
Tell her yourself.
Dis-le lui toi-même.
You tell her yourself on your way straight to hell, Teddy Blue!
Tu peux lui dire toi-meme avant d'aller en enfer, Teddy Blue!
You're gonna tell her yourself.
Tu lui diras toi-même.
Tell her yourself.
Tell her yourself.
Dites-lui vous-même.
Tell her yourself. Probably sucking some guy's cock.
T'as qu'à lui dire, à cette suceuse.
If you want to say sorry, call her when she's awake and tell her yourself.
" Si tu veux t'excuser, appelle la journée
You introduce yourself and what do you tell this poor woman, just lost her daughter, same age as you, now overwhelmed with grief?
Vous vous présentez et que lui dites-vous, à cette femme qui venait de perdre une fille, accablée par le malheur?
Liza. Why, you couldn't even bring yourself to tell her about your heart. Could you?
Tu n'as même pas été capable de lui parler de ton cœur.
But tell me, just who are you afraid for, her or yourself?
Mais dites-moi... Pour qui avez-vous peur?
You tell them that you stole her handbag yourself.
Dites que vous aviez volé son sac.
You don't think you might tell her that yourself?
Ne devrais-tu pas le lui dire toi-même?
Tell Liza that her Sergei is all right, that you saw him yourself.
Lisa, ma femme. Dis-lui que son Serguéi est sain et sauf...
Then I shall tell her that you are planning to murder her yourself.
Je lui dirai que tu projettes de l'assassiner.
could you tell me where to find her? PIeasecaIm yourself.
Et je voudrais que vous me disiez où se trouve ma sœur.
- Tell her yourself.
- You can tell her better yourself.
- C'est mieux que tu lui dises toi-même.
But you can tell her that yourself.
Mais tu lui diras toi-même.
Then you move onto something more personal, you know? Tell her you find yourself fascinated by her hypnotic blue eyes. I paid yesterday.
Et tu passes à quelque chose de plus personnel. Dis-lui que tu es fasciné par ses yeux bleus captivants. J'ai payé hier.
The agent said she'd tell her you're OK, but you'll have to wait till tomorrow to talk to her yourself.
Votre agent va la rassurer, mais vous devrez attendre demain pour lui parler vous-même.
I have warned her that certain designing persons would come to her. I hope you recognize yourself in this and would tell her of these things.
Je lui ai dit que certaines personnes d'influence viendraient la voir - je parle bien sûr de vous - pour lui dire ce genre de choses.
Tell her you're cooking yourself dinner and watching it by yourself.
Dis-lui que tu t'es préparé un plateau pour le regarder tout seul.
I think you'd better tell her that yourself.
Dites-lui vous-même.
Did you ask her not to lie exactly... but just not to tell us that you did hurt yourself working out?
Lui avez-vous demandé de ne pas dire que vous vous étiez blessée au cours?
You can tell her yourself what you've been doing.
Tu lui diras toi-même ce que tu fabriquais.
I tell her, "Fend for yourself, keep you And them shorties in proper health"
Je lui dis : "Démerde-toi, reste en bonne santé."
Why don't you tell her about it yourself?
Pourquoi ne pas lui en parler vous-même?
I think you should tell her to tone down the dress a little, and I think you could tone it down a little yourself.
Tu devrais lui dire de s'habiller moins provoc, et toi aussi.
You ever feel bad about yourself so you tell Kelly there are things wrong with her just to, you know, hurt her?
Tu t'es déjà senti mal dans ta peau au point de dire à Kelly ce qui ne va pas chez elle? Juste, tu sais, pour la blesser.
Tell her about yourself.
Tell her yourself.
Dis-lui toi-même.

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