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About yesterday traduction Portugais

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Besides, it can question you. Ralph Walton about yesterday.
Além disso, pode questionar o Sr. Ralph Walton acerca de ontem.
Sorry about yesterday.
Que é que te aconteceu? Desculpa por ontem.
Sorry about yesterday's scence
Perdoa-me pelo que houve ontem
Look, Dee Dee, I'm sorry about yesterday.
Olha, Dee Dee, desculpa aquilo de ontem.
I'm sorry about yesterday, but I had... a pretty big deal come through.
Desculpe aquilo de ontem, mas tive... um negócio importante.
Well, what about yesterday when you said "I wish he was dead"?
E sobre ontem quando tu disseste : " Quem me dera que ele morresse?
Listen. I'm sorry about yesterday.
Desculpa aquilo de ontem...
You don't remember a thing about yesterday, do you?
Não te lembras da noite passada, não é?
Ask about yesterday's weather, he's mute.
Pergunte a ele sobre o tempo de ontem, ele ficará mudo.
Look, I'm sorry about yesterday.
Desculpa pelo que aconteceu ontem.
It's exactly the claptrap Molly was ranting about yesterday.
É o palavreado oco que a Molly estava a usar ontem.
- What I was talking about yesterday.
Ouve, ouve. O Cowboy desapareceu.
Sorry about yesterday.
Desculpa aquilo de ontem.
Sorry about yesterday.
Desculpe por ontem.
Look, you're worried about yesterday.
Estás preocupada com o passado.
Yes, well, I'd like to clear up a few misunderstandings about yesterday.
- Bom dia, Dr. Salomão. Eu quero esclarecer os mal-entendidos.
Forget about it, sammy, she's yesterday's news.
Esquece isso, Sammy, ela é notícia de ontem.
I'm sorry about the way I sounded off yesterday.
Desculpe pelo modo como me expressei ontem.
I can ask about beauty queen Henderson him was a necklace of amber bought yesterday?
Miss Henderson, posso perguntar-lhe se comprou um colar de âmbar ontem?
All right, call the Meteorological Institute and ask them... about the temperature near the ground today yesterday, and the day before yesterday
Então, liga para o Instituto de Meteorologia e pergunta. qual foi a temperatura junto ao solo nos últimos dias. Hoje, ontem e anteontem.
We were just talking about it yesterday.
Estávamos a falar sobre isso ontem.
I went into the mailroom yesterday and the guys were laughing about that Flash letter.
Fui para o correio ontem e os caras estavam rir sobre o assunto da Flash carta. Eu peguei.
Could you tell him it's about the tape he got in the mail yesterday, and it's urgent?
Disse-lhe que é sobre a fita que lhe enviei ontem e é urgente?
Well, do you want it to be good, or do you want it to be yours? [Claire] The vote I'm most excited about is the victory our background check legislation got in the House yesterday.
Diversão sem exploração, modelos de cooperação construtiva entre o Primeiro e o Terceiro Mundo, tendo benefícios económicos e culturais para todos.
Yesterday we were bickering about who got to keep the golf membership.
Ontem, andávamos à luta para ver quem é que continuava sócio do golfe.
What about all the boys in the hall yesterday?
Então e os rapazes todos ontem no corredor?
Veronica... you know, I've thought about what you said yesterday... and you know, I just wanted to tell you, you was right.
Veronica, pensei no que te disse ontem... e só queria dizer-te que tens razão.
When Mr. Van Cleaf came upon your visitors yesterday... you neglected to tell him that they were inquiring about one of our volunteers.
Não disseste ao sr. Van CIeaf que as tuas visitas perguntaram por um dos nossos voluntários.
Yesterday, he talked about going back to Tibet.
Ontem, ele falou em voltar ao Tibete.
I wanted to talk to you, about what happened yesterday.
Eu quero conversar contigo sobre o que aconteceu ontem.
This is about an arrest that was made yesterday at the Waverly movie theatre.
É acerca de uma detenção ontem, à frente do Cinema-Teatro Waverley.
- Yesterday I talked about the cruise.
- Falámos ontem sobre a visita.
Well, when I came over to the table, she mentioned something about how she'd better hurry up and leave or you'd make her buy lunch to make up for the one you bought yesterday.
Quando me aproximei da mesa, ela disse que era melhor ir-se embora antes que a obrigasses a pagar-te o almoço, para compensar o que tu lhe pagaste ontem.
I didn't want to believe the things he said about you yesterday, but if you can stand here and murder this pathetic little man then you have no honor... and you have no place in this hall.
Não queria acreditar nas coisas que ele disse sobre ti ontem, mas se consegues assassinar este homenzinho patético assim, não tens honra. Nem tens lugar neste salão.
We talked about you at the UEB meeting yesterday.
- Então, tenho que fazer.
He had one yesterday. - Rub him about the temples. - Forbear!
Caso contrário, ele espumará e será presa de uma loucura selvagem.
Dear me... you haven't asked me about our dinner at the pooles'yesterday.
Vá. Não me perguntaste sobre nosso jantar ontem à noite, em casa de Pooles.
Mike, got anything to say about Spinks'comment yesterday?
- Mike, tem alguma coisa a dizer sobre o que disse o Spink ontem?
I'd like to start by talking about the fight here in prison yesterday.
Comecemos por falar na briga de ontem, aqui na prisão.
You heard about the incident here in the hallway yesterday?
Ouviu algo sobre o incidente ontem aqui no corredor?
Hey, about those things that I said yesterday...
Sobre aquelas coisas que eu disse ontem...
Did you hear about that murder that happenned here yesterday?
Ouviu falar do homicídio que ocorreu aqui ontem?
You guys heard about all the excitement yesterday?
Já sabem o que aconteceu ontem?
He was pretty upset about his friend yesterday.
Ele estava muito preocupado por aquilo ontem do amigo dele.
Just yesterday he was talking about an increase.
- Descida? Ainda ontem ele falava dum aumento.
Why didn't you tell me about this yesterday?
E não me contaste ontem?
Listen, um, I've been thinking about what happened here the last few days, especially yesterday.
Tenho pensado no que aconteceu nos últimos dias e ontem, especialmente.
Listen, I thought about some of the stuff I said to you yesterday and- -
Pensei nas coisas que te disse ontem... Enfim.
I think it's kind of interesting that- - That you, like, sat there yesterday and you give me this whole thing about cutting the cord and- - And not looking back and all that crap.
Sabes, foi interessante ontem me teres falado sobre cortar o cordão umbilical sem olhar para trás e essa treta.
I kept thinking about her all day yesterday.
Ontem não parei de pensar nela.
Why would someone still- -? - -about the Visa account you opened yesterday.
- Porque haveriam de sobre a conta que abriu ontem.

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