And did you traduction Portugais
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♪ Boy, that's old work, and you ain't know ♪ ♪ Shoulda did ya homework ♪
Tinhas a papinha toda feita
Oh, and that's your fault. You the one that did it.
- E a culpa é tua.
- I did what I had to do. - Yeah, and then you dropped her ass back off in the projects.
Sim e, depois, levaste-a de volta para o bairro.
I can try and talk to her and see if I can change her mind, but... you did this. You need to learn how to listen.
Posso tentar falar com ela e ver se muda de ideias mas a culpa disto é tua.
I realized something about you and your family. Yeah, I'm sure the whole world did.
E percebi uma coisa sobre ti e a tua família.
I think maybe I should come over a little bit later... and just show you how good you did.
Acho que talvez eu deva voltar cá mais tarde e mostrar-te o quão bem te saíste.
And what did she teach you?
E o que te ensinou a ti?
And he needs you to get the son of a bitch who did this to him.
E ele precisa que tu apanhes o filho da mãe que fez isto com ele.
And why did you kill Andrew Graham, Niska?
Porque mataste o Andrew Graham, Niska?
And... what did he want from you? What did he do to you?
Que foi que ele te fez?
And what did you think when you first saw her?
O que pensou a primeira vez que a viu?
I'm sure Katarina got in on her own merits, but you did list me as a reference, and I had some free time, and I made a call.
Tenho a certeza que a Katarina conseguiu pelos seus méritos, mas listou-me como referência, tive um tempo livre, e fiz uma chamada.
Did you guys just full-on Edith Wharton this and act like my voice wasn't going to matter?
Vocês fizeram-se de Edith Wharton e agiram como se a minha opinião não importasse?
Minister Avdonin, where did you think this road would lead when you decided to manipulate me and the United States Government?
Ministro Avdonin, onde é que achava que esta estrada o iria levar quando decidiu manipular-me e ao governo dos Estados Unidos?
Not to mention the sacrifices my whole family made, especially Henry, who did his best to put it behind him and support you after his own asset was surrendered to the greater good.
Para não mencionar os sacrifícios que toda a minha família fez, especialmente o Henry, que fez o seu melhor para esquecer e apoiar-te depois do seu próprio activo ter sido entregue pelo bem maior.
- And your sister, you know what she did?
- E a tua irmã, sabes o que fez?
And when did you know that you were a 35-year-old white man?
Quando percebeu que era um caucasiano de 35 anos?
Yeah, and you did the home invasions.
Sim, e você fez essas invasões das casas.
But I know who did, and I want that son of a bitch as bad as you.
Mas sei quem foi, e quero esse filho da puta tanto como você.
How did you get so drunk? I gave her a shot and I didn't really...
Como te embebedaste tanto?
Did you know that taphephobia, the fear of being buried alive, is one of the most well documented and primal pathological fears?
Sabias que a tafefobia, o medo de ser enterrado vivo, é um dos mais bem documentados medos primários?
You can turn yourself in and own up to what you did... or you can run.
Podes entregar-te e assumires a responsabilidade pelo que fizeste ou podes fugir.
And you did what you did, but a lot of it was my fault.
Tu fizeste o que fizeste, mas muito disto foi culpa minha.
So what did you do, did you put in a back door and route it through GCHQ?
Puseram uma backdoor e ligaram à GCHQ?
Where did it come from and how did you get it?
Donde vieram e como os conseguiste?
And did he see you?
E ele viu-o?
Well, I did do this online quiz where, you know, you list all your skills, and then it uses this kind of algorithm to calculate your ideal career.
onde listamos todas as nossas capacidades e, depois, ele utiliza uma espécie de algoritmo para calcular a nossa carreia ideal.
Remember, we did the... fist bump and everything and none of that don't mean shit to you?
Até nos cumprimentámos e tudo. Isso não significa nada para ti?
All right. You heard what I did, and you were impressed.
Ouviu falar no que fiz e ficou impressionada.
I just came to tell you I did a few missions with Mr. Payne, and he was found to be unfit for duty, so we let him go.
Só vim dizer que estive em algumas missões com o Senhor Payne e que ele foi considerado não apto para o serviço e dispensado.
We saw you with your father, and then where did you go?
para onde é que vocês foram?
Look, I know what you did for Clem... and for Mitch. And I'm grateful.
Ouve, sei aquilo que fizeste pela Clem... e pelo Mitch... e estou grata.
I did just want to say, "screw you," and storm out of here.
Eu queria só dizer, vá-se lixar, e sair daqui em tempestade.
Hey, what did you say for what color best describes your temperament and why?
O que disse para a cor que melhor descreve seu temperamento?
And you did, too.
E tu também.
And you did the thing. And now that you did it, maybe you're gonna leave and...
Fizeste o que tinhas de fazer e agora vais-te embora.
Like, you did your destiny or whatever, and now that you did it, maybe you're gonna go.
Tipo... Cumpriste o teu destino, ou seja lá o que for. Agora que o fizeste, talvez te vás embora.
While you did discover some interesting phenomena, your research was inconclusive and without definable results.
Embora tenham descoberto fenómenos interessantes, a investigação foi inconclusiva e sem resultados quantificáveis.
You did already today, and it was fine, right?
- Saíste hoje e correu tudo bem.
And if there's something you don't like about him, you can change it! That's what I did.
E, se há alguma coisa de que não gostas nele, podes fazê-lo mudar!
Look, Regina, this may be new for you, but I've faced the Evil Queen before, and I never once did it by running away.
- Regina, isto pode ser novidade para ti, mas eu já antes enfrentei a Rainha Má. E nunca o fiz a fugir.
And where did you get that from?
E de onde tiraram isso?
Help us catch the man who did this and you can take back control of your life.
Ajude-nos a apanhar o homem que fez isto e pode recuperar o controlo da sua vida.
- Every sandwich you ate, - _ - every time you bought a magazine, - _ every single thing you did had an effect that rippled out over time and ultimately created some amount of good or bad.
Cada sanduíche que comeram, cada revista que compraram, todas as coisas que fizeram tiveram um efeito que se acumularam no tempo e criaram um total de coisas boas ou ruins.
Tell me one good thing that you did on Earth, just one truly kind and decent act so that I can feel better about helping you out.
Diz-me uma coisa boa que tenhas feito na Terra, um único acto decente e realmente bom para que possa sentir-me melhor por te ajudar.
Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Isso é muito específico e penso que realmente fizeste isso.
and your favorite... book is Kendall Jenner's Instagram feed. How did you know all that?
Como sabes isso tudo?
You and every one of the Red Hand are gonna die for what you did here.
Você e todos os da Mão Vermelha vão morrer pelo que fizeram aqui.
And who did you bring this to?
E a quem levou isso?
Now, we're gonna give you a little time-out and you're gonna think about what you did.
Agora... vamos dar-lhe uma pequena trégua... e irá pensar naquilo que fez.
- [Clover ] How did you escape? - [ Julien] And what's on your ear?
- O que é isso no seu ouvido?
and did he 39
and did 22
and did she 20
did you sleep well 186
did you 5422
did you miss me 258
did you like it 169
did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
and did 22
and did she 20
did you sleep well 186
did you 5422
did you miss me 258
did you like it 169
did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
did you know 464
did you hear that 1358
did you find it 130
did you see a doctor 19
did you do it 192
did you know that 655
did you say something 194
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you hear that 1358
did you find it 130
did you see a doctor 19
did you do it 192
did you know that 655
did you say something 194
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you see him 211
did you know him 151
did you hear 352
did you just say 228
did you find anything 222
did you do that 119
did you kill him 147
did you see her 133
did you find him 128
did you say 465
did you know him 151
did you hear 352
did you just say 228
did you find anything 222
did you do that 119
did you kill him 147
did you see her 133
did you find him 128
did you say 465