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Wouldn't you be traduction Français

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Now. I know there is a lot of mountaineering experience in this room you wouldn't be here without it.
Maintenant je sais qu'il y a beaucoup d'alpinistes expérimentés parmi nous.
Look, Dunc, I wouldn't be bringing this up to you if I didn't think it was crazy myself, but...
Écoutez, Duncan, je vous aurais jamais raconté tout ça si je trouvais pas ça complètement dingue, mais...
Horry, wouldn't you be more comfortable in uniform?
Horry, votre uniforme n'est-il pas plus comfortable?
vous savez, si elle n'était pas égoïste, nous ne serions pas ici maintenant.
- What? - You can't touch the glass, and she was saying that your elder brother wouldn't be so stupid.
- Vous ne pouvez pas toucher le verre, et elle disait que votre frère aîné ne serait pas si stupide.
If they would have lasted longer and produced other models oars, maybe even the bus, maybe even the snowplow, you would see a lot more of them out here today, and it wouldn't be so special.
Si la compagnie avait construit d'autres modèles de voitures, un autobus, ou même un chasse-neige, on en verrait plus de nos jours, elle ne serait pas si spéciale.
I wouldn't be looking at dirty pictures in the first place. How dare you?
Comment osez-vous regarder ces photos cochonnes?
And if you didn't truly believe that, wouldn't she be dead by now?
Si vous ne le pensiez pas, elle serait morte, non?
You know what, maybe if your voice saying "be nice"... hadn't been in my head, then... maybe I wouldn't have helped the guy with a fucking sick dog!
Tu sais quoi, peut-être que si j'avais pas entendu ta voix me dire "sois gentille"... dans ma tête, hé bien alors... j'aurais pas essayé d'aider ce type avec son putain de chien malade!
You know, it wouldn't be a revue without songs.
Ça ne serait pas un bon spectacle sans des chansons.
~ Promise me you can get me out of this. ~ I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I could.
- Promettez-moi de me faire sortir de là. - Je ne serais pas là si je ne m'en sentais pas capable.
If you were clean, this conversation wouldn't even be taking place. You'd have reported me already.
Si tu étais saine, on n'aurait pas cette discussion, tu m'aurais signalé.
You yourself said that she wouldn't be in the clear until she was in remission for three years.
Tu as toi-même dit qu'elle ne serait pas guérie avant d'avoir été en rémission pendant trois ans.
Right, you wouldn't wanna literally be locked up.
Vous ne voudriez pas réellement être enfermée.
Um, you wouldn't be making fun of me being incarcerated, would you?
Vous ne seriez pas en train de vous moquer de moi en prison?
"Where is your hotel?" That would be easier for you, wouldn't it?
- "Où est ton hôtel?" - C'est plus facile.
Although, wouldn't it be funny if O.J. Simpson sang "You Oughta Know"... and Alanis Morissette wrote a book about not killing two people?
Imaginez qu'O.J. chante "You Oughta Know" et qu'Alanis Morissette écrive son bouquin.
Sorry to be a nudge, but you wouldn't happen to have that $ 20 you owe me for the NCAA tournament pool, would you? Yeah, yeah, sure.
Ouais bien sûr.
Sorry to be a Pokety Paul, but you wouldn't happen to have that money you owe me for the NCAA pool, do you?
Désolé d'être chiant, mais tu n'aurais pas l'argent que tu me dois pour le NCAA, si?
You wouldn't be you.
Toi et ta tête de mule...
If I was you, buddy, I wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning.
À ta place, mon pote, je ne serais même pas capable de me lever le matin.
Maybe if you did your job and killed Tanis at the ambush, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Peut-être que si vous aviez tué Tanis à l'embuscade, on n'en serait pas là.
I just want to remind you that there used to be at least, like, a few things that you wouldn't do.
Je veux juste te rappeler qu'il y avait des choses, juste quelques unes, que tu ne ferais jamais.
You wouldn't be here if you didn't like the taste of blood.
Tu ne serais pas là, si tu n'aimais pas le gout du sang.
She's losing her nerve, which, uh, I mean, you wouldn't be able to relate to that, would you?
Elle perd son sang froid, je veux dire, Tu ne serais pas capable de l'envisager.
- Well, if that's all you've got, I wouldn't be too optimistic about your future here at Reconnoiter.
- Et bien, si c'est tout ce que tu as, je ne serais pas très optimiste sur ton futur ici à Reconnoiter.
Nope, it does not, but if you're making an acronym, maybe the "thes" don't count, so it wouldn't be "The Fifth Chord,"
Non, ça n'en a pas, mais si tu fais un acronyme, peut être que les'The'ne compte pas donc ça ne serait pas "The fifth Chord,"
- If that's all you've got, I wouldn't be too optimistic about your future here at Reconnoiter.
- Si c'est tout ce que tu as, je ne serai pas trop optimisme à propos de ton futur au Reconnoiter.
Mr. Butterfield, I know that you have no intention of hiring me, and to be quite honest, I wouldn't work for a man like you.
M. Butterfield, je sais que vous n'avez pas l'intention de m'embaucher, et pour être honnête, je ne veux pas travailler pour un homme comme vous.
You wouldn't be any help.
Tu ne serais d'aucune aide.
If you knew what would happen, it wouldn't be an adventure.
Si tu savais ce qui allait arriver, ce ne serait pas une aventure.
- Well, it wouldn't be a secret if I told you. I like French toast.
Ce ne serait plus un secret si je te le révélais.
"'or she wouldn't be telling us this tale ",'well, now you know.
"car elle ne pourrait pas nous raconter l'histoire." Maintenant, vous savez.
Even if I did, I wouldn't be killing you all at the same time, would I?
Et si je l'avais, je ne vous tuerais pas tous d'un coup, non?
And one more thing... darling, I can understand why you wouldn't want to tell me about this, but please know that all I have ever wanted for you is to be happy.
Et une dernière chose... chérie, je peux comprendre pourquoi tu ne voulais pas me parler de ça, mais sache que j'ai toujours voulu que tu sois heureuse.
So I just thought since you and Maureen built this big, new house... - that it wouldn't be a problem.
J'ai pensé que comme vous aviez cette grande maison, ça ne serait pas un souci.
Weekend wouldn't be the same without you.
Ce ne serait pas pareil sans toi.
Wouldn't it be easier if you just used my computer to make the call?
Ça serait pas plus facile si tu utilise mon ordinateur pour passer l'appel?
Well, you know, I wouldn't want to pick a favorite part because that just wouldn't be fair to all of the other awesome parts.
Je ne voudrais pas choisir une partie parce que ce ne serait pas juste pour les autres super parties.
I told you at clinic you wouldn't be waiting long.
Je vous avais dit que vous n'attendriez pas longtemps.
You wouldn't be so keen if she was dancing inside of you.
Tu ne serais pas si enthousiaste si elle dansait dans ton ventre.
I did promise her I'd be home before you got here but the chief clerk wouldn't let me go.
Je lui avais promis d'être à la maison avant vous mais le greffier en chef ne me laissait pas partir.
Are you sure you wouldn't be more comfortable at the book depository next door? Do you know what?
Tu serais pas mieux à la bibliothèque?
But, you know, then it wouldn't be an experience.
Mais ce ne serait pas la même expérience.
If I told you about it, it wouldn't exactly be a secret function.
Si je vous le dit, ce ne serait pas vraiment une fonction secrète.
Wouldn't you think he'd be slightly curious?
Tu ne penses pas qu'il serait un tout petit peu curieux?
We wouldn't even be in this fucking mess if it wasn't for you, shut the fuck up!
Sans toi, on en serait pas là!
Without him, you wouldn't even be in school anymore.
Sans lui, vous ne seriez même plus à l'école.
Miss Whelan... If you wouldn't mind some company, I'd be happy to walk part of the way with you.
Si ça ne vous dérange pas, j'aimerais vous raccompagner.
I wouldn't be opposed to you having a shower.
Ça ne me dérangerait pas que tu prennes une douche.
- If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise.
- Si je te le disais, ça ne serait plus une surprise.

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