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Who were you expecting traduction Français

48 traduction parallèle
- Who were you expecting, darling?
- Qui attendiez-vous, chéri?
Who were you expecting?
À qui t'attendais-tu?
- Who were you expecting?
- Qui attendiez-vous?
Who were you expecting, Steve McQueen?
Qui attendiez-vous, Steve McQueen?
Who were you expecting?
Qui attendiez-vous?
Who were you expecting?
- Qui attendais-tu?
But who were you expecting to contact?
Qui vouliez-vous contacter?
Who were you expecting?
Vous attendiez Machine Gun Joe?
Who were you expecting?
Qui crois-tu que c'était?
And who were you expecting? Maurice Chevalier?
Tu attendais qui, Maurice Chevalier?
Who were you expecting?
Tu attendais qui?
Who were you expecting?
- Tu croyais que c'était qui?
Who were you expecting, Santa Claus?
Qui est-ce que t'attendais, le Père Noël?
Who were you expecting?
À qui vous attendiez-vous?
Why, who were you expecting it to be?
Pourquoi? Tu attendais un appel?
Who were you expecting, Billy Loomis'mother?
Tu t'attendais à qui? Au Père Noël?
Who were you expecting, Tojo?
Tu t'attendais à qui, Tojo?
- Who were you expecting?
- Tu croyais que c'était qui?
Who were you expecting to find?
- Qui d'autre espérais-tu trouver?
Well who were you expecting, really?
A qui vous attendiez-vous?
- Who were you expecting?
- Oui, vous vous attendiez à voir qui?
Who were you expecting?
Qui attendais-tu?
Of course it's me. Who were you expecting?
Ben oui, c'est moi, tu t'attendais à avoir qui?
Who were you expecting?
Qui pensais-tu voir?
- Who were you expecting?
- T'espérais qui?
Who were you expecting, Joe?
Vous attendiez qui?
Who were you expecting?
- Non? Qui attendais-tu?
Who were you expecting? No-one.
- Qui attendiez-vous?
Who were you expecting to hear from?
Vous attendiez un appel de qui?
Yeah. Who were you expecting?
Qui est-ce que tu attendais?
Who were you expecting?
A qui vous attendiez-vous?
- Who were you expecting?
- Susie!
- What, not who you were expecting?
- Vous ne m'attendiez pas?
It's Lon, who were you expecting?
Lon, qui d'autre?
I guess you were expecting some guy who hangs out at Starbucks and writes poetry.
Tu t'attendais sans doute à un type qui traîne dans les cafés - pour y écrire ses poèmes.
Is that who you were expecting?
C'est celui... que vous vous attendiez à trouver? Oui.
It does make sense really when you think about it, we were expecting him to react like a sane person, even though this is someone who killed his fiance, concealed it and then rented out the crime scene.
C'est logique, si on y réfléchit. On attendait qu'il réagisse comme un type sain d'esprit, alors que ce type a tué sa fiancée, l'a camouflé et a loué le lieu du crime.
Look, I-I know it's not who you were expecting, but remember how you always said that being gay was just a phase, that I-I just needed to meet the right girl?
Je sais que tu ne t'attendais pas à ça. Mais tu disais toujours que mon homosexualité n'était qu'une phase. Que je devais rencontrer la bonne fille.
Not who you were expecting?
Je ne suis la personne que vous attendiez?
Who were you expecting?
- Qui d'autre attends-tu?
- I'm not who you were expecting. - No.
Je ne suis pas la personne que tu espérais.
I am not who you were expecting, I know.
Je ne suis pas celui que tu attendais, je sais.

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