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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ Y ] / You saw him

You saw him traduction Français

3,245 traduction parallèle
And when was the last time you saw him?
- Quand est-il parti?
You saw him out there?
Tu l'as vu?
You saw him at the game.
Vous l'avez vu au match.
Look at the photo. You saw him, didn't you?
pas vrai?
'Cause you saw him yesterday, man. He's an old dude.
Tu l'as vu, il se fait vieux.
And the next time you saw him was in court?
Et la fois suivante où vous l'avez vu, c'était au procès?
So when was the last time you saw him?
Quand l'avez vous vu pour la dernière fois?
Where was the last place you saw him, Walter?
Où l'as-tu vu pour la dernière fois Walter?
When was the last time you saw him?
Quand est-ce que tu l'as vu?
Where did this person go after you saw him shoot?
Où cette personne est-elle partie après que vous l'ayez vue tirer?
So you saw him hide?
Alors vous l'avez vue se cacher?
Yeah, but you saw him throw it, right?
Ouais, mais tu l'as vu le jeter, pas vrai?
We know you saw him when you attacked them.
Vous les avez vus en les attaquant.
Mr. Shelton must have been quite upset when you saw him.
M. Shelton devait être bouleversé.
- And you saw him put it on?
Tu l'as vu la mettre?
Point is, if Hector Alvarez thinks you saw him shoot someone he's gonna come after you too.
Si Hector Alvarez pense que vous l'avez vu tirer, il s'en prendra à vous aussi.
- You saw him, too, Guster?
- Tu l'as vu, aussi, Guster?
You saw him.
Tu l'as vu.
When was the last time you saw him?
C'est quand la dernière fois que tu l'as vu?
When was the last time you saw him?
Ils ne sont plus rattachés à la communauté. Quand l'avez-vous vu pour la dernière fois?
When was the last time you saw him?
Quand l'avez-vous vu?
Oh, no, you saw him.
Oh non, vous l'avez vu.
And that's when you saw him?
Et c'est quand vous l'avez vu?
You saw him.
Tu l'as vu!
You saw him?
Tu l'as vu?
You saw him, he just stood there and watched.
Tu l'as vu, il était là, et n'a rien fait.
When was the last time you saw him?
- Vous l'avez vu quand? - Qui?
Tell him he's stealing money, you saw him pocketing fares.
Ce type est un voleur, tu l'as vu empocher des courses. Ce gars-là est un voleur.
You saw him?
Vous l'avez vu?
When was the last time you saw him?
Quand l'as-tu vu pour la dernière fois?
You saw him last, didn't you?
C'est toi qui l'a vu, non?
Doctor, how long between your rounds since you last saw him?
Depuis combien de temps vous ne l'avez pas vu?
Then why were you sitting with him and why did you run when you saw us?
Alors pourquoi étiez-vous assis avec lui et pourquoi avez-vous couru lorsque vous nous avez vus?
You're the last one who saw him.
C'est bizarre, tu dois être le dernier à l'avoir vu.
Well, actually, Mr. Dolan, the police have an eyewitness who saw you struggle with the clerk and shoot him.
Et bien, en fait, Mr Dolan, la police a un témoin qui vous a vu vous battre avec l'employé et lui tirer dessus.
When was the last time you saw him?
- Quand l'as-tu vu?
Just tell him what you saw.
Dis-lui ce que tu as vu.
I'm sure he saw you in his rearview mirror gaining on him, and it scared him to death.
Je suis sûr qu'il vous a vue gagner du terrain sur lui, et ça l'a effrayé.
You just saw him this morning.
Tu l'as vu ce matin.
When you saw his picture, you went down there to save him, didn't you?
Quand vous avez vu cette photo, vous êtes allée là-bas pour le sauver, n'est-ce pas?
I know you don't care as much as I do, but dad just seemed really off when I saw him today.
Je sais que tu t'en fiches autant que moi. mais papa semblait vraiment hors de lui quand je l'ai vu aujourd'hui.
This is serious, Joe. Hiro is the head of the Yakuza, okay, and the last time anybody saw him, you had your gun pointed in his face.
- C'est sérieux. et il a été vu la dernière fois menacé par votre arme.
Do you remember that man who saw this building then asked you to design for him?
il n'y a pas eu un homme t'a demandé de dessiner des plans pour lui?
What are you talking about? I saw him leaving for China.
J'ai pourtant veillé personnellement à ce qu'il parte pour la Chine.
Yeah. I saw that double-up punch you were showing him.
Oui, j'ai vu le double poing que tu lui as appris.
First time I saw him, I saw this little youth... cutting up this big chunk of wood and putting it on his head bit by bit and taking it away... I say, that's... You know, and then...
Je me souviens de ce gamin qui coupait du bois et le chargeait sur sa tête pour le transporter.
Guys, I told you, I saw him!
Je vous ai dit que je l'ai vu!
You told him to run the other way when he saw her, and he...
Tu lui as dit de s'enfuir s'il la voyait et...
Ingel was lucky she saw him first. She wasn't the first who saw him. What did you say?
ingel a eu de la chance, elle l'a vu en premier d'autres l'ont vu aussi quoi?
- I saw that you did, you pocked him.
- J'ai vu ce que t'as fait, tu lui as donné un petit coup.
I saw it. You shot him, didn't you?
Je t'ai vu, sacré bandit, c'est toi qui l'a abattu, hein?

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