Back soon traduction Portugais
5,109 traduction parallèle
Arias will be back soon. So, Hercules...
Arias voltará em breve.
" missing you already and hope you'll be back soon.
" mjá tenho saudades tuas e espero que voltes rapidamente.
Is she coming back soon?
- E vai demorar?
- Mmm. I'll be back soon.
Voltarei em breve.
If she doesn't get our stuff back soon, I'm gonna call the cops.
Se ela não devolver as nossas coisas em breve, vou chamar a Polícia.
And you are aware that the soldier who is quartered here will be back soon.
E tens consciência que o soldado que cá está instalado vai regressar em breve.
You'll get those back as soon as you leave us.
Ides tê-las de volta no momento em que partirdes.
They'll back off soon, Jonas.
Eles vão afastar-se, Jonas.
You'll soon be back in my loving arms.
Em breve estarás de volta aos meus braços.
Which means as soon as we solve this, you can finally go back to your own life and get away from all of this.
Por isso, assim que resolvermos isto, poderás finalmente voltar à tua vida e afastares-te disto tudo.
And if you really want out of Pakistan, you have to be back here as soon as possible.
Se queres sair do Paquistão, volta aqui assim que possível.
He wants me back as soon as possible.
Ele quer-me de volta assim que possível.
Okay, get back to the office as soon as you can in case he shows up there.
Volta ao escritório, caso ele apareça lá.
But I'm sure that we will soon be back out there and a great adventure have experienced. And no more.
ganharemos experiência e uma ótima aventura.
Soon be out of hospital blues and back in khaki.
Em breve deixarás o azul das roupas hospitalares, e regressarás ao caqui dos uniformes.
I don't have a current address yet, but fret not, my chickens, as soon as I do, I will hit you back.
Ainda não encontrei a morada actual, mas não temam, crianças, pois, quando encontrar, eu ligo.
All you can do is be patient while he's in this altered state, but he'll be back to his old self soon.
A única coisa que pode fazer agora é ser paciente enquanto ele estiver assim alterado, mas logo logo ele vai voltar ao normal.
Gordon's not back yet, but he should be here soon.
O Gordon ainda não chegou, mas não deve demorar.
We'll return everyone's metal just as soon as we get the Smokebreaths back to Breakneck Bog.
Devolveremos o metal de todos assim que devolvermos os Smokebreaths ao Pântano Breakneck.
Sorry, Flash, I don't think Twilight's gonna be back at Canterlot High any time soon.
Desculpa, Flash, mas não me parece a Twilight volte à Escola de Canterlot tão depressa.
You know, Twilight is going back to Equestria soon.
Sabem, a Twilight em breve vai voltar para Equestria.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Estarei de volta logo que puder.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Voltarei logo que possa.
But as soon as we started negotiating, they immediately pulled back and killed everyone.
Mas, assim que começamos a negociar, afastaram-se e mataram toda a gente.
Then we'd be on... so I know as soon as we get back, as soon as they get back, we're gonna be able to get it done.
Depois, estaríamos... Sei que, assim que retomarmos, assim que elas voltarem, vamos conseguir fazê-la.
We wanted to give it back as soon as possible.
Queremos devolvê-las o quanto antes.
Probably close the roads soon, if you're gonna head back.
Em breve vão fechar as estradas, para o caso de quereres voltar,
I don't know what's going on in your head, but if it's too soon to come back full time, - we can talk.
Não sei o que tens em mente, mas se é muito cedo para voltares de vez, nós podemos falar.
Taken too soon, but we know you're throwing back with Saint Peter now.
Tu que foste levado demasiado cedo, mas sabemos que estás a brindar com o São Pedro.
- You can get back to work soon, then.
Então não tarda, poderá voltar ao trabalho.
Great. Peter Gregory is on his way out of town so I'm gonna hustle out there and get him to co-sign these and the check, and I'll be back as soon as I can.
Peter Gregori está a sair da cidade, então, vou até lá para ele co-assinar os cheques e volto assim que puder.
I'll be back soon.
Volto em breve.
I'm the one who's gonna give you your name back as soon as I stop hearing you breathe.
Eu sou aquele que te vai devolver o nome assim que te ouvir parar de respirar.
How soon can you be back in neutral territory?
Quanto tempo demora a chegar a território neutro?
Didn't expect I'd get you back quite so soon, eh? Eh?
Não estava à espera que tirasse a desforra tão cedo, pois não?
We were gonna put all the money back in Cardiff's account as soon as we made some sales and we came back from COMDEX.
Íamos repor o dinheiro na conta do Cardiff mal fizéssemos umas vendas e voltássemos da COMDEX.
You'll be back on track soon enough.
Entras nos eixos não tarda nada.
As soon as you get back with my food,
Mal regresses com a minha comida,
I didn't expect you back so soon.
Não esperava que viesses tão rápido.
I will, of course, need to arrange transport back to Inverness as soon as possible.
Irei, claro, arranjar transporte de volta a Inverness assim que possível.
I must escape Castle Leach and get back to the stones as soon as possible or die trying.
Teria de fugir do Castelo Leoch e regressar às pedras o quanto antes ou morrer tentando.
Well, I'm sure it'll all come back to me soon.
Bem, de certeza que me vou lembrar de tudo em breve.
Soon as we get this whole "end of the world" thing sorted out, we get Irisa back to normal, not only am I gonna pay you back with interest, I'm going to take you out, get you good and drunk.
Assim que tivermos saido deste fim do mundo, e a Irisa ter regressado ao normal, não sou te pago com juros, como te levo a sair, para te animares e embebedares.
Oh, you'll feel fine as soon as you get back in this dress.
Oh, vai sentir-se bem tão rapidamente quanto vestir o vestido de novo.
I'll be on my way back to the city soon.
Em breve estou de voltar à cidade.
Trisha, as soon as we find our mother, you can have your car back, and we'll be on our way.
Trisha, mal encontremos a nossa mãe, devolver-lhe-emos o seu carro e iremos embora.
Oh. And Jessica wanted to see you as soon as you got back.
A Jessica queria falar contigo assim que voltasses.
As soon as we were back on our feet we were going to transition to a republic.
Assim que estivéssemos bem, íamos tornar-nos numa república.
I know a lot of you were worried about this little guy, but we found him safe and sound, and as soon as the dance is over, I am personally gonna be delivering him back to the manger, so... that... ahem... there's that.
Sei que muitos de vocês estavam preocupados com este pequenote, mas encontrámo-lo são e salvo, e assim que o baile terminar, irei pessoalmente devolvê-lo à manjedoura. É tudo.
As soon as we're done here, we'll take him back to his pops.
Assim que acabarmos, vamos devolvê-lo ao pai.
Call me back as soon as you can.
Ligue-me assim que puder.
soon 2051
sooner 34
soong 17
sooner than you think 21
sooner or later 669
sooner rather than later 23
sooner the better 24
soon after 36
soon enough 99
back the fuck up 47
sooner 34
soong 17
sooner than you think 21
sooner or later 669
sooner rather than later 23
sooner the better 24
soon after 36
soon enough 99
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back in business 17
back home 188
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back in town 16
back up 1292
back off 1570
back then 441
back in business 17
back home 188
back to school 26
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146
back me up 80
back to square one 51
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146