Back door traduction Portugais
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- The back door! Back door! - Shit!
Porta dos fundos.
Tatiana has her back door is always open.
Tu sabes, Tatiana, sempre deixa a porta dos fundos aberta.
It's under the mat on the back door.
Está debaixo do tapete na porta das traseiras.
There's a back door.
Há uma porta das traseiras.
He just went to through back door.
Simplesmente foi até a porta das traseiras.
And by the back door, the back streets.
E pela porta das traseiras, pelas estradas de trás.
If we could figure out a way downstairs, we could get out the back door - and he'd never see us.
Se descobríssemos uma maneira de descer podíamos sair pela porta dos fundos e ele nem ia notar.
Who? Bloke who slipped in the back door after that strife in London.
Um que entrou à socapa, depois daquela rixa em Londres.
You'd better use the back door.
É melhor usarem a porta das traseiras.
How come you use the back door?
Por que veio pelas traseiras?
I took Paola and Manuel to the bathroom, and I saw the back door, and I just started thinking, this is it.
Levei a Paola e o Manuel aos lavabos e vi a porta das traseiras. E pensei : é a minha oportunidade.
Not know. - Go to the back door and shut it.
Não sabemos. Vamos ver agora o que se passa com os geradores.
Did I lock the back door?
Fechei a porta dos fundos? "
You left the back door unlocked.
A porta dos fundos está aberta.
Whoever it was came up through the service elevator. Picked the lock on the back door, sedated her, taped her up, got her in a duffel bag.
Quem a levou veio pelo elevador de serviço, entrou pela porta das traseiras, sedou-a, amarrou-a, e pô-la num saco.
Forgot the back door was open.
- Esqueci-me da porta aberta.
The latch on the back door.
- O quê? O trinco da porta de trás.
Out the back door!
Saiam pela porta de trás!
When you are born with sex appeal in the forest called Hollywood you'll find more wolves at your back door than that little red riding hood now she and her little old grandma could have learned from the men I've dated
When you are born with sex appeal in the forest called Hollywood you'll find more wolves at your back door than that little red riding hood now she and her little old grandma could have learned from the men I've dated
Look, if I could sneak you out the back door with a couple of pills, believe me, I would do it.
Se o pudesse mandar embora com um monte de comprimidos, acredite que mandava.
Back door, go!
Porta das traseiras, vai!
There's a back door.
A porta das traseiras.
The reason we don't have you on camera coming back out of the theater is because you walked in, walked right out the back door and hooked up with Mark.
A razão que não a vemos a sair do cinema no vídeo é porque você entrou, saiu pelas traseiras e encontrou-se com o Mark.
Back door open.
I got your call, I grabbed her when she came in the back door.
Recebi a sua chamada, agarrei nela quando entrou pela porta das traseiras.
And that's when you slip right out the back door, where I'II be waiting for you.
Então, sais pela porta das traseiras. Vou estar lá à tua espera.
Morgan, he's a white male, baseball cap, he's headed towards the back door.
Morgan, é um tipo branco com um boné de beisebol. Está a ir para a porta das traseiras.
But you got to think, now, how would your mama advise you, if we were sitting in her kitchen, having this conversation, eating jam cake at that little fold-out table just to the right of the back door that she never locks?
Mas agora tem de pensar, que conselho lhe daria a sua mãe, se estivesse na cozinha dela, a ter esta conversa, a comer torta de compota naquela mesinha desdobrável à direita da porta das traseiras que ela nunca tranca?
No, I use the back door by the garage.
Não, eu... Eu entro pela porta da garagem.
As soon as he's off the plunger, I can find the back door to this thing and defuse the mine.
Assim que encontrar o êmbolo, posso mexer no mecanismo, e neutralizar a mina.
Yeah, we rigged mini-chargers on the back door's hinges.
Colocámos mini cargas nas dobradiças da porta das traseiras.
Front door, back door...
Porta da frente, porta de trás...
Oh, back door!
Porta de trás!
The back door.
A porta dos fundos.
What if you opened the door and say, "Hey, I'm back."
Como seria se ele abrisse a porta e dissesse, "Hey, voltei!"
It's in the employee parking in the back, and the passenger door is unlocked. Yes, I did.
Door's out back.
A porta é lá atrás.
"Peter in an open airplane door " Slapping other Peters on the back as they parachute out. "
"Peter ao pé da porta aberta de um avião a bater a outros Peters nas costas enquanto saltam de pára-quedas"?
You just sit back and let your agent knock on every door in Hollywood till he gets you an acting job.
É só relaxares e deixares o teu agente bater a todas as portas em Hollywood até te arranjar um papel.
It was a friggin'mistake, because I dreamt my door came back.
E foi um tremendo erro... porque sonhei que a minha porta tinha voltado.
Have this door open by the time we get back.
Quero a porta aberta quando voltarmos!
We in the back, and we just opened the door, and we go...
Estávamos nas traseiras, abrimos a porta, e dissemos...
The front door was locked, so I came in the back- - no pun intended.
A porta da frente estava trancada, então entrei por trás. Sem segundas intenções.
After we open this door, there's no going back.
Depois de abrirmos esta porta, não há mais volta a dar.
He even asked to exit out the back door.
Até pediu para sair pela porta das traseiras.
Uh, it's in the back there- - First door on your right.
- Apenas a casa de banho. - Primeira porta à direita.
I'll take my mother down the back stairs, and if you wait at this door, we can take the guards out then.
Vou levar a minha mãe pelas escadas das traseiras e se esperares nessa porta, podemos afastar os guardas.
See the door in the back wall?
Estás a ver a porta no fundo?
Eliminate all the tread patterns that move toward the door of the brownstone and then back out again... these would suggest that the apartment was shown that day and are not connected to our murder, yeah?
Elimina as pegadas que se movem em direcção ao prédio e depois saem, indica que os apartamentos foram mostrados naquele dia e não estão ligados ao homicídio.
On the other side of that door is all the money you lost, and then we move back into your townhouse, and I masturbate in your tub for a change.
Do outro lado da porta, está todo o dinheiro que perdeste, mudamo-nos para a tua casa da cidade e masturbo-me na tua banheira, para variar.
"Back-door experience essential, girl-on-girl required as and when."
"Experiência traseira requerida, miúda-com-miúda também."
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door was open 50
door slams 187
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door was open 50
door slams 187
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
doorbell ringing 46
door shuts 99
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door neighbor 57
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
doorbell ringing 46
door shuts 99
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
door squeaks 18
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door creaking 24
door buzzes 59
doorbell buzzes 17
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
door squeaks 18
door to door 18
door creaks 69
door creaking 24
door buzzes 59
doorbell buzzes 17